Mickey W. Mantle, Ron Lichty, "Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams, 2nd Edition"
ISBN: 0135667364 | 2019 | EPUB/PDF (conv) | 544 pages | 11 MB/9 MB
Even today, many software projects still run catastrophically over schedule and budget; some organizations simply conclude that software development can’t be managed well. But it can – and it starts with people. In their eagerly awaited, extensively updated Managing the Unmanageable, Second Edition, Mickey W. Mantle and Ron Lichty show how software managers can hire and develop programmers and build teams that are truly, consistently manageable.
Mantle and Lichty write for software managers at all levels, especially those who’ve recently moved into management. Drawing on their combined 80 years of software development and management experience, and the insights and wisdom of other successful managers, they guide you in:
Hiring the right people
Motivating them
Building a culture of excellence
Managing “up” to gain buy-in from the executive suite
Leading your teams to deliver outstanding products – consistently on time and budget
Significant updates in this edition include:
A new chapter on software management in agile environments, with modern agile coverage woven in throughout the book
Solutions for managing your youngest developers (beyond millennials)
Making the most of today’s developer recruiting tools
Achieving quick wins by onboarding more effectively
Expanded coverage of managing (and removing) problem employees