Wireless Mesh Networks

Posted By: DZ123

Ian F. Akyildiz, Xudong Wang, "Wireless Mesh Networks"
English | 2009 | ISBN: 0470032561 | PDF | pages: 327 | 2.1 mb

Going beyond classic networking principles and architectures forbetter wireless performance
Written by authors with vast experience in academia andindustry, Wireless Mesh Networks provides its readers with athorough overview and in-depth understanding of thestate-of-the-art in wireless mesh networking. It offers guidance onhow to develop new ideas to advance this technology, and how tosupport emerging applications and services. The contents of thebook follow the TCP/IP protocol stack, starting from the physicallayer. Functionalities and existing protocols and algorithms foreach protocol layer are covered in depth. The book is written in anaccessible textbook style, and contains supporting materials suchas problems and exercises to assist learning.
Key Features:
- Presents an in-depth explanation of recent advances and openresearch issues in wireless mesh networking, and offers concreteand comprehensive material to guide deployment and productdevelopment
- Describes system architectures and applications of wirelessmesh networks (WMNs), and discusses the critical factorsinfluencing protocol design
- Explores theoretical network capacity and the state-of-the-artprotocols related to WMNs
- Surveys standards that have been specified and standard draftsthat are being specified for WMNs, in particular the lateststandardization results in IEEE 802.11s, 802.15.5, 802.16 meshmode, and 802.16 relay mode
- Includes an accompanying website with PPT-slides, furtherreading, tutorial material, exercises, and solutions
Advanced students on networking, computer science, andelectrical engineering courses will find Wireless MeshNetworks an essential read. It will also be of interest towireless networking academics, researchers, and engineers atuniversities and in industry.