Pediatric Sonography, Third edition (repost)

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Pediatric Sonography, Third edition by Marilyn J. Siegel MD
English | December 15, 2001 | ISBN-10: 0781727537 | 749 pages | DJVU | 19,4 Mb

Now in its Third Edition, Pediatric Sonography has been revised and expanded to give you a complete working knowledge of the latest scanning technologies and the growing clinical applications of ultrasound in pediatric patients.

You'll find just the guidance you need to determine which imaging method is most appropriate for evaluating a specific clinical problem…conduct the sonographic exam…recognize the sonographic appearance of normal anatomy as well as disease processes within each organ system…be more aware of technical and interpretative errors that can affect evaluations…and understand why this cost-effective, non-invasive technique is ideal for imaging children. This edition features more than 1,700 clear, sharp images…more pulsed Doppler sonograms…and more color images.