Designing and Leading a Successful SAR: A Guide for Sex Therapists, Sexuality Educators, and Sexologists

Posted By: Underaglassmoon

Designing and Leading a Successful SAR: A Guide for Sex Therapists, Sexuality Educators, and Sexologists
Routledge | English | 2017 | ISBN-10: 1138236993 | 214 pages | PDF | 1.72 mb

by Patti Britton (Author), Robert E. Dunlap (Author)

This professional guidebook and training manual introduces the Sexual Attitudes Reassessment and Restructuring (SAR) training program for professionals working in the broad field of sexology. The authors, who have led 43 SAR training programs in seven different countries, provide an overview of the history and modern day context of SARs in the first part of the book. In Part II, they provide a toolkit for creating your own SAR, using 21 photocopiable workbook pages, handy checklists, and practical tips. Part III focuses on lessons learned from past SARs and future predictions for cutting-edge SARs. This book is necessary reading for clinicians and educators who wish to offer SAR training programs or integrate “The SAR Approach” into their practice.