
Posted By: insetes

Stroke By Richard I. Lindley
2008 | 96 Pages | ISBN: 0199212724 | PDF | 2 MB

Stroke is a common cause of disability and the third most common cause of death but fails to attract much public attention. This book seeks to redress the balance by describing who suffers strokes and why. Anyone can have a stroke, but why is it mainly a disease of older age? Why do babies and children get strokes? What should we do for suspected stroke? How should stroke be treated and perhaps more importantly, how can we all make changes to our lives to prevent this happening to ourselves and our family. In this book, a large amount of reliable research data has been summarised to provide an authoritative evidence based medicine guide to stroke definition, incidence, management and prevention. This book will be of great interest to those who have had a stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack, and for those who are concerned about having a stroke. Students and healthcare professionals will find it a useful introduction to stroke medicine. The author, a leading professor of geriatric medicine and stroke expert, puts stroke in its public health context and emphasises that we already know a huge amount but have often failed to implement strategies to improve stroke care and prevent stroke in the first place.