Complex Dynamics: Twenty-Five Years after the Appearance of the Mandelbrot Set

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Complex Dynamics: Twenty-Five Years after the Appearance of the Mandelbrot Set By Robert L. Devaney and Linda Keen (ed.)
2006 | 218 Pages | ISBN: 0821836250 | DJVU | 3 MB

Chaotic behavior of (even the simplest) iterations of polynomial maps of the complex plane was known for almost one hundred years due to the pioneering work of Farou, Julia, and their contemporaries. However, it was only twenty-five years ago that the first computer generated images illustrating properties of iterations of quadratic maps appeared. These images of the so-called Mandelbrot and Julia sets immediately resulted in a strong resurgence of interest in complex dynamics. The present volume, based on the talks at the conference commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the appearance of Mandelbrot sets, provides a panorama of current research in this truly fascinating area of mathematics