Water in Mining Conference Proceedings 2009

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Water in Mining Conference Proceedings 2009 By
2009 | 276 Pages | ISBN: 189399791X | PDF | 13 MB

This 2009 conference addressed two technical issues of the time, water and energy. The proceedings include papers covering areas such as treatment technologies and treatment practices, water efficiency and quality, water accounting and auditing, as well as probabilistic forecasting and systems modelling and a number of papers from operating mines. Management of groundwater was an important theme for the conference. This is supported by a number of papers dealing with groundwater management in different regions around Australia. A welcome elaboration of this conference, compared to the previous water in mining events, are the papers dealing with minerals processing; improving the flow sheet and understanding of emergent phenomena arise in several papers. Content: Front Matter • Table of Contents •Section 1. Keynote Addresses 1. Minerals, Water and Biodiversity - Exploring the Interfaces 2. Worth its Salt - How Eutectic Freeze Crystallisation Can be Used to Recover Water and Salt from Hypersaline Mine Waters 3. When Best Water Use Efficiency is Not Enough, What Can the Mining Industry Do? •Section 2. Mine Water Treatment 4. A Simple and Proven Technology for Reclaiming Acidic Mine Waters 5. Water Treatment Upgrade at Sepon Mine 6. Biological Sulfate Reduction with Primary Sewage Sludge in an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed Reactor 7. Application of Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis for Mine Wastewater Reuse 8. Continuous Ion Exchange Technologies - Better Ways to Use and Reuse Water in Mining •Section 3. Mineral Processing 9. Water Management Issues with Processing Magnetite Ores 10. The Water Efficient Plant of the Future - Towards a Holistic Process Chain Approach 11. Factors Affecting Flocculation within Gravity Thickeners 12. Water Chemistry in Mineral Separations - Myths, Misconceptions and Practical Aspects 13. The Impact of Recycling on Process Water Quality in Mineral Processing •Section 4. Pilbara/Groundwater 14. The Use of Stable Isotopes of Oxygen, Hydrogen and Carbon to Understand Groundwater Dynamics in the Hamersley Basin, Western Pilbara Region, Northwest Australia 15. The Use of Major Ion Analysis and Stable Isotopes δO18 and δH2 to Distinguish Groundwater Flow in Karijini National Park, Western Australia 16. Groundwater Management Guidelines for Mining Industry in Arid Western Australia - Examples from the Pilbara 17. Pardoo Groundwater Investigation - Deriving Aquifer Parameters of the Ord Range, Western Australia 18. Water Supply Options for the Pilbara 19. Storage and Time - A Paradigm for Aquifer Pressure Management beneath Open Cut Mines •Section 5. Regional Thinking/Perspectives 20. Thinking Outside the Lease - Towards a Strategic View of Regional Water Management by the Mining Industry 21. Isaac River Cumulative Impact Assessment of Mining Developments 22. Water Resources Management in Iron Mining in the State of Minas Gerais (Brazil) and Some Benefits of an Automation System 23. Managing the Cumulative Groundwater Impacts of Multiple Iron Ore Projects at Cape Preston (or ... One Plus One Plus One Plus One Does Not Equal Four) •Section 6. Water Efficiency/Accounting 24. Paste and Thickened Tailings Disposal - Recovering Water and Reducing Environmental Impact 25. An Assessment of Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines and Boddington Gold Mine Water Sources and Proposed Water Auditing Framework Underpinning Improved Water Allocation Compliance and Reporting 26. Developing a Water Accounting Framework for the Australian Minerals Industry 27. Dewatering Bore Pumps - Reducing Costs and Emissions by Maximising Pumping Efficiency over Time •Section 7. Water Quality/Quantity Dynamics 28. Pit Water Management in a Mine Planning Cycle, Olympic Dam Case Study 29. The Post-Mining Water Balance 30. Salt Dissolution Dynamics on Surface Mine Spoils 31. Holistic Management of Sulfides at Rio Tinto Iron Ore's Pilbara Mine Sites 32. Water Resources in Australian Mine Pit Lakes 33. Sustainable Water Use at Olympic Dam 34. Understanding Mine Site Water and Salt Dynamics to Support Integrated Water Quality and Quantity Management Author Index

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