Godot from Zero to Proficiency (Intermediate)

Posted By: readerXXI

Godot from Zero to Proficiency (Intermediate) :
A step-by-step guide to programming your first FPS with GDScript

by Patrick Felicia
English | 2021 | ASIN: B099BBVVC2 | 208 Pages | ePUB | 8 MB

Get started with Godot and game programming fast without the headaches

Godot is a great software to create video games; however, it includes so many options and features that getting started can feel overwhelming.

Without my book, most people spend too long trying to learn how to use Godot and GDScript the hard way. This book is the only one that will get you to learn GDScript fast without wasting so much time. It is the third book in the series “Godot from Zero to Proficiency” where you will learn to code fast and be able to create your own video games with Godot in no time.

After completing this book, you will be able to:

Learn intermediate GDScript concepts including: timers, ray-casting, templates, co-routines, match structures, functions, loops, classes, enums.
Create intelligent robots that target and shoot at the player.
Create a weapon management system.
Create an FPS game where the player has to defeat intelligent enemies and escape a space station
Create intelligent NPCs who can navigate, detect and follow the player, and use weapons.
Control 3D-animated characters from your scripts.

This book is for:

Hobbyists who need a book that gets them to be proficient with GDScript and game development easily.
Parents looking for a book that introduces their children to game programming painlessly.
Teachers looking for a complete and clear resource on programming through the creation of games.
Aspiring indie game developers.

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