The New Immigrants: Mexican Americans

Posted By: yousufhunk

The New Immigrants: Mexican Americans
Chelsea House Publications | September 2006 | ISBN-10: 0791087859 | 150 pages | PDF | 1.9 MB

Mexican Americans (New Immigrants (Chelsea House))
Michael J. Schroeder (Author), Robert D. Johnston (Editor)
Focused primarily on the achievements and hardships of Mexican American immigrants since the passage of the Immigration and Naturalization Services Act in 1965, this book in The New Immigrants series offers an important historical understanding of how U.S. immigration issues and policies have evolved over the past few decades. Emphasizing the human side of the story, the book looks at the lives of ordinary and well-known Mexican Americans who have had an impact on U.S. culture and history. The book addresses such important topics as discrimination and prejudices faced by Mexican American immigrants, their struggles with cultural and social identity, and the development of organized political activism.