Solid State & Nuclear Physics

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Solid State & Nuclear Physics by M.K. Tiwari
English | 2022 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B08YXMP2BS | 293 pages | PDF | 20 Mb

SYLLABUS- Solid State & Nuclear Physics, Unit-I Crystal Structure: Lattice translation vectors and lattice, Symmetry operations, Basis and Crystal structure, Primitive Lattice cell, Two-dimensional lattice types, systems, Number of lattices, Point groups and plane groups, Three dimensional lattice types, Systems, Number of Lattices, Points groups and space groups. Index system for crystal planes Miller indices, Simple crystal structures, NaCI, hcp, diamond, Cubic ZnS; and hexagonal , Occurrence of Nonideal crysal structures, random stacking of polyprism, glasses.

Crystal Diffraction and Reciprocal Lattice: Incident beam, Bragg law, Experimental diffraction method, Laue method, Rotating crystal method, Powder method, Derivation of scattered 'wave amplitude, Fourier analysis, Reciprocal lattice vectors, Diffraction conditions, Ewald method, Brillion zones, Reciprocal lattice to sc, bcc and face lattices, Fourier analysis of the basis and atomic form factor. Unit-II

Crystal Bindings: Crystal of inert gases, Van der Walls-London interaction, repulsive interaction, Equilibrium lattice constants, Cohesive energy, compressibility and bulk modulus, ionic crystal, Madelung energy, evaluation of Madelung constant, Covalent crystals, Hydrogen-bonded crystals, Atomic radii.

Lattice Vibrations: Lattice Heat capacity, Einstein model, Vibrations of monatomic lattice, derivation of dispersion relation, First brillouin zone, group velocity, continuum limit, Force constants, Lattice with two atoms per primitive cell, derivation of ispersion relation, Acoustic and optical modes, Phonon momentum. Free electron theory, Fermi energy, density of states, Heat capacity of electron gas, Paramagnetic susceptibility of conduction electrons, Hall effect in metals. Origin of band theory, Qualitative idea of Bloch theorem, Kronig-Penney model, Number of orbitals in a band, conductor, Semi-conductor and insulators, Effective mass, Concept of holes.

Unit-III 1. General Properties of Nucleus: Brief survey of general Properties of the Nucleus, Mass defect and binding energy, charges, Size, Spin and Magnetic moment, Bainbridge mass spectrograph. 2. Nuclear Forces: Saturation phenomena and Exchange forces, Deutron ground state properties. 3. Nuclear Models: Liquid drop model and Bethe Weiszacker mass formula, Single particle shell model (only the level scheme in the context of reproduction of magic numbers). 4. Natural Radioactivity: Fundamental laws of radioactivity, Soddy-Fajan's displacement law and law of radioactive disintegration, Basic ideas about a, and decay.

Unit-IV 1. Nuclear Reactions: Nuclear reactions and their conservation laws, Cross section of nuclear reactions, Theory of fission (Qualitative), Nuclear reactors and Nuclear fusion. 2. Accelerators and detectors: Vande Graff, Cyclotron and Synchrotron, Interaction of charged particles and gamma rays with matter (qualitative), GM counter, Scintillation counter and neutron detectors.

3. Elementary Particles: Basic classification based on rest mass, Spin and half life, particle interactions (gravitational, Electromagnetic, week and strong Interactions).

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