«The Clock and Wand» by Sudhanshu Shekhar

Posted By: Gelsomino

«The Clock and Wand» by Sudhanshu Shekhar
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About the book:The story starts with a king and queen of Opal forest. The all ten world of books has been closed only when there is exchange of clock and wand by the fairies to a boy? The boy saves the Opal forest from the evil fairies and witches.

The starting of the story as :— Once upon a time there was an animal kingdom in the forest. The name of the forest was Opal. It lived many animals in that forest. There were king and queen of the forest. They lived in a palace the name of the palace was Crock. And the name of the king was Jax. The queen name was Wadia. The forest world was dense and large. All animals were happy in that forest. Only the problem was that all the witches of the forest torture the little animals brutally. For witches know magic. The king and queen did not feel happy when he/she hears the news of torturing the animal by the witches. Actually all witches lived inside the forest by hiding themselves. And all the witches wanted to rule the animal kingdom. But being weaker than the king bravery they did not rule. And also it was not easy for the king and queen to catch the witches. And the story of the witches was that when they are arrested, they are kept in a small round prison of iron whose size was small. One day one dangerous and strong witch was caught and she was half mad. She was kept in hard prison. And someone inside the animal kingdom does not like the prison of witch. That was a half man horse. He was the secret friend of evil witch.