A Matter of Security - The Application of Attachment Theory to Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology

Posted By: dostiers
Attachment theory as developed by John Bowlby has since the 1960s stimulated theorizing about the normal and psychopathological development of children, women and men. In an unprecedented way it demonstrated how psychological functioning depends on adequate emphatic interaction from the very beginning of life. The quality of the interaction between the newborn and his or her caregiver, the attachment patterns experienced, the developing process of mentalization of these experiences and the resulting attachment representations are crucial for how an adult will interact with other persons and his or her environment. This volume gathers a body of original work on attachment theory applied to forensic psychiatry and psychotherapy, and also some previously published seminal work from this field. Edited by Friedemann Pfäfflin and Gwen Adshead A.Matter.Of.Security.Application.Of.Attachment.Theory.To.Forensic.Psychiatry.And.Psychology Password: www.AvaxHome.ru