Steven M. Bragg, «Accounting for Payroll: A Comprehensive Guide»

Posted By: Alexpal

Steven M. Bragg, «Accounting for Payroll: A Comprehensive Guide»
John Wiley & Sons | ISBN 0471251089 | 2004 Year | PDF | 1,25 Mb | 305 Pages

The most comprehensive resource available on the subject, Accounting for Payroll: A Comprehensive Guide provides up-to-date information to enable users to handle payroll accounting in the most cost-effective manner.

From creating a system from scratch to setting up a payroll department to record-keeping and journal entries, Accounting for Payroll provides the most authoritative information on the entire payroll process. Ideal for anyone new to the payroll system or as a skill-honing tool for those already immersed in the field, this hands-on reference provides step-by-step instructions for setting up a well-organized payroll system or improving an existing one. –This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

This unique book deals with the management of the payroll function. It covers payroll control systems, best practices, measurements and reports, and cost accounting and outsourcing-all the topics that a practicing accountant is most concerned about.


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