Adrian Waddington, The Creative Calligraphy Sourcebook: Choose from 50 Imaginative Projects and 28 Alphabets To...

Posted By: irm
Adrian Waddington
The Creative Calligraphy Sourcebook: Choose from 50 Imaginative Projects and 28 Alphabets To…

Product Details
ISBN: 0823005542
Publisher: Watson-Guptill Publications
Publication Date: September 1996
Language: English
Illustrations: Yes
Pages: 144
Format | Size: PDF | ~140 mb

Do you make your own greeting cards and wish you could write beautifully instead of depending on rubber stamps for what you want to say? Would you like to hand letter a gorgeous sign, perhaps a poem and frame it but your third grade teacher was right when she said you had poor handwriting? Then this book is for you.
Mr Waddington carefully teaches many beautiful styles of calligraphy, the Caroline manuscript which most people are familiar with as well as my favorite, the italics, with quite a few other styles thrown in for good measure. You will learn the process step by step, from the materials you will need to the technique to keep from smearing the ink.
So buy this book and the next time you make a card with all your love and attention to detail, you won't have to settle for a greeting that doesn't suit what you want to say - you'll be able to beautifully express yourself in yor words as well as the appearance of your words.

part 1 | 45 mb
part 2 | 45 mb
part 3 | 45 mb
part 4 | 4 mb
password: iRT

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