Frontend web developer Modern HTML CSS JavaScript
Last updated 2/2024
Duration: 11h49m | .MP4 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 5.05 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Last updated 2/2024
Duration: 11h49m | .MP4 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 5.05 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Quick Starting guide for Web design covering all the modern coding syntax for HTML CSS and JavaScript and JavaScript DOM
What you'll learn
How to create web pages with HTML and CSS
Create interactive web content with JavaScript
Basics of coding JavaScript
Bring your web pages to life with Code
Modern Responsive WebSites
Interactive and Dynamic Web Pages
Basic computer skills
Basic internet skills
How to install and setup applications
Web Design for Beginners Modern HTML CSS JavaScript coding
Learn how to
How to create web pages with HTML and CSS
Create interactive web content with JavaScript
Basics of coding JavaScript
Bring your web pages to life with Code
Modern Responsive WebSites
Interactive and Dynamic Web Pages
Are you curious about creating websites, this course is the perfect place to start.
Enroll now to get instant access to:
9+ hours of premium lessons
16 page downloadable workbook HTML source code, tips, resources and challenges
32 page downloadable workbook CSS includes source code, tips, resources and challenges
10 + 17 page downloadable workbooks JavaScript includes source code, tips, resources and challenges
Premium instructor support to help you learn
Lifetime access to course updates
Learn all the core fundamentals of modern web design, covering all the commonly used syntax for HTML and CSS. This course is designed to get you started quickly and easily with creating web pages.
Course covers all the essentials so that you can begin quickly on your journey to create amazing looking websites. Add JavaScript to make your web pages come to life.
Covering the core concepts of JavaScript so that you can try the code and get familiar with what it does. Using JavaScript you can access the HTML DOM in the browser which allows you to interact and manipulate web page content. JavaScript creates the interactive and dynamic content seen today in all major modern web pages.
Explore how you can start coding quickly and focus on designing your webpages, loaded with source code and examples.
Each section comes with a PDF guide that includes useful section resources, and source code from the lessons so that you can try the code for yourself.
Learn HTML -
how to create an HTML file and structure your HTML code in a modern format ready to be styled. Lessons of this section cover how to get started with coding and creating web pages.
Setup your Editor and create HTML files
Debug your code
HTML tags for page structure
What makes up an HTML element
What are Self closing Tags
How to use Element Attributes
Linking pages together with Hyperlinks
Adding Images to your web page
Lists and Tables for readable content
Semantic Page elements
How to create a simple webpage
Go live with a Github page and your HTML site
Learning HTML covers the following code.
Editor and setup to write HTML - create an html file
Anatomy of an HTML element - opening tag, content, element, closing tag
4 must add tags for HTML pages html, head, title, body
Comments in Code
Create a basic template
Introduction to common HTML tags <h1><p><div><span>
Self closing tags <hr><br>
Tag attributes (id, style, class)
<a> anchor tag hyperlinks connecting pages
<img> add images- self closing tags
Lists <li> <ol> <ul>
tables <table><tr><td> <th>
HTML semantic elements <nav><header><section><article><aside><footer>
Learn CSS
What CSS is and how you can style your web pages with Cascading Style Sheets. HTML provides structure for your webpage, CSS allows you to style your page. Design the page with your style, setup page layouts, add colors, fonts, and more. Present your web pages as you want them to look, independent of the HTML you can make your web content look and style as you imagine it should.
Explore how to add CSS to your HTML page
How to add colors to page element backgrounds and text
What the box model is and how you can apply borders, margins, and padding to any page element.
Style the text, update the font and customize your text output.
Update you links, adding Pseudo classes to your page elements
How to apply display properties, position and floats to set up your page layout.
Really useful CSS properties explored
CSS combinators for selection of elements.
How to build a responsive webpage with CSS float, CSS grid and CSS flexbox.
Use CSS Cascading Style Sheets common syntax covered in this section.
Google Chrome Dev Tools
Adding Styling to HTML tags style <style> link to CSS file
CSS rule CSS Syntax (Selector) (Declaration) {Property:value}
Element Selection by tag name, id, class
Comments in Code
Colors - Color types named colors HEX RGB RGBA
Background - color - image - repeat - attachment - position - background shorthand
Box Model - Borders - Margins - Padding - Height and Width
Text - text-align text-decoration text-transform
Fonts - font-style Google Fonts
Link states - a:link a:visited a:hover a:active
Display Properties - inline - none - block
Position : static relative fixed absolute sticky
Float and clear left right and none
CSS combinators for selection - space child selector >
Pseudo-classes - :hover, :first-child, last-child, :nth-child(2)
Pseudo-Elements - ::first-line , ::first-letter, ::after
Web Design Floats - Responsive design
CSS Grid - display: grid; grid-template-areas:
CSS Flexbox - axis row and column
Learn JavaScript Basics
JavaScript code runs your browser as your html page loads. Adding JavaScript to your code can improve the user experience of the web page. Go from a static webpage to an interactive one with JavaScript. This section will cover the basics of getting started with JavaScript and the code syntax to write JavaScript code. JavaScript is a set of instructions you can add in your code to let the browser know what to do next.
Variables are at the heart of coding
The different data types of JavaScript and how JavaScript can set the data type.
The power of Objects and Arrays and how you can use them to store multiple values in one variable.
Operators to provide calculations within your code
Functions to run predefined blocks of code as needed.
Conditions for logic within your code
Loops to save time and iterate over blocks of code
Learn JavaScript to make your webpages more interactive.
JavaScript Introduction alert prompt
Variables Let and Const
Arrays and Objects
Data Types
Loops Do While, For, While, for each
Learn JavaScript DOM
JavaScript and the DOM
Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML documents, that is the logical structure of a page and how the page content can be accessed and manipulated. Bring your web pages to life with JavaScript and connect to the web page elements. Create fully interactive content that responds to the user. Create Dynamic web page content that can change without page refresh and present new elements and updated content to the user. Improve your web users experience with JavaScript and the DOM.
What is the DOM Document Object Model
How to select elements from your webpage with JavaScript
Manipulate and change your page elements with JavaScript
How to set styling attributes for elements
Make them interactive with Event listeners
DOM events and Page events with JavaScript
How to create elements with code and add them to your webpage
Moving elements and animation of elements.
Element Selection
DOM tree
Multiple Elements selection
Element Manipulation
Adding event listeners
Input Values
Create Elements
Element Movement
Window events
Document Events
Keyboard Events
Tracking key presses
Who this course is for:
Beginner to web design
Anyone who wants to learn more about coding
Anyone curious to learn HTML CSS and JavaScript
Anyone who wants a quick and easy way to start coding
Anyone who wants to create websites
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