The Woodgoddess

Posted By: Alexpal

The Woodgoddess | 110 Mb

The Woodgoddess: Whether she is a huntress, a mythical creature or simply a guardian of the wood she is perfectly outfitted for any adventure.
This fantastical package for V4 includes the complete ourfit (and weapons) and three unique sets of textures. Included in the V4 pieces are fit morphs for both Aiko4, Victoria Elite and the V4 creature legs.


Complete Outfit for V4 including 3 sets of textures
o shirt
o shorts
o leggings
o moccasins
o belt (with pouch)
o feathered armband
o gloves
o hood with antlers and other "jewlery"
o axe (both L and R handed)
o sword (both L & R handed)

Included Morphs:


(In Body)
o BodyBuilder
o Amazon
o Young
o Voluptuous
o UtopianBody
o FantasiaBody
o SylphBody
o AikoBody
o AikoPetite
o A4Realistic
o A4Stylized
o Aery Soul's Alice 2

(In Right Shoulder)
o Feather Movement
+ FeathersOut1
+ FeathersOut2
+ FeathersOut3
+ FeathersFront
+ FeathersBack
+ FeathersLengthen
+ FeathersWiden
o Tie Movement
+ TieBack
+ TieDown
+ TieDown2
+ TieUp
+ TieUp2
o Adjustments
+ A_Front_Out
+ A_Back_Out-In
+ A_Top_Out-In
+ A_Bottom_Out-In


(In Body)
o Aery Soul's Alice 2
o BodyBuilder
o Fitness
o Amazon
o Young
o Voluptuous
o HipsSize
o WaistWidth
o ThighsTone
o GlutesSize
o UtopianBody
o FantasiaBody
o SylphBody
o AikoBody
o AikoPetite
o A4Realistic
o A4Stylized
o Fit Creature legs

(In Hip)
o Adjustments
+ PouchScale
+ A_PouchBend_Up
+ A_RightSide_Up
+ A_LSide_Up
+ A_LeftSide_Out
+ A_LeftSide2_Out-In
+ A_RightSide_Out
+ A_RightSide2_Out-In
+ A_Back_Out
+ A_LeftBack_Out
+ A_RightBack_out
+ A_Front_Out
+ A_LeftFront_Out
+ A_LeftFront2_Out-In
+ A_RightFront_Out
+ A_RightFront2_Out-In
+ Tie and Fringe Movement
+ BFringeSwayBack
+ BFringeSwayFront
+ BFringeSwayL
+ BFringeBendR
+ BFringeSwayR
+ BTieBendBack
+ BTieBendFront
+ BTieBendLeft
+ BTieBendRight
+ BFringeDisperse1

o UtopianBody
o A_AdjustLeftCuff
o A_AdjustRightCuff


(In Body)
o BodyBuilder
o Fitness
o Amazon
o Voluptuous
o Young
o HipsSize
o CalvesFlex
o AikoBody
o AikoPetite
o A4Realistic
o A4Stylized
o UtopianBody
o FantasiaBody
o SylphBody
o Tie Movement
+ R_TieRight
+ R_TieLeft
+ R_TieBack
+ L_TieRight
+ L_TieLeft
+ L_TieBack
o Adjustments
+ AdjustShins


(In Body)
o FantasiaBody
o UtopianBody
o BodyBuilder
o Amazon
o Voluptuous
o Tie Movement
+ MLeftTieBend
+ MRightTieRight
+ MRightTieLeft
+ MRightTieBend
+ MLeftTieRight
+ MLeftTieLeft


(In Body)
o Aery Soul's Alice 2
o BodyBuilder
o Fitness
o Amazon
o Young
o Voluptuous
o UtopianBody
o FantasiaBody
o SylphBody
o AikoBody
o AikoPetite
o A4Realistic
o A4Stylized
o BreastSize
o BreastsLarge
o BreastsImplant
o TummyOut
o WaistWidth
o Fit Creature Legs
o Adjustments
+ A_UpperBackOut
+ A_LowerBackOut
+ A_UpperChestOut
+ A_ChestOut
+ A_RightStrapUp
+ A_LeftStrapUp
+ A_AdjustWaist
+ A_LowerSidesWiden

(In Abdomen)
o RTie_R
o RTie_F
o RTie_B
o LTie_L
o LTie_F
o LTie_B


(In Body)
o Amazon
o BodyBuilder
o Fitness
o Young
o Voluptuous
o TummyOut
o WaistWidth
o HipsSize
o HipsCrest
o GlutesSize
o GluteRaiseL
o GluteRaiseR
o ThighsTone
o ThighsThickness
o AikoBody
o AikoPetite
o A4Realistic
o A4Stylized
o UtopianBody
o FantasiaBody
o SylphBody
o Aery Soul's Alice 2
o Adjustments
+ A_AdjustThighs
+ A_AdjustButtocks
+ A_AdjustRightButtock
+ A_AdjustLeftButtock
+ A_RightHipFront
+ A_LeftHipFront
o Tie Movement
+ SRightTieRight
+ SRightTieFront
+ SRightTieBack
+ SLeftTieBack
+ SLeftTieFront
+ SLeftTieLeft
o Pant Leg Movement
+ R_LegFloat
+ R_LegFloat2
+ R_BlowLeft
+ R_BlowRight
+ R_FrontFloat2
+ R_FrontFloat1
+ R_BackFloat2
+ R_BackFloat1
+ L_LegFloat
+ L_LegFloat2
+ L_BlowRight
+ L_BlowLeft
+ L_FrontFloat2
+ L_FrontFloat1
+ L_BackFloat2
+ L_BackFloat1
o Creature Legs
+ Fit Creature Legs
+ A_AdjustRightLeg
+ A_AdjustLeftLeg

o Dreads
+ DBlowUp
+ DSwayBack
+ DBlowBack1
+ DBlowBack2
+ DBlowF1
+ DSwayR
+ DBlowR1
+ DBlowR2
+ DSwayL
+ DBendL1
+ DBlowL2
+ DLonger
o Hood
+ HBack1
+ HBack2
+ HBlowUp
+ HBackL
+ HBackR
+ HSwingL
+ HSwingR
+ HForward
+ HNarrow
+ HLCollarUp
+ HRCollarUp
o Flaps
+ LFlapF1
+ LFlapF2
+ LFlapL1
+ LFlapL2
+ LFlapR
+ LFlapB1
+ LFlapB2
+ LFlapB3
+ LFlapTwist
+ LFlapUp
+ RFlapF1
+ RFlapF2
+ RFlapL
+ RFlapR1
+ RFlapR2
+ RFlapB1
+ RFlapB2
+ RFlapB3
+ RFlapTwist
+ RFlapUp
+ RFlapLonger
+ LFlapLong-Short
+ FlapsGone
o Feather & Tooth
+ FeathersB
+ FeathersF
+ FeathersL
+ FeathersUp
+ FeathersLengthen
+ ToothBack
+ ToothFront
+ ToothL
+ ToothR
+ ToothUp
+ ToothLengthen
o Shaping Morphs
+ WidenCheeks
+ CheeksDeepen
+ TemplesWiden
+ BrowOut
+ NoseOut
+ NoseBridgeOut
+ MaskOut
+ EarRoom
+ HoodBackLarger
+ HoodSidesWider
+ AntlersLower-Higher
+ CloseHoodHole
+ HideAntlerHoles
+ Aery Soul's Alice 2
+ AntlersOnHead
+ A4Stylized
+ A4American
+ AikoBase

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