Consolidated Asterix Book Posts

Posted By: Rexx72
A Great Many Thanks to glen, alibibi, Dick Stele, nodm04 for their original shares. Additional Thanks to Quantas for filling requests. For French versions click here To get the complete Collection available here on AvaxHome has taken some effort as although we have had some great Posts & Comments they where/are scattered all over. Also most were/are on rapidshare which a lot of people seem to have a problem with. (No Bitching about Rapidshare, or other servers, in the comments please). I therefor decided to post a consolidation of all info available and have mirrored a lot to megaupload. The largest collection was listed in a comment by glen. I used this as a starting point although the numbering/order is flawed when compared to official data (included at bottom of post). --------------------------------------- This first list is the complete collection of links, thanks to glen, plus the mirrors to megaupload. (Good place to start if you haven't got any yet.) Files are in pdf format. Asterix 01 02 03 M url 41.36 MB R url Asterix 04 05 06 M url 39.57 MB R url Asterix 07 09 10 M url 43.39 MB R url Asterix 11 12 13 M url 40.90 MB R url Asterix 14 15 16 M url 39.13 MB R url Asterix 17 18 18 M url 42.5 MB R url Asterix 19 20 21 22 M url 40.61 MB R url Asterix 23 24 25 M url 42.88 MB R url Asterix 26 27 28 M url 41.76 MB R url Asterix 29 30 31 32 M url 42.02 MB R url Asterix 33 35 36 + M url 32.69 MB 1st Frieze R url 08 is missing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Second list Uses the 1st's Numbering of titles but indevers to offer you the alternatives in order to get individual books and/or different formats (i.e. pure jpg's). It also includes those books missing from the above. Not wanting to step on any toes, where the book was listed in an original post I've link the url's to that post. I'm hoping that everyone will step up and contribute to this post so that we can complete the collection. If you have any alternate links please either comment them or PM me with them I will then update the lists. Even if it's a link you cannot personally use (i.e. rapidshare) I will undertake to mirror them at your request. If a new post let me know so I can link to it from here. Link info laid out as follows: Sharer, Format, DL Server, Link 01 - Asterix the Gaul alibibi ? mytempdir url 02 - Asterix in Spain alibibi ? mytempdir url 03 - Asterix in Britain alibibi ? mytempdir url Dick Stele pdf Rapidshare url 04 - Asterix and Cleopatra Dick Stele pdf Rapidshare url 05 - Asterix and the Goths Dick Stele pdf Rapidshare url 06 - Asterix the Gladiator 07 - Asterix the Legionary 08 - Asterix in Switzerland Quantas cbr Upload2 url & Mirror 09 - Asterix and The Big Fight 10 - Asterix and the Roman Agent 11 - The Mansion of the Gods 12 - Asterix at the Olympic Games 13 - Asterix and the Laurel Wreath 14 - Asterix and the Soothsayer nodm04 jpg Rapidshare url 15 - Asterix and the Golden Sickle 16 - Asterix and the Great Crossing 17 - Asterix and the Cauldron 18 - Asterix and the Laurel Wreath 18 - Chieftain's Shield 19 - Asterix and Caesar's Gift 20 - Asterix and the Normans 22 - Obelix and Co 23 - Asterix and the Banquet 24 - Asterix in Corsica nodm04 jpg Rapidshare url 25 - Asterix in Belgium nodm04 jpg Rapidshare url 26 - Asterix and the Great Divide nodm04 jpg Rapidshare url 27 - Asterix and the Black Gold 28 - Asterix and Son 29 - Asterix Versus Caesar 30 - Asterix and the Magic Carpet nodm04 jpg Rapidshare url 32 - Asterix and the Secret Weapon 33 - How Obelix Fell into the Magic Potion 34 – Asterix Conquers America nodm04 jpg Rapidshare url 35 - Asterix and Obelix all at Sea 36 - Asterix and the Actress nodm04 jpg Rapidshare url jpg Rapidshare url The First Asterix Frieze (2003) Asterix and the Class Act (2005) Due for release on 14 Oct. Twelve Tasks of Asterix (1978) - Movie Book Asterix Operation Getafix (1990) - Movie Book Comments: n/a “ Official Comic Book Series (32+ Books, ordered by French original Publishing Date) The discrepancies between this list and the ones above can be put done to different release dates in US & UK and variances between publishers. Asterix (the * hehehe) denotes availability in above listings Goscinny and Uderzo * 1. 1961 - Asterix the Gaul (Astérix le Gaulois) * 2. 1962 - Asterix and the Golden Sickle (La Serpe d'or) * 3. 1963 - Asterix and the Goths (Astérix chez les Goths) * 4. 1964 - Asterix the Gladiator (Astérix gladiateur) * 5. 1965 - Asterix and the Banquet (Le Tour de Gaule) * 6. 1965 - Asterix and Cleopatra (Astérix et Cléopâtre) * 7. 1966 - Asterix and the Big Fight (Le Combat des chefs) * 8. 1966 - Asterix in Britain (Astérix chez les Bretons) * 9. 1966 - Asterix and the Normans (Astérix et les Normands) * 10. 1967 - Asterix the Legionary (Astérix légionnaire) * 11. 1968 - Asterix and the Chieftain's Shield (Le Bouclier arverne) * 12. 1968 - Asterix at the Olympic Games (Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques) * 13. 1969 - Asterix and the Cauldron (Astérix et le chaudron) * 14. 1969 - Asterix in Spain (Astérix en Hispanie) * 15. 1970 - Asterix and the Roman Agent (La Zizanie) * 16. 1970 - Asterix in Switzerland (Astérix chez les Helvètes) * 17. 1971 - The Mansions of the Gods (Le Domaine des dieux) * 18. 1972 - Asterix and the Laurel Wreath (Les Lauriers de César) * 19. 1972 - Asterix and the Soothsayer (Le Devin) * 20. 1973 - Asterix in Corsica (Astérix en Corse) * 21. 1974 - Asterix and Caesar's Gift (Le Cadeau de César) * 22. 1975 - Asterix and the Great Crossing (La Grande traversée). * 23. 1976 - Obelix and Co. (Obélix et Compagnie) * 24. 1979 - Asterix in Belgium (Astérix chez les Belges) Uderzo * 25. 1980 - Asterix and the Great Divide (Le Grand fossé) * 26. 1981 - Asterix and the Black Gold (L'Odyssée d'Astérix) * 27. 1983 - Asterix and Son (Le Fils d'Astérix) * 28. 1987 - Asterix and the Magic Carpet (Astérix chez Rahazade) * 29. 1991 - Asterix and the Secret Weapon (La Rose et le glaive) * 30. 1996 - Asterix and Obelix All at Sea (La Galère d'Obélix) * 31. 2001 - Asterix and the Actress (Astérix et Latraviata) 32. 2003 - Asterix and the Class Act (Astérix et la rentrée gauloise) 33. 2005 – Due for release on 14 Oct. Asterix Spinoffs published Twelve Tasks of Asterix (1978) - Movie Book * Asterix Versus Caesar (1986) - Movie Book Asterix Operation Getafix (1990) - Movie Book * Asterix Conquers America (1995) - Movie Book * The First Asterix Frieze (1985) * How Obelix Fell into the Magic Potion (1989) Dogmatix Series (16 English Translations) Large number of others. If you know somethings available online but don't see it in the list please let me know, or even better share a link to it. Asterix Movies Anybody got any of the movies to share? References: ” Other Info. Vah Vus has stated that - All the Asterix e-books in English are easily available thru eDonkeys, just search for "Asterix CC". -- If you have access to a p2p network that has any of the related files Getting it/them and sharing it here will be appreciated. To Send a PM (Private Message) click on the name of the person, then click on the button under " Персональные сообщения:" Software Courtesy of arthis If you want to build a pdf from a jpeg directory. Try this utility image2pdf+key code ( or mirrored to Megaupload jpg extractor from pdf. I've seen this software before but can't remember where. Do you know of any? Comic book Readers Courtesy of camadegato Viewers For E-Books, these tools doesn't require any installation - drag and drop to view or open from the viewer's menu. 1] Foxit Reader - reads PDF 2] CDisplay - reads CBR 3] iSilo - reads PDB 4] WinDjView - reads DJVU 5] ICE Reader - reads LIT, CHM, TXT, DOC, RTF or mirrored to Megaupload Courtesy of agore CDisplay is recommended and can also be found at see his comment for program details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Requests: As can be seen from above list the collection is almost complete. Filled - A complete copy of "Asterix in Switzerland " is the most urgent need. We Still don't have - Asterix and the Class Act The rest of the "other publications" would be great. However I think the 2 oustanding Movie books would round the collection off. - Twelve Tasks of Asterix - Asterix Operation Getafix If you can fill a request or have something to add, it would perhaps be best if you put a comment or PM me in stating what you intend to do and ETA of links here. That way we don't end up with 3 rapidshare links to the same file. If you don't like something I quoted from you, PM me and I'll remove it. "Have Fun"