Very useful evergreen books from Time-Life. Every book contains hundreds of color illustrations and photographs giving you step-by-step instructions on how to be expert in the Art of Woodworking.
The Art of Woodworking - Cabinetmaking
ISBN 0-8094-9904-5 Pag. 147, Year 1992, Format: pdf, Size: Mb 85,6
The Art of Woodworking - Cabinets And Bookcases.pdf
ISBN 0-8094-9945-2 Pag. 147, Year 1993, Format: pdf, Size: Mb 88,9
The Art of Woodworking - Classic American Furniture.pdf
ISBN 0-8094-9542-5 Pag. 147, Year 1995, Format: pdf, Size: Mb 95,2
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