Joan Sutherland, Nicola Rescigno, New York Opera Society Orchestra - Bellini: La Sonnambula (2000)

Posted By: ArlegZ

Joan Sutherland, Nicola Rescigno, New York Opera Society Orchestra - Bellini: La Sonnambula (2000)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 282 Mb | Total time: 73:33+75:55 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Gala | GL 100.545 | Recorded: 1961

There's little doubt that to have heard Sutherland in 1961 must have been really something. It was the year she found New York, and New York found her. This recording, along with the live recording of her early 1961 New York debut in Beatrice di Tenda are legendary moments. Both are concert performances, conducted by Nicola Rescigno.
This Sonnambula was in Carnegie Hall in December and just after her Met debut. The voice is astonishing. The 'Ah, non guinge' is sung with almost wild abandon, absolutely thrilling, and was described the next day by Harold Schonberg as "flawlessly performed pyrotechnics".

La Sonnambula (New York, Carnegie Hall, 5 December 1961)
Il Conte Rodolfo - Ezio Flagello
Teresa - Betty Allen
Amina - Joan Sutherland
Elvino - Renato Cioni
Lisa - Eileen Di Tullio
Alessio - Armand McLane
Un notaro - Leo Goeke
New York Opera Society Chorus
New York Opera Society Orchestra
Conductor - Nicola Rescigno

Bonus tracks: La Sonnambula (Venice, 26 May 1961)
Il Conte Rodolfo - Ivo Vinco
Teresa - Rosa Laghezza
Amina - Renata Scotto
Elvino - Alfredo Kraus
Lisa - Marisa Zotti
Coro e Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice di Venezia
Conductor - Nello Santi

Track List:
01. Atto I. Coro d'introduzione e cavatina: Tutto e gioia, tutto e festa
02. Stretta e coro: In Elvezia non v'ha rosa
03. Recitativo: Care compagne
04. Cavatina (prima parte): Come per me sereno
05. Cavatina (seconda parte): Sovra il sen la man mi rosa
06. Recitativo: Io piu di tutti, o Amina
07. Recitativo: Perdona, o mia diletta
08. Duetto: Prendi: l'anel ti dono
09. Scritti nel ciel gia sono… Ah! vorrei trovar parole
10. Recitativo: Come noioso e lungo il cammin
11. Recitativo e cavatina: Il mulino… Vi ravviso
12. Recitativo: Contezza del paese
13. Coro: A fosco cielo, a notte bruna
14. Recitativo: Basta cosi. Ciascuno si attenga
15. Elvino! E me tu lasci
16. Duetto: Son geloso del zefiro errante
17. Scena: Davver, non mi dispiace
18. Recitativo: Elvino… Elvino…
19. Daetto: O ciel! che tento?
20. Coro: Osservate: l'uscio e aperto
21. E menzogna
22. Quintetto e finale I: D'un pensiero e d'un accento
01. Atto II. Coro d'introduzione: Qui la selva e piu folta ed ombrosa
02. Scena: Reggimi, o buona madre
03. Cantabile: Vedi, o madre… e afflitto e mesto
04. Viva il Conte!
05. Aria: Ah! perche non posso odiarti
06. Recitativo: E fia pur vero, Elvino
07. Quartetto: Signor Conte, agli occhi miei
08. Scena: Signor?… chi creder deggio?
09. Recitativo: Oh! se una volta sola
10. Aria finale (prima parte): Ah! non credea mirarti
11. Recitativo: No, piu non reggo
12. Aria finale (seconda parte): Ah! non giunge uman pensiero
Bonus tracks
13. Atto I. Recitativo: Care compagne
14. Cavatina (prima parte): Come per me sereno
15. Cavatina (seconda parte): Sovra il sen la man mi posa
16. Recitativo: Io piu di tutti, o Amina
17. Recitativo: Perdona, o mia deletta
18. Duetto: Prendi: l'anel ti dono
19. Atto II. Recitativo: Oh! se una volta sola
20. Aria finale (prima parte): Ah! non credea mirarti
21. Recitativo: No, piu non reggo
22. Aria finale (seconda parte): Ah! non giunge uman pensiero

Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010

EAC extraction logfile from 30. August 2011, 20:49

Nicola Rescigno, J.Sutherland, R.Cioni, E.Fragello, B.Allen / Bellini - La Sonnambula CD1

Used drive : PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-218L Adapter: 1 ID: 0

Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000

Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 192 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -T "DATE=%y" -T "GENRE=%m" -8 -V %s

TOC of the extracted CD

Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 5:26.07 | 0 | 24456
2 | 5:26.07 | 3:03.00 | 24457 | 38181
3 | 8:29.07 | 2:04.68 | 38182 | 47549
4 | 10:34.00 | 3:02.57 | 47550 | 61256
5 | 13:36.57 | 4:11.38 | 61257 | 80119
6 | 17:48.20 | 1:56.62 | 80120 | 88881
7 | 19:45.07 | 2:39.65 | 88882 | 100871
8 | 22:24.72 | 4:09.18 | 100872 | 119564
9 | 26:34.15 | 5:13.55 | 119565 | 143094
10 | 31:47.70 | 0:52.07 | 143095 | 147001
11 | 32:40.02 | 4:44.60 | 147002 | 168361
12 | 37:24.62 | 2:43.15 | 168362 | 180601
13 | 40:08.02 | 3:26.05 | 180602 | 196056
14 | 43:34.07 | 1:33.08 | 196057 | 203039
15 | 45:07.15 | 2:04.40 | 203040 | 212379
16 | 47:11.55 | 6:09.54 | 212380 | 240108
17 | 53:21.34 | 2:27.26 | 240109 | 251159
18 | 55:48.60 | 1:44.60 | 251160 | 259019
19 | 57:33.45 | 4:11.27 | 259020 | 277871
20 | 61:44.72 | 2:36.68 | 277872 | 289639
21 | 64:21.65 | 1:51.37 | 289640 | 298001
22 | 66:13.27 | 7:18.15 | 298002 | 330866

Range status and errors

Selected range

Filename C:\Bellini - La Sonnambula CD1.wav

Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.1 X
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy OK

No errors occurred

AccurateRip summary

Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
Track 11 not present in database
Track 12 not present in database
Track 13 not present in database
Track 14 not present in database
Track 15 not present in database
Track 16 not present in database
Track 17 not present in database
Track 18 not present in database
Track 19 not present in database
Track 20 not present in database
Track 21 not present in database
Track 22 not present in database

None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database

End of status report

==== Log checksum 88F3460C801756B339A225A442E3F2798FDDA60E3D376EA62955F8A4A7BB70A4 ====

Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010

EAC extraction logfile from 10. September 2011, 19:29

Nicola Rescigno, J.Sutherland, R.Cioni, E.Fragello, B.Allen, R.Scotto / Bellini - La Sonnambula CD2

Used drive : PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-218L Adapter: 1 ID: 0

Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes
Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000

Used output format : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate : 192 kBit/s
Quality : High
Add ID3 tag : No
Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\Flac\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -T "DATE=%y" -T "GENRE=%m" -8 -V %s

TOC of the extracted CD

Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 6:26.22 | 0 | 28971
2 | 6:26.22 | 2:56.30 | 28972 | 42201
3 | 9:22.52 | 2:55.68 | 42202 | 55394
4 | 12:18.45 | 1:14.70 | 55395 | 61014
5 | 13:33.40 | 2:26.05 | 61015 | 71969
6 | 15:59.45 | 1:52.40 | 71970 | 80409
7 | 17:52.10 | 3:36.25 | 80410 | 96634
8 | 21:28.35 | 1:51.42 | 96635 | 105001
9 | 23:20.02 | 5:55.03 | 105002 | 131629
10 | 29:15.05 | 3:54.32 | 131630 | 149211
11 | 33:09.37 | 2:09.00 | 149212 | 158886
12 | 35:18.37 | 3:55.28 | 158887 | 176539
13 | 39:13.65 | 2:33.00 | 176540 | 188014
14 | 41:46.65 | 3:31.72 | 188015 | 203911
15 | 45:18.62 | 2:50.25 | 203912 | 216686
16 | 48:09.12 | 2:02.60 | 216687 | 225896
17 | 50:11.72 | 3:05.05 | 225897 | 239776
18 | 53:17.02 | 5:33.38 | 239777 | 264789
19 | 58:50.40 | 5:53.07 | 264790 | 291271
20 | 64:43.47 | 5:15.38 | 291272 | 314934
21 | 69:59.10 | 2:10.65 | 314935 | 324749
22 | 72:10.00 | 3:43.37 | 324750 | 341511

Range status and errors

Selected range

Filename C:\Bellini - La Sonnambula CD2.wav

Suspicious position 0:54:08
Suspicious position 0:54:13
Suspicious position 0:54:42
Suspicious position 0:55:30
Suspicious position 0:55:42
Suspicious position 0:56:03
Suspicious position 0:57:54
Suspicious position 0:59:00
Suspicious position 0:59:45
Suspicious position 0:59:51 - 0:59:52
Suspicious position 1:00:17 - 1:00:18
Suspicious position 1:00:21
Suspicious position 1:00:25
Suspicious position 1:00:28
Suspicious position 1:00:45
Suspicious position 1:01:07
Suspicious position 1:02:19

Peak level 100.0 %
Extraction speed 0.0 X
Range quality 99.1 %
Test CRC 34277DDD
Copy CRC FA87173C
Copy finished

There were errors

AccurateRip summary

Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
Track 11 not present in database
Track 12 not present in database
Track 13 not present in database
Track 14 not present in database
Track 15 not present in database
Track 16 not present in database
Track 17 not present in database
Track 18 not present in database
Track 19 not present in database
Track 20 not present in database
Track 21 not present in database
Track 22 not present in database

None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database

End of status report

==== Log checksum 071D5AED5B1441865130AFD265D88CEFB58FA99159CB8D68626B783FD28CE0EF ====