The Golden Age of English Polyphony

Posted By: Bibixy

The Golden Age of English Polyphony (The Sixteen)
Hyperion | 2009 | 10 CD | 11 RAR | 1GB
MP3 192 Kbps | Lame encoded | Tracks, Covers | FilePost
Music by Robert Fayrfax, William Mundy, John Sheppard, John Taverner

When The Sixteen embarked upon their recording career back in 1982, few would have been able to predict quite how successful they would become, or how far they would go towards rehabilitating the little-known and barely recorded music of these four master composers of the sixteenth century.

'In this their 30th anniversary year, we join them in celebrating a Golden Age of Polyphony, and of music-making, by presenting their twelve discs of this repertoire in a 10-CD remastered set.

The present collection brings together four composers who between them cover a century’s worth of English music-making, c1490–1590—almost the whole reign of the Tudor dynasty. Despite the sixteenth century’s fully justified reputation as the most religiously volatile in Christian history, the fact that such a collection can show at least some stylistic coherence is testimony to the ongoing tradition and high skill levels of English composers, especially in the Chapel Royal.

English choral music at its finest: 11 hours 25 minutes of Tudor polyphony … from the superlative Sixteen, who have helped restore this music to the early music mainstream' (The Observer)



1 - Aeternae laudis lilium [11'30] Robert Fayrfax (1464-1521)

Missa Albanus Robert Fayrfax (1464-1521)
2 - Movement 1: Gloria [9'09]
3 - Movement 2: Credo [9'30]
4 - Movement 3: Sanctus and Benedictus [9'50]
5 - Movement 4: Agnus Dei [9'10]


1 - Archangeli Michaelis interventione [1'18] Anonymous - Medieval
2 - Leroy Kyrie [5'17] John Taverner (c1490-1545)

Missa O Michael John Taverner (c1490-1545)
3 - Movement 1: Gloria [9'48]
4 - Movement 2: Credo [10'12]
5 - Movement 3: Sanctus and Benedictus [8'44]
6 - Movement 4: Agnus Dei [8'31]
7 - Dum transisset Sabbatum I [6'42] John Taverner (c1490-1545)
8 - Gaude plurimum [13'29] John Taverner (c1490-1545)
9 - Ex eius tumba [15'00] John Taverner (c1490-1545)


Missa Corona spinea John Taverner (c1490-1545)
1 - Movement 1: Gloria [10'27]
2 - Movement 2: Credo [9'52]
3 - Movement 3: Sanctus and Benedictus [9'49]
4 - Movement 4: Agnus Dei I [3'07]
5 - Movement 5: Agnus Dei II [5'50]
6 - In pace, in idipsum [6'04] John Taverner (c1490-1545)
7 - O splendor gloriae [10'24] John Taverner (c1490-1545)
8 - Te Deum [13'06] John Taverner (c1490-1545)
9 - Alleluia. Veni, electa mea [4'11] John Taverner (c1490-1545)


Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas John Taverner (c1490-1545)

1 - Movement 1: Gloria [12'29]
2 - Movement 2: Credo [10'17]
3 - Movement 3: Sanctus and Benedictus [9'25]
4 - Movement 4: Agnus Dei [8'34]
5 - In nomine a 4 [2'27] John Taverner (c1490-1545)
6 - Audivi vocem de caelo [4'16] John Taverner (c1490-1545)
7 - Dum transisset Sabbatum II [6'35] John Taverner (c1490-1545)


1 - Hodie nobis caelorum rex [4'59] John Taverner (c1490-1545)
2 - Mater Christi sanctissima [7'21] John Taverner (c1490-1545)
3 - Magnificat a 4 – Nesciens mater - Nesciens mater virgo virum [11'46] John Taverner (c1490-1545)
4 - Quemadmodum a 6 [4'21] John Taverner (c1490-1545) Fretwork

Missa Mater Christi sanctissima John Taverner (c1490-1545)
5 - Movement 1: Gloria [8'17]
6 - Movement 2: Credo [8'03]
7 - Movement 3: Sanctus [6'17]
8 - Movement 4: Benedictus [4'55]
9 - Movement 5: Agnus Dei [6'43]


The Western Wynde Mass John Taverner (c1490-1545)
1 - Movement 1: Gloria [6'32]
2 - Movement 2: Credo [6'54]
3 - Movement 3: Sanctus [4'46]
4 - Movement 4: Benedictus [2'42]
5 - Movement 5: Agnus Dei [7'27]
6 - O Wilhelme, pastor bone [3'46] John Taverner (c1490-1545)

Missa Sancti Wilhelmi devotio 'Small Devotion' John Taverner (c1490-1545)
7 - Movement 1: Gloria [6'39]
8 - Movement 2: Credo [7'45]
9 - Movement 3: Sanctus and Benedictus [7'00]
10 - Movement 4: Agnus Dei [4'54]


Missa Cantate John Sheppard (c1515-1558)

1 - Movement 1: Gloria [8'53]
2 - Movement 2: Credo [10'26]
3 - Movement 3: Sanctus and Benedictus [6'16]
4 - Movement 4: Agnus Dei [5'50]
5 - Salvator mundi, Domine [4'37] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
6 - Verbum caro factum est [6'45] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
7 - Laudem dicite Deo [7'32] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
8 - Reges Tharsis et insulae [4'45] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
9 - In manus tuas I [3'16] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
10 - Filiae Hierusalem [6'26] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
11 - In pace, in idipsum [4'22] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
12 - Paschal Kyrie [3'51] John Sheppard (c1515-1558) GreekEnglish
13 - Jesu salvator saeculi, verbum [5'00] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)


The Western Wynde Mass John Sheppard (c1515-1558)

1 - Movement 1: Gloria [4'39]
2 - Movement 2: Credo [5'08]
3 - Movement 3: Sanctus [3'15]
4 - Movement 4: Benedictus [1'31]
5 - Movement 5: Agnus Dei [4'35]

Second Service John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
6 - Evening Canticle 1: Magnificat My soul doth magnify the Lord [5'48] English
7 - Evening Canticle 2: Nunc dimittis Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace [3'07]
8 - Te Deum [13'48] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
9 - Spiritus Sanctus procedens I [7'35] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
10 - Iusti in perpetuum vivent [6'28] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
11 - Libera nos, salva nos I [2'56] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
12 - Libera nos, salva nos II [1'49] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
13 - Audivi vocem de caelo [4'05] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
14 - Deus tuorum militum I [3'10] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
15 - Ave maris stella [5'08] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
16 - Jesu salvator saeculi, redemptis [6'19] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)


1 - Spiritus Sanctus procedens II [8'40] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
2 - Beata nobis gaudia [6'01] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
3 - n manus tuas II [4'08] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
4 - Gaude, gaude, gaude Maria [13'41] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
5 - Haec dies quam fecit Dominus [2'04] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
6 - Impetum fecerunt unanimes [6'12] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
7 - Dum transisset Sabbatum I [6'58] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
8 - Sancte Dei pretiose [2'53] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
9 - Sacris solemniis [7'57] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
10 - Hostis Herodes impie [5'15] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
11 - Dum transisset Sabbatum II [7'26] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
12 - In manus tuas III [3'31] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)
13 - Aeterne rex altissime [4'31] John Sheppard (c1515-1558)


1 - O Lord, the maker of all things [2'56] William Mundy (c1529-1591)
2 - Videte miraculum [8'35] William Mundy (c1529-1591)
3 - Sive vigilem [3'27] William Mundy (c1529-1591)
4 - Ah, helpless wretch [5'59] William Mundy (c1529-1591)
5 - Vox Patris caelestis [17'45] William Mundy (c1529-1591)
6 - Kyrie 'Orbis factor' [3'57] William Mundy (c1529-1591)
7 - O Lord, the world's Saviour [3'16] William Mundy (c1529-1591)
8 - Magnificat 'in medio chori' My soul doth magnify the Lord [7'44] William Mundy (c1529-1591) English
9 - Nunc dimittis 'in medio chori' Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace [3'36] William Mundy (c1529-1591)
10 - The secret sins [3'42] William Mundy (c1529-1591)
11 - Beatus et sanctus [2'22] William Mundy (c1529-1591)
12 - Adolescentulus sum ego [6'24] William Mundy (c1529-1591)

The Sixteen
dir. Harry Christophers