Autodesk Maya 2018.3

Posted By: scutter

Autodesk Maya 2018.3 | 3.3 Gb

Autodesk Inc. has announced the release of Maya 2018.3. Bring your imagination to life with Autodesk Maya 3D animation, modeling, simulation, and rendering software. Maya helps artists tell their story with one fast, creative toolset.

The following list contains bug numbers and corresponding descriptions for issues fixed in this release.

MAYA-90912 Keyed Conditional Shader Network Invalidates EM (every frame)
MAYA-90851 Image sequence does not update in Viewport 2.0 (VP2) with Eval Mode set to Serial or Parallel
MAYA-90690 Rigging: Proximity visibility for controllers doesn't work
MAYA-90677 Delete history on parented combined nodes deletes all hierarchy
MAYA-90489 Performance: Maya performance with 2 blendShape node
MAYA-90293 Performance: EM constantly reset itself from ready to rebuilding with this scene
MAYA-89977 Performance: Camera animation not working with invisibility evaluator enabled
MAYA-89902 Performance: Unkeyed parent joints of animated child joints does not update bone draw
MAYA-90052 Performance: Maya freezes in EMP Mode in Maya 2018.2
MAYA-88997 Performance: Deformed mesh not deforming with isolate selected (Invisibility evaluator on)
MAYA-88603 Performance: skinCluster does not evaluate in some scenarios
MAYA-90416 Constraints: Parent target offsets are not being saved
MAYA-90336 Parallel Evaluation Mode changes custom node behavior
MAYA-90299 HIK: Rig moves when attempting to set pivot on an auxiliary
MAYA-90297 Lattice wont compute when 3+ live blendShape targets are animated
MAYA-90289 Playblasting offscreen in legacy viewport with modern Graph Editor results in fatal error
MAYA-90221 Inconsistent Lattice Behavior
MAYA-90159 After 2018 remove vertex from ffd1Set for Lattice Deformer is not updated on VP2
MAYA-90149 Correctness: CharacterSet: Animation breaks in Parallel mode
MAYA-90038 Crash when auto-keyframing camera movements
MAYA-90034 Camera with Expressions Changes Namespace when in Parallel EM
MAYA-89686 BakeDeformer: Errors with multiple nodes with the same name
MAYA-89677 Hidden bones are not updating properly while in Parallel EM
MAYA-89423 Profiler: Search is broken on Linux
MAYA-89284 TcameraShape is triggering evaluation in dirty propagation
MAYA-89255 MotionTrail: drawFramesBefore/drawFramesAfter displays only 1 frame
MAYA-89203 Slowness due to controllers when invisibility evaluator is enable
MAYA-89137 Joint orientation is changed when unparenting orient constraint oint
MAYA-87412 Invisibility evaluator not playing well with hidden rig elements
MAYA-87405 Isolate Select with the Invisibility Evaluator turned on displays incorrectly
MAYA-90007 Crash: proxySwitch of grandchild reference and then new scene
MAYA-89640 aliasAttr with an invalid alias name causes a crash
MAYA-89939 Polygon Disc Primitive Subdivision Mode options not working
MAYA-89710 LODGroups can crash Maya and don't work well with the Channel Box Editor
MAYA-89534 Graph Editor: Autoframe doesn't frame time axis
MAYA-90943 File > Archive Scene fails if size exceeds 2 GB (requires ZIP64 Extensions)
MAYA-90618 Importing files will add nodeGraphEditorInfo nodes but won't show in Node Editor
MAYA-90483 Qt: Windows missing PySide2-rcc.exe executable in Maya build
MAYA-90199 An error occurs when unload mll in the plug-in manager
MAYA-90162 Maya crashes if processing occurs in error within scriptJob
MAYA-89979 Python devkit plugin doesn't work anymore
MAYA-89800 Want to import .wire file with texture and texture placement
MAYA-88295 Referenced Alembic, FBX files cannot be read in default pref environment due to missing 'requires' line
MAYA-88127 Maya Update 1 breaks qtquick on Windows
MAYA-85845 WIRE_ATF export crashes in Maya 2018
MAYA-91498 Scene Assembly: Changing namespace of top AR after making an edit does not update Edit Targets
MAYA-91435 Crash when clicking on a mesh during File > Open
Maya LT
MAYA-89812 Warning is printed when choosing Lighting/Shading from the main menu
MAYA-89506 Error message is printed when creating a camera
MAYA-88431 Kerning space on Type fonts was not matching original font kerning
MAYA-88432 Type styles such as italic and bold were not affecting the font
MAYA-88753 Offset on the curveWarp Deformer when the deformed geometry was longer than the attached curve
MAYA-88757 MASH Bullet Solver cannot be deleted if it was disconnected from all other nodes
MAYA-89068 Distribute node on UV mode should have “Use Face Area” usable
MAYA-89074 The Bounding Box on the curve warp deformer could only be scaled up, but not returned to a smaller scale
MAYA-89079 Loading the Type plugin at the beginning of a script deletes nodes
MAYA-89531 Python node returning improper results when connected to a visibility node
MAYA-89555 Optimization: MASH scenes saving unnecessary data and making files larger than necessary
MAYA-86804 Performance: Fixed a slowdown on start-up due to Type plugin on windows
MAYA-91057 Performance: Type plugin returns multiple errors on start-up in batch mode
MAYA-91059 Vertex Normal Edit Tool crashes a lot with isolated/hidden faces.
MAYA-90872 Target Weld tool always creates construction history
MAYA-90757 Mirror node is affected by object pivot transform created after it
MAYA-90755 mayapy: exits when the blendShape command tries to display a dialog
MAYA-90657 Undo stack seems partially cleared when Maya auto saves while the Multi-Cut tool is active
MAYA-90606 Blend Shape Groups are created when scene files containing Blend Shape nodes are imported
MAYA-90601 Transfer Vertex Order crashes Maya
MAYA-90571 Flat Lighting is no longer used on meshes with UV Distortion shading
MAYA-90528 Unfold's Pack option should instead be a "Layout UVs" option
MAYA-90405 UV grid snapping doesn't maintain offsets
MAYA-90012 Adding many Blend Shape targets crashes aya on Windows
MAYA-89700 File containing specific polyBevel corrupted after importing from 2017 to Update 4
MAYA-89574 Sculpt tools not working on instances
MAYA-91172 Maya crashes after taking UV snapshot
MAYA-90635 Frequent crashes with Vertex Normal Edit Tool
MAYA-90716 Mac OS X: /bin/Render command fails with spaces in pathnames
MAYA-90041 Render Setup material override fails to cover per-face shading if involved shading groups were deleted (regression from legacy render layer material override)
MAYA-89339 Render Sequence options fail to open if cameras have children
MAYA-89280 Render Setup breaks if you load a Maya file that went through Export Selection from a visible layer with overrides
MAYA-88682 Wrong result when using eye dropper in a color picker that has color management disabled
MAYA-88529 3d paint tool doesn't handle values > 1 properly
MAYA-88513 Errors occur on file load due to Arnold attributes that exist without a "requires mtoa plugin" statement
MAYA-87761 Unable to render using the *.tga extension on Mac OS X
MAYA-87262 Copying/pasting a render layer with isolated collection results in non-isolated subcollections
MAYA-90934 Mac: Windows disappear or become unusable after switch from other applications
MAYA-90712 Mac: Some hotkeys with Alt modifier don't work any more
MAYA-88837 Mac: Launching Preferences window from Hotbox (zones oly) crashes Maya
MAYA-90761 Wacom gestures allow to move the camera when the scene is destroyed
MAYA-90738 File dialog Slow or crash randomly (Switching drives/Changing drives)
MAYA-90655 shelfButton -width not working
MAYA-90161 Attribute Spreadsheet crashes Maya when attributes contain "FBXASC032"
MAYA-89576 Setting the $tmp variable break shelf editor command
MAYA-89445 Setting mel variable $i breaks attibute editor
MAYA-89218 Blurry cursor when UI is scaled
MAYA-90796 Selecting UVs on multiple objects in isolate mode crashes Maya
MAYA-90344 MRenderItem::setMatrix not working with OpenGL when using MPxrawOverride::drawRenderItem
MAYA-90248 Crash on File > New if scene contain MASH network and VP2 API cal
MAYA-90173 Isolate select components for MPxSurfaceShape + MPxDrawOverrid
MAYA-89961 Isolate select components for MPxSurfaceShape + MPxGeometryOvrride
MAYA-89879 Mapped Texture in Roughness Attribute (PhongE and Anisotropic shaers) does not display correctly in VP2 in Maya 2018
MAYA-89878 Mapped Texture in Cosine Attribute (Phong) does not display correctly in VP2 in Maya 2018
MAYA-89825 Maya performance decrease after saving referenced rigs with transparency
MAYA-89330 psdFileTex node cannot update if the global texture resolution clamp isenabled in VP2
MAYA-89103 Unloading and reloading of references messes up transparency in VP
MAYA-88922 Color Management: Applies to MRenderOverride viewport render but ot playblast
MAYA-88848 Isolate select commands do not seem to be working at al
MAYA-88816 VP2 lighting/shadow issues after hitting hardware limiation
MAYA-88250 MPxContext::drawFeedback is called in legacy viewpor
MAYA-86958 Isolate Select of Components in VP2 not working wit MPxSurfaceShape
MAYA-40614 16K HDR texture crashes Maya on Mac 10.12.

IMPORTANT: Previously, on Windows operating systems, updates patched your existing Maya or Maya LT 2018 software. Starting from 2018.3, updates will require a full install. This may have the following impacts:

- Customers on custom automated scripts may need to update the command line to use the full install.
- The new installer will uninstall older versions of Maya (including updates) automatically and install the new version to the same location.
- Previous builds (2017 and older) will not be impacted.
- Install/Uninstall times will be faster.

About Autodesk Maya 2018. With new enhancements and an ongoing focus on stability, Autodesk Maya 2018 software helps artists work faster and more efficiently than ever. Over the past few releases, Maya has continued to push the boundaries when it comes to character creation with updates to modeling, animation, and new interactive grooming workflows. In addition to characters, the motion graphics workflow in Maya continues to mature with growing capabilities that now includes rigid-body dynamics. When it comes to rendering, the combination of Render Setup and Arnold provides artists with a powerful rendering solution that can tackle the toughest projects.

About Autodesk. Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

Product: Autodesk Maya
Version: 2018.3 Update
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english, japanese, chinese
System Requirements: PC / MacOsx
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even SP1 or newer/ Apple MacOSx 10.10.5, 10.11.x, 10.12.x operating system
Size: 3.3 Gb

This update requires a full install, on all operating systems. Uninstall your existing Maya 2018 software before installing this update

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