Photo Album GPS Mapping Tool

Posted By: Magictor

Photo Album GPS Mapping Tool | 216.1 Mb

Did you know that photos taken by Phones and Tablets often include the GPS coordinates where the photo was taken? These location markers are stored in the photos ‘Metadata’. Now you can extract these locations from all your photo albums and view this data on a google earth style map with the Photo Album GPS Mapping Tool Software!

Now you can look back on all your adventures, seeing exactly where you were when the pictures were taken. You can also use the Photo Album GPS Mapping Tool to add 'geotags' to your photos.

The Photo Album GPS Mapping Tool organizes your photos in three separate ways. A timeline view allows you to see your photos chronologically. The Device View organizes the files by the device that took the photo, and a thumbnail view allows you to view the photos visually. Clicking on any view will generate a map for that photo. Multiple photos can also be selected to generate a map with multiple location points. Once the map is generated, click on the placemarks to see the photo on the map.

The Photo Album GPS Mapping Tool now allows you to add your own geotags to photos without them or you can also edit the location and timestamp information of existing geotags.

For advanced users, Photo Album GPS Mapping Tool also list all the metadata attached to each photo.

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