RAM Elements CONNECT Edition V16 Update 8 | 2.6 Gb
The Structural Products development team is pleased to announce the availability of RAM Elements CONNECT Edition V16 Update 8 ( This solution delivers the industry’s most productive and easy-to-use engineering analysis and design toolkit.
RAM Elements CE V16 Update 8 ( Release Notes – Date: November 2022
1. New ADINA integration. RAM Elements can export now the structural model to ADINA creating an AUI Input File (*.in). This file contains the commands from AUI Commands Reference Manual Volume 1 to 5 (ADINA, 2022) to generate all the structural elements and loads conforming the structural model.
Please check RAM Elements documentation to see the integration limitations.
2. Update iTwin Analytical Synchronizer workflow to sync lumber and masonry materials.
4. Tilt-Up wall module enhancements. New option to define the reveal face to be either the interior or exterior face of the wall.
5. Status bar shows distance between two nodes selected. If several nodes are selected, the distance is considered between the first and the last node selected.
Resolved Issues:
- Stiffness reduction factors where not considered properly when launched with a non-linear analysis. This is fixed now, and factors are always considered regardless the analysis type used.
- Load areas defined with perpendicular loads using wind pressures where not determining the load direction properly for some cases.
- Local iTwin model creation crash for models with invalid section or material properties. Properties are validated and default values used in case an invalid parameter is found.
- Tilt-up walls were not correctly considering the concrete area for out of plate shear for ACI 318-19.
- Concrete wall design module shear wall conservative design for ACI 318-14 seismic walls due to Vn calculation considered as the minimum between and This is fixed now and Vn for seismic walls is calculated using only
- Segment Selection tool in Model adjustments unnecessarily required sections and materials to be assigned to members before segmentation. This is fixed now, and the limitation overruled.
Figure 1. Export ADINA Input file option in RAM Elements.
Please check RAM Elements documentation to see the integration limitations.
Figure 2. RAM Elements model exported and analyzed in ADINA
2. Update iTwin Analytical Synchronizer workflow to sync lumber and masonry materials.
Figure 3. Lumber and masonry materials now being synchronized
4. Tilt-Up wall module enhancements. New option to define the reveal face to be either the interior or exterior face of the wall.
Figure 4. Reveal face option
5. Status bar shows distance between two nodes selected. If several nodes are selected, the distance is considered between the first and the last node selected.
Resolved Issues:
- Stiffness reduction factors where not considered properly when launched with a non-linear analysis. This is fixed now, and factors are always considered regardless the analysis type used.
- Load areas defined with perpendicular loads using wind pressures where not determining the load direction properly for some cases.
- Local iTwin model creation crash for models with invalid section or material properties. Properties are validated and default values used in case an invalid parameter is found.
- Tilt-up walls were not correctly considering the concrete area for out of plate shear for ACI 318-19.
- Concrete wall design module shear wall conservative design for ACI 318-14 seismic walls due to Vn calculation considered as the minimum between and This is fixed now and Vn for seismic walls is calculated using only
- Segment Selection tool in Model adjustments unnecessarily required sections and materials to be assigned to members before segmentation. This is fixed now, and the limitation overruled.
RAM Elements is a unique combination of a 3D finite element analysis/design program with structural engineering toolkit modules for every day engineering design needs. This program provides unequaled flexibility for the design and analysis of different types of 2D or 3D structures containing linear members and shell elements. The types of analysis available are: First order (Linear Analysis), Second order (P-Delta Analysis) and Dynamic (Seismic Analysis). In addition, RAM Elements is also capable of designing hot-rolled or cold-formed steel members, wood (sawn lumber and glulam) and reinforced concrete members using the AISC 360-05 ASD, AISC 360-05 LRFD, AISC 360-10 ASD, AISC 360-10 LRFD, AISC 360-16 ASD, AISC 360-16 LRFD, AISC 341-05, AISC 341-10, AISC 341-16, BS 5950-00, AISI 01 ASD, AISI 01 LRFD, AISI 07 ASD, AISI 07 LFRD, AISI 2012 ASD, AISI 2012 LFRD, AISI 2016 ASD, AISI 2016 LFRD, AS 4100-98, CSA S16-09, NDS 05 ASD, NDS 05 LRFD, ACI 318-05, ACI 318-08, ACI 318-11, ACI 318-14 and BS8110-97 codes respectively. The program includes special modules for designing spread footings, combined footings, reinforced concrete columns, retaining walls, concrete walls, tilt-up walls, masonry walls, continuous beams and trusses. Additionally, RAM Elements has links with RAM Connection, a revolutionary tool that allows the fast design of steel connections inside or outside RAM Elements, STAAD.Pro, the RAM Structural System and ProSteel (SDNF).
Performing the Analysis in RAM Elements
Bentley Systems, Incorporated. is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.
Product: RAM Elements
Version: CONNECT Edition V16 Update 8 (
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.bentley.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 2.6 Gb
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