Schlumberger Flaresim 2023.2 (116)

Posted By: scutter

Schlumberger Flaresim 2023.2 (116) | 224.2 mb

Schlumberger has released Flaresim 2023.2 (116) is the industry standard flare simulation/design application. Designed by professional engineers, for professional engineers, it models thermal radiation and noise footprints generated by flare systems for offshore platforms, gas plants, refineries and chemical plants, and predicts the temperature of exposed surfaces within range.

Version 2023.2, June 2023

- Flaresim will not attempt to check for updates when there is no internet connection. A message was added to point the user to problems with the internet connection in case they check for updates manually.
- Added missing Modified Chamberlain-H2 page in Help file.
- Applied a fix to display correct atom names and numbers for Symmetry components.
- Applied a fix to ensure VMG_components will only be reported in Combustion Results (mole and mass flow) if they are not already listed as a Flaresim standard combustion component.
- Fixed an issue of incompatible fluid engine and components selected. It now displays a warning and blocks the calculation when there is an incompatibility.
- Fixed an issue with the enthalpy and specific heat calculations when using Symmetry calculation engine as the calculation method.
Known Issues
- Flaresim can close unexpectedly in situations where the simulation objects (Fluids, Environments, Stacks, Tips, Receptor Points, Receptor Grids) names are extremely long.

Flaresim is a computer program designed to assist professional engineers in the design and evaluation of flare systems. The program calculates the thermal radiation and noise generated by flares and estimates the temperatures of exposed surfaces. It also performs dispersion analysis of the combustion gases or relieved fluid in flame out conditions. Flaresim provides a user friendly interface with program actions accessed by menu and toolbar options. Data entry is through a series of data views controlled from an overall Case Navigator view. Context sensitive help is available at all points to assist the user in the use of the program and selection of appropriate design parameters. Output from the Flaresim is highly customisable with the user having the freedom to select summary or detailed output. The reports also include graphical output where appropriate.

Example Heat Radiation Analysis by FlareSim

Schlumberger is the world's leading provider of technology and digital solutions for reservoir characterization, drilling, production, and processing to the energy industry. With product sales and services in more than 120 countries and employing approximately 82,000 people as of the end of third quarter of 2020 who represent over 170 nationalities, Schlumberger supplies the industry's most comprehensive range of products and services, from exploration through production, and integrated pore-to-pipeline solutions that optimize hydrocarbon recovery to deliver reservoir performance sustainably.

Owner: Schlumberger
Product Name: Flaresim
Version: 2023.2 (116)
Supported Architectures: x86
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 224.2 mb

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