SolidCAD/CAM Suite 2019 SP2

Posted By: scutter

SolidCAD/CAM Suite 2019 SP2 | 10.1 Gb
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SolidCAM Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of SolidCAD/CAM Suite 2019 SP2, is the complete, ‘best-in-class’ Manufacturing Suite for efficient and profitable CNC-Programming standalone.

SolidCAM 2019 SP2 Release Notes - April 4, 2019

SOL-76962.5D -> Face Mill -> New geometry option for stock -> Levels issue
SOL-7829 Template -> Multiaxis Drilling ->opens wrong geometry definition dialogue box
SOL-7499 CAM-part -> Clean-up -> “Remove Geometry Facets”is not deleting unused fixture file from folder
SOL-7820 Drag & Drop Template -> not seeing color filter in Pocket recognition
SOL-7736 Drag & Drop Template -> iMachining fails
SOL-7456 Transform -> Translate Drill operation -> Transformation in Z Direction fails (Drill Cycle with Transform
SOL-7728 Probe operation -> Display of Probe UI on 4K Monitors is bad
SOL-7696 Multi-depth Drilling -> Technology -> Spin = 0 is not saved in Segment Levels
iMachining -> bug in Geometry definition
Incorrect conversion of values when switching between MM and Inch CAM-Parts
Non-working mouse scroll wheel in SolidCAM Simulator with Windows 7
Internal CAM-part -> missing arrows when creating Internal part
SOL-7690 Mill-Turn -> MachSim -> wrong simulation for 2nd Machine Setup
MultiAxis Constant Step Over & New tools support in SIM5XImplemented
3 Axis Constant Step Over based on MultiAxis EngineImplemented
SOL-7929 CAM-tree -> incorrect adding Template on Setup
SOL-7955 Part is closed with closing VMID
SOL-7934 Gcode -> Profile -> Chamfer operation -> missing Arc in trace output
SOL-6220 Gcode -> Swiss-Type/HSS -> rot_axis_type:axis4_radial in @start_of_job
SOL-5331 Change target geometry is getting wrong synchronizationandgeometry loss in operation
SOL-7891 Stock definition -> system crashes on Stock Cylinder Envelope
SOL-7782 Template -> impossible to rename job added from Template Group
SOL-7892 MCO -> Swiss type -> Positioning of axiswill result in software crash
SOL-7851 Gcode Simulator -> Vericut -> export Chamfer Mill as Mill Drill tool type
SOL-6237 SOL-7849 Gcode-> fixture_z_min/ fixture_z_max values are not updated if the part is shifted in the Setup
SOL-7809 Pocket -> Modify offset for each chain is not initializedFixed
SOL-7724 Pocket Recognition -> Technology-> Open pocket -> Field is empty
SOL-7635 Synchronization -> system crashes on CAM-part closing
SOL-7879 Simulation -> HostCAD -> wrong tool orientation with STL Holder
SOL-7890 Add Swiss-Type Part to SolidCAM installImplemented
SOL-7798 3D Milling -> system crashes on calculating operation
SOL-7783 MultiAxis Drill ->system crashes on adding operation if no Target defined
SOL-7722 TurboHSM -> false toolpath after copying operation between different CoordSys
SOL-7999 Face Mill -> One pass "Automatic optimal angle" should be default
SOL-7467 Face Mill -> ignoring Geometry Filter when inserting Face Mill operation
SOL-7987 Hole Wizard not refreshing Graphics after cancel

About SolidCAM. SolidCAM is the de-facto standard Gold-Certified integrated CAM-Engine for SOLIDWORKS. SolidCAM, including the revolutionary iMachining, is seamlessly integrated in SolidWorks with full tool path associativity to the SolidWorks model. With the single-window integration in SolidWorks, all machining operations can be defined, calculated and verified without leaving the parametric SolidWorks assembly environment.

SolidCAM plus SOLIDWORKS provides a powerful, easy-to-use integrated CAD/ CAM solution that support the complete range of major manufacturing applications including iMachining 2D, iMachining 3D, 2.5D Milling, High Speed Surface Machining (HSS), 3D Mill High Speed Machining (HSR/HSM), Indexial Multiaxis Machining, Simultaneous 5-Axis Machining, Turning, MillTurn and even Solid Probe.

All 2D and 3D geometries used for machining are fully associative to the SolidWorks design model. If you make any changes to your SolidWorks model, all of your CAM operations are updated automatically.

About SolidCAD/CAM Suite. SolidCAD/CAM Suite provides a powerful, easy-to-use, complete CAD/CAM solution that support the complete range of major manufacturing applications including 2.5D Milling, Multi-sided Indexial 4/5 axes Milling, Simultaneous 5 axes Milling, Turning, Mill-Turn for Multi-Turret and Multi-Spindle CNC machines, with the revolutionary iMachining, provides the complete functionality of CAD and CAM, including iMachining.

SolidCAD/CAM Suite is an extremely powerful tool for machined part programming. The powerful geometry selection and creation tools found within design environment are rounded out with specialist tools in SolidCAM. The combination of these tools minimizes the time spent selecting areas to be machined or limited from machining. The user works in assembly mode so he/she can simply pull components from a library to model entire setups, including machine tables, fixtures, and vises. Manufacturing can be automated through the use of the built-in knowledge database. This database in not a static template, but it can be dynamically driven by changes in tools, geometry and strategies.

About SolidCAM Inc. SolidCAM Inc. is a world leader in advanced tool path generation technology (CAM) running directly inside SolidWorks. SolidCAM features a full line of CNC machine programming software solutions ranging from 2 axis lathes and 3 axis mills to extremely complex multi-axis MillTurn machines and Wire Edm. All products run directly inside SolidWorks and provide the user with a true "SolidWorks look and feel" for ease of use and maximum efficiency. Along with the integrated interface and scalability for new machines, SolidCAM also has its patented "iMachining" that powers users to new levels of productivity and profits, through unmatched cycle time reduction and unrivaled tool life.

Product: SolidCAD/CAM Suite *
Version: 2019 SP2 build 99309
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even (with latest Service Pack) and above
Size: 10.1 Gb

* This version includes its own CAD-system and does not need SolidWorks or other CAD-system to be pre-installed.

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