iA Writer 1.4.7655.28208 (x64)

Posted By: melt_

iA Writer 1.4.7655.28208 (x64) | 73.5 Mb

iA Writer (was iA Writer Pro) is a professional writing suite that gives you full control over your notes, drafts and edits.

How It Works

File Export
Export to WordPress or Medium, HTML, Microsoft Word (.docx), or PDF.

Form Follows Content
Write in MultiMarkdown, preview in HTML.

Live Sync
Seamless Dropbox and iCloud Sync (Mac and iOS products), and Google Drive on Android.

Document Library
Search, sort, and quickly swap between documents without leaving the window.

Syntax Highlight
Spot superfluous adjectives, weak verbs, repetitive nouns, false conjunctions.

Custom Templates
You can now create custom templates for preview, printing and PDF export.

Focus Mode
Focus Mode dims everything but the current sentence, helping you stay in the flow.

Night Mode
iA Writer includes an inverted “light on dark” mode, perfect for writing at night.

Content Blocks
With iA Writer 4 it is now possible to embed pictures, tables and text.

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10 (64-bit only)

Home Page - https://ia.net/writer