"Chirality from Molecular Electronic States" ed. by Takashiro Akitsu

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"Chirality from Molecular Electronic States" ed. by Takashiro Akitsu
ITExLi | 2019 | ISBN: 1789851564 9781789851564 1789851556 9781789851557 | 114 pages | PDF | 16 MB

This book is particularly aimed at chiroptical spectroscopy, structural or physical features and theoretical computation of chirality.

In chemistry, biology, and physics, "chirality" is an important concept in nature. Especially in chemistry, not only classical stereochemistry but also asymmetric organic synthesis, supramolecular chemistry, construction of bio-related molecules and molecular recognition became indispensable structural chemical keywords. However, in view of synthetic chemistry and its structural chemistry, chemistry dealing with chirality in relation to the more fundamental electronic state is still a minority.

1 Introductory Chapter: Chiralityfrom Molecular Electronic States
2 The Nonlinear Analysis of Chiral Medium
3 Chirality Properties of Modeling Water in Different Aqueous Systems
4 Chirality in Porous Functional Materials
5 Peculiarities of Electron Transfer in Chiral Linked Systems
6 Chirality and Circular Polarized Properties of Photochromic Polyaromatic Molecules

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