"Emotional Intelligence Science" ed. by Simon George Taukeni

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"Emotional Intelligence Science" ed. by Simon George Taukeni
ITexLi | 2021 | ISBN: 1839686367 9781839686368 1839686359 9781839686351 1839686375 9781839686375 | 205 pages | PDF | 7 MB

This book covers a variety of topics related to the science of Emotional intelligence (EI).

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the best instrument to build stronger relationships, communicate effectively, relieve stress, overcome challenges, and achieve career and personal goals.
Chapters address the science and philosophy behind EI, using EI to cope with consequences, strategies to develop EI in early childhood education, neuromarketing, emotional responding and adversity, brain networks of emotional prosody processing, humor events and wellbeing, and much more.

1. The Science and Philosophy of Emotional Intelligence: A Pragmatic Perspective
2. The Process of Emotional Regulation
3. Emotional Intelligence, Identification, and Self-Awareness According to the Sphere Model of Consciousness
4. Emotional Intelligence for Coping with the Consequences of Childhood Trauma
5. Strategies to Develop Emotional Intelligence in Early Childhood
6. Machine Learning and EEG for Emotional State Estimation
7. Cognitive Load Measurement Based on EEG Signals
8. Neuromarketing: The New Dawn and Disruption in Marketing Research
9. Emotional Responding and Adversity
10. Brain Networks of Emotional Prosody Processing in a Foreign Language Versus Mother Tongue
11. Humor Daily Events and Well-Being: The Role of Gelotophobia and Psychological Work Climate
12. Emotional Intelligence as a Haruspex of Societal Aftermath in Adults with Asperger Syndrome
13. Critical Dimensions of EQ among Malay Women Entrepreneur in Malaysia
14. Emotional Competence of Women Administrators
15. The Effect of Emotional Intelligent on Team Performance: A Case Study of a Government Hospital
16. Facilitating Accessibility: A Study on Innovative Didactic Materials to Generate Emotional Interactions with Pictorial Art

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