The Jee Book: Adventures in Physical Computing by Jean-Claude Wippler
English | PDF | 2015 | 385 Pages | ISBN : N/A | 19.17 MB
A book about having fun with electrons, bits, and atoms in and around the house.
This is a hands-on book about technology,and more specifically Physical Computing-the intriguing combination of computer hardware and software with connections to the real world via sensors, actuators, and direct user interfaces.
Let’s take the bus
Masters and slaves
I2C on the Raspberry Pi
Re-flashing an LPC810 on the RPi
5. LPC810 meets RFM69
Radio blips from an LPC810
From RFM69 to RasPi via I2C
One step at a time
Decoding incoming data in Go
Debugging the RF link
Picking up a signal
If only it were that easy
Debugging the I2C bridge
Keeping track of the milli’s
6. From LPC810 to LPC812
Meet the LPC812
It runs the same firmware
Soldering a TSSOP chip by hand
Adding an RFM69 radio
7. Emulating EEPROM
Permanent variables
Emulating EEPROM with flash
A bag of C++ tricks
8. Analog on the cheap
Measuring voltage without ADC
10-bit ADC on LPC810 and 812
9. Dataflash via SPI
Hooking up a dataflash chip
Accessing SPI memory
Too much capacitance is bad
Soldering one-off SMD circuits
II Projects
10.Garage Parking Aid
Let’s build a GPA
Hardware design choices
Measuring distances
Reducing power consumption
Squeezing a bit more
In-System Programming
11.Micro Power Snitch
Picking up magnetic energy
Collecting energy into a reservoir
First goal: just some blips
Setting up a test power source
The first MPS circuit
Yes, the MPS lives, but
Adding a voltage monitor
Pretty picture, ugly effect
An improved MPS circuit
It’s all about the startup “hump”
Investigating the voltage doubler
A revised, complete MPS
Extremely slow ramps
Next MPS challenge: the radio
The MPS as prototype PCB
CT’s and burden resistors
Inductive spikes and safety
12.Micro Power Snitch, continued
The PCB that got everything wrong
Back on track - now the hard part
Let’s switch to a better MOSFET
Anatomy of a power-up
Power through I/O pins?
Taming the radio startup current
The MPS really works
Should we send, or not?
MPS component improvements
Final MPS schematic and PCB
13.RFM69 on Raspberry Pi
A super simple “RasPi RF” setup
Using WiringPi with RasPi RF
RasPi RF schematic and PCB
Hooking RasPi RF into MQTT
14.RFM69 on ATmega
Classic vs native packets
RF compatibility options
RF69 native on ATmega’s
Using RFM12’s with RFM69 native
15.Introducing the LPC824
Meet the LPC824
More LPC824 peripherals
Tinker Pico LPC824 board
16.FTDI over WiFi: esp-bridge
Meet the esp8266
The esp-bridge circuit
Serial bridge
Web server software
Over-The-Air update
Putting it all together
III Toolbox
17.Schematics and layouts
Circuits and schematics
The magic of copper and solder
Laying out and routing a PCB
18.Embedded Linux
Pies, Bones, and Droids
Small Linux Boards
Ian started it all with Debra
Linux, pins, volts, and ports
Meet Raspie and Quadie
19.Uploading over serial
Re-flashing an ARM chip
Let’s find out what’s going on
Uploading via a USB interface
Uploading (just about) anywhere
20.Code for the LPC8xx
Exploring LPC824 peripherals
Using MBED as toolchain
LPCOpen and LPCXpresso
Using the Eclipse IDE on Windows
IV Concepts
21.Volta makes the world go round
The water analogy
Heat versus momentum
Voltage sources
Level translation
22.Bits, pointers, and interrupts
Low-level programming
Lots of bits and pieces
Pointer addressing
Casting types in C/C++
We interrupt this program
23.We interrupt this program
Interrupts on ARM
Masking interrupts - or not
Interrupt service times
Serial port interrupts
Pin changes, levels, and edges
24.Moving up a (few) level(s)
So many abstractions to choose from
A µC is just a small computer
No wait, it’s a language runtime
Or is it a data-driven engine, perhaps?
V Appendices
25.The JeeNode
Soldering a JeeNode
Setting up the USB BUB
Installing the software
Hello, world
26.JeeNode v6 reference
Masters and slaves
I2C on the Raspberry Pi
Re-flashing an LPC810 on the RPi
5. LPC810 meets RFM69
Radio blips from an LPC810
From RFM69 to RasPi via I2C
One step at a time
Decoding incoming data in Go
Debugging the RF link
Picking up a signal
If only it were that easy
Debugging the I2C bridge
Keeping track of the milli’s
6. From LPC810 to LPC812
Meet the LPC812
It runs the same firmware
Soldering a TSSOP chip by hand
Adding an RFM69 radio
7. Emulating EEPROM
Permanent variables
Emulating EEPROM with flash
A bag of C++ tricks
8. Analog on the cheap
Measuring voltage without ADC
10-bit ADC on LPC810 and 812
9. Dataflash via SPI
Hooking up a dataflash chip
Accessing SPI memory
Too much capacitance is bad
Soldering one-off SMD circuits
II Projects
10.Garage Parking Aid
Let’s build a GPA
Hardware design choices
Measuring distances
Reducing power consumption
Squeezing a bit more
In-System Programming
11.Micro Power Snitch
Picking up magnetic energy
Collecting energy into a reservoir
First goal: just some blips
Setting up a test power source
The first MPS circuit
Yes, the MPS lives, but
Adding a voltage monitor
Pretty picture, ugly effect
An improved MPS circuit
It’s all about the startup “hump”
Investigating the voltage doubler
A revised, complete MPS
Extremely slow ramps
Next MPS challenge: the radio
The MPS as prototype PCB
CT’s and burden resistors
Inductive spikes and safety
12.Micro Power Snitch, continued
The PCB that got everything wrong
Back on track - now the hard part
Let’s switch to a better MOSFET
Anatomy of a power-up
Power through I/O pins?
Taming the radio startup current
The MPS really works
Should we send, or not?
MPS component improvements
Final MPS schematic and PCB
13.RFM69 on Raspberry Pi
A super simple “RasPi RF” setup
Using WiringPi with RasPi RF
RasPi RF schematic and PCB
Hooking RasPi RF into MQTT
14.RFM69 on ATmega
Classic vs native packets
RF compatibility options
RF69 native on ATmega’s
Using RFM12’s with RFM69 native
15.Introducing the LPC824
Meet the LPC824
More LPC824 peripherals
Tinker Pico LPC824 board
16.FTDI over WiFi: esp-bridge
Meet the esp8266
The esp-bridge circuit
Serial bridge
Web server software
Over-The-Air update
Putting it all together
III Toolbox
17.Schematics and layouts
Circuits and schematics
The magic of copper and solder
Laying out and routing a PCB
18.Embedded Linux
Pies, Bones, and Droids
Small Linux Boards
Ian started it all with Debra
Linux, pins, volts, and ports
Meet Raspie and Quadie
19.Uploading over serial
Re-flashing an ARM chip
Let’s find out what’s going on
Uploading via a USB interface
Uploading (just about) anywhere
20.Code for the LPC8xx
Exploring LPC824 peripherals
Using MBED as toolchain
LPCOpen and LPCXpresso
Using the Eclipse IDE on Windows
IV Concepts
21.Volta makes the world go round
The water analogy
Heat versus momentum
Voltage sources
Level translation
22.Bits, pointers, and interrupts
Low-level programming
Lots of bits and pieces
Pointer addressing
Casting types in C/C++
We interrupt this program
23.We interrupt this program
Interrupts on ARM
Masking interrupts - or not
Interrupt service times
Serial port interrupts
Pin changes, levels, and edges
24.Moving up a (few) level(s)
So many abstractions to choose from
A µC is just a small computer
No wait, it’s a language runtime
Or is it a data-driven engine, perhaps?
V Appendices
25.The JeeNode
Soldering a JeeNode
Setting up the USB BUB
Installing the software
Hello, world
26.JeeNode v6 reference
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