Practical Wireless – July 2018
English | 76 pages | True PDF | 18.9 MB
English | 76 pages | True PDF | 18.9 MB
• Keylines - Don laments the passing of a regular contributor, revisits GDPR and reflects on a couple of topics in this month’s issue.
• News - A monthly roundup of news from the UK and internationally, including new products, club news and recent events.
• Review − INRAD M629 and DMS-1 Desk Mic System - A look at an interesting new microphone from US vendor INRAD.
• Feature – Network Radio - addressing the question “What is Network Radio and why could it be good for amateur radio?”
• Network Radio - Trying out Network Radio and getting to grips with a couple of transceivers in the process.
• Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) - An introduction to a Radio Sport with a difference.
• Radials for Quarter-Wave Verticals - The lowdown on how to achieve an effective earth system for a quarter-wave vertical antenna.
• What Next - A report on his one-man mini-DXpedition to the Isles of Scilly.
• Doing it by Design - A versatile audio processor suitable for most types of microphone.
• HF Highlights - A report on WRTC 2018 and the RAF Centenary activities, as well as bringing all the usual reader news.
• Carrying on the Practical Way - A Direct Conversion Receiver in a Marmite jar. You either love it or hate it!
• Valve and Vintage - The tale of Art Collins, engineer, entrepreneur and designer of some of the finest amateur radio gear of years gone by.
• Starting Over - Lee Aldridge G4EJB relates the continuing saga of his return to amateur radio.
• Making Waves - A look at signal polarisation.
• Data Modes - More RTTY comparisons plus news on the LimeSDR.
• Kits and Modules - A couple of clock kits and also manages to squeeze in a voltmeter/ammeter.
• The World of VHF - The basics of remote operating, has news of the developing sporadic E season.
• Readers’ Letters - Topics this month include D-STAR and Special Event Stations.