Mamma Non Piangere - Mamma Non Piangere N.3 (2016)

Posted By: popsakov

Mamma Non Piangere - Mamma Non Piangere N.3 (2016)
EAC Rip | FLAC (Img) + Cue + Log ~ 302 Mb | MP3 CBR320 ~ 115 Mb
Full Scans ~ 203 Mb | 00:47:43 | RAR 5% Recovery
Progressive Rock, Avant-Prog, Chamber | AltrOck Productions #ALT-051

Mamma Non Piangere was a relatively unknown RIO band heading from Italy in the late 70's, and released two albums during their short-lived career. They formed in Milan around 1978 by guitarist/violinist Lorenzo Leddi, who also was the only member to be featured on both of their albums. They disbanded shortly after the release of their second album, which was recorded live shortly after the release of their debut album and had a completely different line-up other than Leddi's presence. The reason why they disbanded are temporarly unknown. Musically, they are heavily reminiscent of bands such as Henry Cow, Gruppo D'alternativa, Stormy Six and other bands notable from the RIO genre, spiced with their own unique twist which implies their sense of unique, unusal and eclectic instrumentation, songwriting and arrangements. Their avant-garde influences seems to incorporate elements from traditional circus music, Italian folk dance music into their sound with horns and percussion especially playing a significant role in their music.

~ Prog Archives

The musical coop ‘The Orchestra’, whereof I have been vice-president for years, made its debut in 1974. Progressive rock activists associated to the European movement Rock in Opposition, like the legendary ‘Stormy Six/Macchina Maccheronica’, jazz players of the experimental area like Guido Mazzon and Tony Rusconi, music groups more explicitly political like ‘Quarto Stato’, traditional music teams like ‘Tecún Umán’ and also the small orchestra I led and created – the ‘Gruppo Folk Internazional’e then become ‘Ensemble Havadià’, were all part of it. One day at the co-op, the group ‘Mamma non piangere’, composed by very young, snarky and dazed musicians of great value, made its appearance as a March wind-blown gust. The ‘Mamma non piangere’ launched a wacky genre long before the ‘Skiantos’ or ‘Elio e le Storie Tese’ debuted on the Italian scene. Their concert was overwhelming and soundly à la Zappa, the songs built on musically irresistible nonsense texts.

Throughout a performance in the performance, that is selling liquorice rolls by Perfetti or Caremoli during breaks, they financed their first album ‘Music, livestock and wealth’ and co-financed, integrating the investment of a Swiss producer, the second one ‘Always going ahead with our eyes firmly closed’. On the cover of the latest, the picture of the only spaceman from communist Germany portrayed upside down stood out. In Central Europe the sale of liquorice at one mark per piece was not only highly profitable, but it also led to irresistible hilarity. Unluckily, the ‘Mamma’ did not have the success and the distribution they greatly deserved. Luckily, thirty five years on, they come back with a new album that, in my opinion, should be a must, not to be missed in a serious record collection, either private, media or public.

Today, the ‘Mamma non piangere’ musicians, led by Lorenzo Leddi are ‘serious gentlemen’ at their 50 plus. Some of them, the trombonist Luca Bonvini, who was as well my colleague, passed away too soon, his puzzling lunacy did not protect him, but the group in itself did not lose even one ounce of its wonderful sheen, brightly off the wall. Their mocking craziness à la Zappa gained strength and classical nature, their texts poetics has become urgent as sense of nonsense, their tunes are impeccably built as brilliant songs, enriched by never groundless quotations. Their young, but impeccable and inspired singer Laura Agostinelli sings them with rarefied pertinence as best as possible. If you ask for my opinion, this is a record not to miss out both as creation of the music mind and as a cure against the mediocrity of our times.

~ Moni Ovadia,


Track List:

01. Spostamenti [04:13]
02. Valvole [02:21]
03. Finestrino [03:32]
04. Sognavo [01:54]
05. Ai Confini della Realtà [03:23]
06. La Suite [03:21]
07. Troppi Volanti [03:02]
08. Ten Joy Man [04:53]
09. Domani [03:55]
10. Sotto di Noi [03:04]
11. Hanno Suonato [02:13]
12. A Torino [05:36]
13. Siamo la Banda [06:22]

Laura Agostinelli - vocals
Lorenzo Leddi - electric/acoustic guitars, mandolin, banjo, keyboards, accordeon, mandocello, sounds, voice
Maurizio Del Monaco - alto/tenor saxophones, voice
Roberto Meroni - clarinet, bass clarinet, alto/baritone saxophones, voice
Luca Perreca - cello, bass, voice
Walter Prati - bass
Ferdinando Faraò - drums

Carlo Battaini - keyboards (1, 3, 8)
Tommaso Leddi - percussion (13), sounds (13)
Fabio Prina - bass tuba (13), trombone (13)

Exact Audio Copy V1.1 from 23. June 2015

Отчёт EAC об извлечении, выполненном 25. апреля 2016, 12:17

MAMMA NON PIANGERE / Mamma non Piangere N. 3

Дисковод: TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-224DB Adapter: 1 ID: 1

Режим чтения : Достоверность
Использование точного потока : Да
Отключение кэша аудио : Да
Использование указателей C2 : Нет

Коррекция смещения при чтении : 6
Способность читать области Lead-in и Lead-out : Нет
Заполнение пропущенных сэмплов тишиной : Да
Удаление блоков с тишиной в начале и конце : Нет
При вычислениях CRC использовались нулевые сэмплы : Да
Интерфейс : Встроенный Win32-интерфейс для Win NT/2000

Выходной формат : Внутренние WAV-операции
Формат сэмплов : 44.100 Гц; 16 бит; стерео

TOC извлечённого CD

Трек | Старт | Длительность | Начальный сектор | Конечный сектор
1 | 0:00.00 | 4:12.24 | 0 | 18923
2 | 4:12.24 | 2:20.49 | 18924 | 29472
3 | 6:32.73 | 3:31.07 | 29473 | 45304
4 | 10:04.05 | 1:53.48 | 45305 | 53827
5 | 11:57.53 | 3:22.19 | 53828 | 68996
6 | 15:19.72 | 3:20.71 | 68997 | 84067
7 | 18:40.68 | 3:01.37 | 84068 | 97679
8 | 21:42.30 | 4:52.70 | 97680 | 119649
9 | 26:35.25 | 3:54.26 | 119650 | 137225
10 | 30:29.51 | 3:03.61 | 137226 | 151011
11 | 33:33.37 | 2:12.19 | 151012 | 160930
12 | 35:45.56 | 5:35.24 | 160931 | 186079
13 | 41:21.05 | 6:21.41 | 186080 | 214695

Характеристики диапазона извлечения и сообщения об ошибках

Выбранный диапазон

Имя файла D:\TEMP\MAMMA NON PIANGERE - 2016 - Mamma non Piangere N. 3 [AltrOck Productions, ALT-051].wav

Пиковый уровень 100.0 %
Скорость извлечения 2.8 X
Качество диапазона 100.0 %
CRC теста 210C7DE1
CRC копии 210C7DE1
Копирование… OK

Ошибок не произошло

AccurateRip: сводка

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Ни одного трека нет в базе AccurateRip

Конец отчёта

==== Контрольная сумма отчёта 136E03254681D93DDC73B825EED9CF11F92EFF064444AE95C09199BCB36B32BE ====

[CUETools log; Date: 25.04.2020 2:06:28; Version: 2.1.6]
[CTDB TOCID: D0PrDPdO1U49VayF8p_tdXfgCM0-] found.
Track | CTDB Status
1 | (1/1) Accurately ripped
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[AccurateRip ID: 0014df3e-00d2faa4-9e0b2e0d] found.
Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status
01 [d4984994|857dba22] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped
02 [cd6165d4|58b577e6] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped
03 [bce69b49|df1677e3] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped
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Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL] [ LOG ]
– 100,0 [210C7DE1] [689E7EBD] CRC32
01 100,0 [A47554B4] [F37AB7E7]
02 97,7 [79EFE187] [1018DA99]
03 98,4 [BBCD36A2] [E1964442]
04 96,5 [5017F561] [FF70C249]
05 98,0 [23F14968] [C7F2BBCE]
06 96,8 [87CC7F35] [862EC68A]
07 97,9 [F677E31E] [76EA055F]
08 98,2 [09CDB82C] [92C1C28E]
09 97,8 [79BAB479] [630DD831]
10 97,4 [647D0ECA] [A9EFC040]
11 97,7 [ABE16139] [20834590]
12 98,1 [BA747DCC] [99C35567]
13 98,1 [CA846729] [45505AD5]

All thanks go to spAceLover

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