Autodesk PowerMill 2019.2.1 Update | 249.6 mb
Autodesk Inc. has released an update to PowerMill 2019, is the world's leading specialist NC CAM software for manufacturing complex shapes typically found in the toolmaking, automotive, and aerospace industries. This update are required to maintain access to certain features and fixes several issues.
Summary for 2019.2.1
General Fixes
- Fixed a crash when raising the entity chooser dialog.
- Fixed an issue where hole feature sets wouldn't respond to a rename or draw/undraw in the tree.
Summary for 2019.2
What's New
Orientation Vector Enhancements
- Orientation vectors are set to those used in simulation.
- Output arcs in 3+2-axis toolpaths that have a fixed orientation vector - requires Autodesk Manufacturing Post Processor Utility 2019.0.4.
Posts in the Cloud Enhancements
- Added a link to the option file access management webpage on the ribbon.
- Certified cloud option file revisions and presentation names for cloud option files.
- The path to a local option file will now be shown in the tooltip that is displayed when hovering over the option file’s name on the NC Program settings, preferences and edit forms.
User Experience Enhancements
- Improved the experience of rotating the view around an anchor in PowerMill.
General Enhancements
- Further improvements have been made to automatic collision avoidance; solutions are found now where previously they were not.
- Improved support for high DPI monitors: the strategy forms now respect the system DPI, so scale better.
- Improved the clarity of some icons displayed for tools, workplanes and boundaries in drop-down menus on forms when viewed at 125% or 150% DPI.
- The dovetail tool image has been improved.
- Tabs have been added to the Fusion Production form, to give more space for manipulation.
- Support for 'trench' pockets has been added to the interactive feature detection algorithm.
- Added some multiple toolpath options to the Setup Edit menu.
- It is now possible to add point parameters directly to individual leads and links via a parameter function.
PowerMill Additive Plugin Enhancements
- Successive layers in feature construction toolpaths that use a surface of revolution as a base or an arbitrary surface are now defined more consistently. For the latter type of base though, the improved quality currently comes at the cost of increased calculation time.
Setups Fixes
- Issues relating to clamps when toolpaths are removed from a setup have been resolved.
- Fixed a bug where the block wasn’t being correctly set when a toolpath was modified to use the parent stock.
- Fixed a bug where the block wasn’t being displayed correct when the option to use parent stock was disabled.
- Made changes to ensure that setups are not overly-locking toolpaths.
- Ensured that rest boundaries correctly ignore clamps.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the stock type from being set on the setup.
- Fixed a bug where toolpaths sometime appeared in the wrong order following a drag-drop in a folder.
Simulation and Verification Fixes
- Fixed an issue where NC Verification reported collisions yet simulation did not.
- Parts of a machine tool which are in a colliding state when a project is saved will no longer be incorrectly saved with the collision colour.
- Turning Machine Tool simulation now spins the model around the toolpath Z axis rather than the world Z axis. Turning stock simulation (ViewTurn) is unaffected.
- If the Robot plugin is enabled and then disabled during the current session, the simulation speed will return to normal.
- PowerMill no longer sends machine axis limits used for tool axis limiting to the postprocessor. This avoids an issue where the postprocessor doesn't understand the machine axis addresses, and makes simulation and postprocessing consistent.
Performance Improvements
- Improved performance of stock model calculation by increasing the number of calculation threads where possible.
- Reduce the amount of auto saving happening when working with stock models.
- Performance improvements for Vortex from stock.
- Speed up project closing by supressing ribbon updates.
- A change in behaviour: new plugins should be off by default, to avoid undesirable slow-downs.
- Speed up deleting a model when wireframe drawing is enabled.
- Speed up project opening by not unnecessarily recalculating toolpath statistics.
- Machine collision checking speedup.
- General simulation speedups.
General Fixes
- A problem with how the centreline pass in 3D offset toolpaths was ordered has been fixed.
- Fixed ordering of area clearance.
- Fixed rare crashes and excess engagement situation in Vortex from model.
- Fixed hole selection by hole type.
- Fixed handling of side features during project mirroring.
- A crash related to Fusion Production account authorisation has been fixed.
- A slowdown caused by unnecessarily contacting the Fusion Production server for a workstation list during project reading has been resolved.
- A crash that occurred whilst accessing help over a folder has been fixed.
- A crash relating to editing a tool name following using the drilling strategy has been resolved.
- An issue where the boundary type was lost when opening a project has been fixed.
- File type selectors on model import dialogs are now correctly translated, i.e. are now not just in English.
- An issue with updating the Explorer has been resolved.
- A missing ‘select macro’ button from the keyboard customisation form has been reinstated.
- An issue causing level information to be lost when importing some DGK files has been resolved.
- Various improvements to thickness sets to make them more reliable.
- The NC Program icon now updates immediately when switching to/from automatic ordering.
- In some unusual circumstances NC Program workplane waypoints were not updated when the workplane was edited. They are now updated.
- "Draw toolpaths" and "Undraw toolpaths" in the NC Program's right click menu will now draw or undraw all of the NC toolpaths in the NC Program, rather than the related toolpaths.
- Option files with apostrophes/single quotes in their paths can now be selected through the option file selection form.
- When a setup that is in an NC Program that is drawn is deleted the graphics are correctly updated.
- The tool axis of a workplane in an NC Program will be obeyed even if the NC Program is otherwise 3 axis.
- A problem that could result in colliding sections being defined incorrectly during toolpath calculation, and falsely mark the toolpath as unsafe, has been fixed.
- There is no longer a crash when a hovering over a connection between toolpaths after a toolpath in the NC Program has just been calculated.
- NC Programs where the only multi-axis toolpaths are drilling toolpaths are now given multi-axis connections. This fixes a regression from PowerMill 2018.
- A failure to calculate Vortex toolpaths using pre-drilling entry moves has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue where 2D Area Clearance ramp parameters may not produce the expected approach moves.
Customer Error Report (CER) Fixes
- A crash reported through CER caused by having deleted selected items in the ribbon has been fixed.
- A crash reported through CER was fixed, which occurred on occasion when the status bar wasn’t visible.
PowerMill Additive Plugin Fixes
- A problem when using the Korean (double-byte language) environment has been fixed.
- A problem when using a Netfabb strategy initialised from a previous toolpath has been fixed, to stop unintended parameter changes.
- A problem when using a layer thickness that was not a multiple of the slicing tolerance has been fixed.
General Fixes
- Fixed a crash when raising the entity chooser dialog.
- Fixed an issue where hole feature sets wouldn't respond to a rename or draw/undraw in the tree.
Summary for 2019.2
What's New
Orientation Vector Enhancements
- Orientation vectors are set to those used in simulation.
- Output arcs in 3+2-axis toolpaths that have a fixed orientation vector - requires Autodesk Manufacturing Post Processor Utility 2019.0.4.
Posts in the Cloud Enhancements
- Added a link to the option file access management webpage on the ribbon.
- Certified cloud option file revisions and presentation names for cloud option files.
- The path to a local option file will now be shown in the tooltip that is displayed when hovering over the option file’s name on the NC Program settings, preferences and edit forms.
User Experience Enhancements
- Improved the experience of rotating the view around an anchor in PowerMill.
General Enhancements
- Further improvements have been made to automatic collision avoidance; solutions are found now where previously they were not.
- Improved support for high DPI monitors: the strategy forms now respect the system DPI, so scale better.
- Improved the clarity of some icons displayed for tools, workplanes and boundaries in drop-down menus on forms when viewed at 125% or 150% DPI.
- The dovetail tool image has been improved.
- Tabs have been added to the Fusion Production form, to give more space for manipulation.
- Support for 'trench' pockets has been added to the interactive feature detection algorithm.
- Added some multiple toolpath options to the Setup Edit menu.
- It is now possible to add point parameters directly to individual leads and links via a parameter function.
PowerMill Additive Plugin Enhancements
- Successive layers in feature construction toolpaths that use a surface of revolution as a base or an arbitrary surface are now defined more consistently. For the latter type of base though, the improved quality currently comes at the cost of increased calculation time.
Setups Fixes
- Issues relating to clamps when toolpaths are removed from a setup have been resolved.
- Fixed a bug where the block wasn’t being correctly set when a toolpath was modified to use the parent stock.
- Fixed a bug where the block wasn’t being displayed correct when the option to use parent stock was disabled.
- Made changes to ensure that setups are not overly-locking toolpaths.
- Ensured that rest boundaries correctly ignore clamps.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the stock type from being set on the setup.
- Fixed a bug where toolpaths sometime appeared in the wrong order following a drag-drop in a folder.
Simulation and Verification Fixes
- Fixed an issue where NC Verification reported collisions yet simulation did not.
- Parts of a machine tool which are in a colliding state when a project is saved will no longer be incorrectly saved with the collision colour.
- Turning Machine Tool simulation now spins the model around the toolpath Z axis rather than the world Z axis. Turning stock simulation (ViewTurn) is unaffected.
- If the Robot plugin is enabled and then disabled during the current session, the simulation speed will return to normal.
- PowerMill no longer sends machine axis limits used for tool axis limiting to the postprocessor. This avoids an issue where the postprocessor doesn't understand the machine axis addresses, and makes simulation and postprocessing consistent.
Performance Improvements
- Improved performance of stock model calculation by increasing the number of calculation threads where possible.
- Reduce the amount of auto saving happening when working with stock models.
- Performance improvements for Vortex from stock.
- Speed up project closing by supressing ribbon updates.
- A change in behaviour: new plugins should be off by default, to avoid undesirable slow-downs.
- Speed up deleting a model when wireframe drawing is enabled.
- Speed up project opening by not unnecessarily recalculating toolpath statistics.
- Machine collision checking speedup.
- General simulation speedups.
General Fixes
- A problem with how the centreline pass in 3D offset toolpaths was ordered has been fixed.
- Fixed ordering of area clearance.
- Fixed rare crashes and excess engagement situation in Vortex from model.
- Fixed hole selection by hole type.
- Fixed handling of side features during project mirroring.
- A crash related to Fusion Production account authorisation has been fixed.
- A slowdown caused by unnecessarily contacting the Fusion Production server for a workstation list during project reading has been resolved.
- A crash that occurred whilst accessing help over a folder has been fixed.
- A crash relating to editing a tool name following using the drilling strategy has been resolved.
- An issue where the boundary type was lost when opening a project has been fixed.
- File type selectors on model import dialogs are now correctly translated, i.e. are now not just in English.
- An issue with updating the Explorer has been resolved.
- A missing ‘select macro’ button from the keyboard customisation form has been reinstated.
- An issue causing level information to be lost when importing some DGK files has been resolved.
- Various improvements to thickness sets to make them more reliable.
- The NC Program icon now updates immediately when switching to/from automatic ordering.
- In some unusual circumstances NC Program workplane waypoints were not updated when the workplane was edited. They are now updated.
- "Draw toolpaths" and "Undraw toolpaths" in the NC Program's right click menu will now draw or undraw all of the NC toolpaths in the NC Program, rather than the related toolpaths.
- Option files with apostrophes/single quotes in their paths can now be selected through the option file selection form.
- When a setup that is in an NC Program that is drawn is deleted the graphics are correctly updated.
- The tool axis of a workplane in an NC Program will be obeyed even if the NC Program is otherwise 3 axis.
- A problem that could result in colliding sections being defined incorrectly during toolpath calculation, and falsely mark the toolpath as unsafe, has been fixed.
- There is no longer a crash when a hovering over a connection between toolpaths after a toolpath in the NC Program has just been calculated.
- NC Programs where the only multi-axis toolpaths are drilling toolpaths are now given multi-axis connections. This fixes a regression from PowerMill 2018.
- A failure to calculate Vortex toolpaths using pre-drilling entry moves has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue where 2D Area Clearance ramp parameters may not produce the expected approach moves.
Customer Error Report (CER) Fixes
- A crash reported through CER caused by having deleted selected items in the ribbon has been fixed.
- A crash reported through CER was fixed, which occurred on occasion when the status bar wasn’t visible.
PowerMill Additive Plugin Fixes
- A problem when using the Korean (double-byte language) environment has been fixed.
- A problem when using a Netfabb strategy initialised from a previous toolpath has been fixed, to stop unintended parameter changes.
- A problem when using a layer thickness that was not a multiple of the slicing tolerance has been fixed.
About Autodesk PowerMill 2019. Autodesk’s PowerMill 2019 CAM software includes developments designed to enhance existing functionality for high-efficiency machining.
This version includes additive manufacturing (AM) strategies and simulation tools designed for hybrid machines. It generates safe and efficient tool paths to drive directed energy deposition (DED) processes that use wire-fed or powder-blown hardware. Specialized three- and five-axis programs enable building entire components from scratch. It can also apply localized features or surface coatings to repair or enhance existing parts.
For five-axis programming, the software includes improved collision avoidance tools. An automatic tool-axis tilting method simplifies programming, helping to generate smooth and safe five-axis motion for all model shapes and toolpath types.
Vortex, the high-efficiency roughing strategy, now includes a “from stock” option based on the company’s adaptive clearing technology. It creates tool paths with offsets based on both the shape of the part being produced and the stock being milled, resulting in efficient tool paths with shorter machining cycle times and fewer tool retractions.
For 2D machining, the software improves workflow for defining open-sided pockets and bosses. The existing 2D tool paths recognize these features, automatically positioning tool entry and exit points to avoid overloading cutting tools. It also enables users to create 2D features based on a selection of surface.
ViewMill, a stock simulation tool, now includes a “remaining material” shading mode. This helps programmers to identify areas of unmachined stock to ensure parts are fully machined before removal. The shading mode automatically identifies the maximum amount of stock left on a simulated part and provides dynamic slider bars to visualize the distribution of stock.
The software also includes a “setups” feature that enables programmers to better manage the synchronization between tool paths and NC programs. It also provides functionalities for parts with multiple fixture offsets.
About Autodesk. Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.
Product: Autodesk PowerMill
Version: 2019.2.1 (Build: 2019209) Ultimate Update
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Software Prerequisites: Autodesk PowerMill 2019 or above
Size: 249.6 mb
Autodesk PowerMill 2019
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