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Cadence Virtuoso, Release Version IC6.1.8 ISR13

Posted By: scutter
Cadence Virtuoso, Release Version IC6.1.8 ISR13

Cadence Virtuoso, Release Version IC6.1.8 ISR13 | 9.6 Gb

Cadence Design Systems, Inc. , the leader in global electronic design innovation, has unveiled Virtuoso, Release Version IC6.1.8 ISR13 is a holistic, system-based solution that provides the functionality to drive simulation and LVS-clean layout of ICs and packages from a single schematic.

CCRs Fixed in IC6.1.8 and/or ICADVM18.1 ISR13 - Date: August 2020

2306459 Probe translation does not work for bus bits
2304851 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when calling getConstraintGroup
2302847 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when selecting objects or instances in Navigator to add outputs in ADE Explorer
2301874 Performance is impacted when starting a simulation with an extracted view in IC6.1.8 ISR12
2300360 Fix new port validation check for Clarity 3D Solver
2298809 SKILL error in artiMapTranslate causes netlisting failure
2298279 Optimization fails if inclusion list is specified for global variable
2296685 Direct plot form does not work as expected after running a multi-tone harmonic balance (hb_mt) simulation
2295972 Lock files for Spectre monitor job do not get deleted when run in command mode
2294907 Need to convert the CBN netlisting procedure to UNL
2294266 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when using Track Pattern assistant
2291961 Results for gradual aging vary between ICRP and LSCS runs and ICRP is generating a wrong netlist
2291882 Failed to generate soft blocks for cells with stop point and custom libName
2291184 Open fault specified for 's' terminal is changed to the one for 'b' terminal when running fault simulation from ADE Assembler
2290811 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when a group history is deleted while the cellview is opened in both read-only and editable mode
2290662 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly while checking the validity of an LPP
2290634 CPH exits unexpectedly when the Generate Selected From Source command is active in one Layout XL session and other edits are performed in the second session
2290390 Exporting aging results generates a corrupt .xml file
2290359 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when reloading or changing selection in the Graph window
2289831 Identify power rails based on instance terminal name matching with the supply regular expression
2289789 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly
2288960 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when using the 'Return to Top' context-menu command
2288795 Unable to use the -ipselectsimopt option with the runams command
2287615 Unable to view the new EMIR form after including a DSPF file in the Simulation Files Setup form
2287593 Virtuoso stops responding when creating bus on multiple bits
2287411 Stack via not being placed with all the cuts
2287089 EM solver stops responding on an advanced node even without self-heating flow
2287051 Voltus-Fi displays an incorrect default value for the 'Process Node' field in the Extract xDSPF form
2286864 Virtuoso Power Manager tracing additional feedthrough paths with incompatible directions
2286592 Point to Point Router does not route when editFigGroup mode is enabled
2286213 The export or import of the maestro output setup in the CSV format must be compliant to RFC4180
2285967 Auto Via fails to drop Via0_42x20 cut via in bit cell region in default mode
2285893 Voltus-Fi does not add terminal types of the taps in the minst files during PGV generation
2285793 Routability check should display a warning if terminals from an instance are covered by another instance coverObstruction
2285396 Cannot edit parameters of individual vias in a via stack using the Property Editor form
2284577 DC operating points are not correctly annotated for custom PDK
2284521 Allegro import translation of MCM from APD is not remastering wirebond TILP Pcells correctly in Virtuoso Layout Suite EXL
2283981 The Pick option in the Promote Pins from does not work on Mosaics
2283923 Mesh to Mesh shielding causes spacing error
2283711 Incorrect related supplies found for IN-OUT port due to wrong data path tracing
2283410 Adjust Boundary Soft Blocks to wrap around every object and shape that belongs to it
2283180 PMOS device is not correctly identified or registered as a header switch cell using the specified SKILL API
2283158 For a maestro view copied with Updates Instances=Off, test information is not returned by the tests() function
2282856 The temperature setting from the Reliability Setup GUI is not used in the Age simulation
2282405 XStreamOut outputs an unnecessary BOUNDARY record to GDS
2282369 The .emir_conf file is added to Summary List every time the EMIR Setup form is visited causing a simulation error since it does not exist
2282361 EMIR form does not re-open after setting up the options in the form and running a simulation
2282341 The quickAlignMode environment variable does not work as expected
2281973 Net tracer is very slow in tracing the power net
2280934 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when a config view is created using the VHDL Netlister with hierarchical specifications
2280556 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when the file name specified in the Simulation Files Setup form is too long
2279500 Missing supply in related power pin due to direction issue
2279196 The Generate Constraints option does not work with subcells
2279137 Assertion in Annotation Browser on design reopen
2279032 Related ground pin is not getting identified when tracing through a PNP device
2278440 Instance name specified in the Basic tab is not synced properly to the Summary Information table and causes an unexpected error
2278278 axlDataViewContextMenu ERROR (EXPLORER-2404): Cannot find a setup database entry for handle 0
2277991 Virtuoso Power Manager is printing additional internal power in the related power pin attribute
2277568 The Auto-Generate Hierarchy command stops responding on applying write lock
2277541 Pins do not adhere to the modified PR boundary when the Pin Planner moves unspecified pins to a modified PR boundary
2277388 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when using Property Editor
2277206 Export Results in ADE Assembler does not use the file extension
2276904 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when ctuImmediateTransaction::changeRecordAllocator API returns NULL
2276603 Status of the nominal corner must be preserved when importing a maestro session to ADE Explorer
2276600 Retain High-Performance Simulation settings when importing a maestro view
2276370 lmFeatureStatus checks for a license that is not enabled to use
2276310 Manual scaling does not work with log scale on Y axis
2276213 Port validation issue in Clarity 3D Solver
2275869 Fix the viaEnclosure problem with save preset
2275850 Virtuoso Power Manager is printing duplicate pg_pin information in exported Liberty file
2275186 Voltage map is not getting printed for a pin mapped with a regular expression
2275184 Low drop out supply is not being considered in a specific scenario
2274837 Inconsistent Pin to Trunk results in Custom Digital Trunk Generation mode
2274813 Trunk generation not working in Custom Digital Trunk Generation mode
2274436 Analog signals cannot be viewed in SimVision on using AMSD flex mode with Spectre APS
2274246 Promote Pins command fails if the specified instance name has a bus notation
2274060 Virtuoso Power Manager is not considering switch pin attribute
2273754 Virtuoso Layout Suite exits unexpectedly while closing the property editor
2273706 Virtuoso Layout Suite exits unexpectedly when hiApplyWinConfig is used
2273481 Voltus-Fi query highlights only the origin of the selected resistor
2273037 The short-line rollup file does not display correct entries
2272748 LVA IO FIX error is raised when pin numbers are found in die text file
2272585 Basic tab does not report DSPF errors correctly
2272558 Pin to Trunk has a long runtime after Delete Routing
2272141 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly when deleting objects
2272128 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly during drag and drop in Outputs Setup
2271724 Connectivity being deleted when running Shield engine
2271366 Simulation error when a bus pin is assigned in Stimuli Assignment and later deleted from schematic
2271178 Add Faults to Group command fails to add faults to a group
2270875 Need cell-based netlisting procedure converted to UNL
2270624 Received an unexpected system exception: Cannot find a setup database entry for handle 0
2269733 Parameter sweep does not work as expected in ICADV12.3 ISR23, worked fine in ICADV12.3 ISR22
2269705 Virtuoso Power Manager not reporting a few internal supplies
2269698 Virtuoso Power Manager reporting incorrect pg_function for switched and controlled ground pins
2269695 Virtuoso Power Manager extracting incorrect supplies information from MUX input
2269693 Enhance multiple supply printing in related power pin and related ground pin in Virtuoso Power Manager
2269472 Router stops when there is a warning message about metal layer below poly layer
2269348 The EMIR Setup form does not open on setting up extra port or case sensitivity for a DSPF file
2269336 Aging model defined with defaultAgingModelFiles is not showing up in the aging netlist
2269026 In ICADVM18.1, the Close Data command is slower than in ICADV12.3
2268809 axlOutputsImportFromFile with operation 'overwrite' is not working as expected
2268319 Virtuoso is slow during delete routing
2268212 The dynamic IR pin current report does not contain the 'Total_Pin' value for each net
2267790 Level 2 net is extracted as a pair of coupled capacitances even when Net Levels is set to 1
2267484 Pin labels generated by the Auto-Create Pins tool are not deleted when the Delete Pins option is selected
2267364 Auto-Create Pins: Provide an environment variable to disable the creation of pins inside figGroups
2267101 Delay expression should return nil and give a proper warning when the passed waveform argument is nil
2267075 Assertion failure in extractor
2266660 Generate All From Source fails to read nested design variables used in schematic device parameter
2266511 Changing option in Custom Analysis creates a duplicate test in Virtuoso ADE Assembler
2266236 processBatchViolations does not trigger Pcell abutment in batch run
2265222 Virtuoso Layout Suite exits unexpectedly when saving output of hierarchy tree to a file in a non-existing directory
2264648 Checker incorrectly reportsminOppExtension errors for bridge vias
2264175 Expressions working fine in ADE L, but not working in ADE Assembler, ADE Explorer, and ADE XL
2263420 hiCreateVerticalFixedMenu behavior is different between IC6.1.7 and IC6.1.8
2263390 FastC decoupled capacitance becomes smaller even though overlapping metal becomes wider
2263387 FastC decoupled capacitance becomes bigger when side metal is in a specific range
2263314 Stop and resubmit on every job eventually results into no jobs running. Works fine in ICRP
2262802 Running LVA fixer clears the error messages after IO bump fixes, but does not fix the bump locations in the layout
2262726 Output Log menu tries to open xmsim.log file in Detail-Transpose view of AMS Monte Carlo run
2262694 Opening full chip consistently causes memory allocation errors and stack trace
2262619 AREFs are translated with incorrect row or column spacing values during XStream In translation
2261925 Design Intent annotations are wrongly placed after a move operation
2261601 Get Marker Node' option in LRP analysis is not working correctly
2261252 Virtuoso Schematic Editor exits unexpectedly due to an invalid free in hierarchy selection manager
2261235 FGR cache is corrupt, missing submaster image
2261077 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly during extraction in EAD
2259732 Connectivity issue observed while generating smartview_sparam, ADE netlisting fails
2259063 1 out of 2 sweep points (with different simulation times) stuck in running state after stopping and resubmitting
2258651 Virtuoso Layout Suite exits unexpectedly due to segmentation faults during layout generation
2258509 Plotting a selected corner for a measurement across sweeps plots waveforms for all corners
2255431 Via Configuration table does not work for Pin to Trunk routing
2255312 Unable to set manual scale for multi-corner Kf plot in Virtuoso Visualization and Analysis XL
2251939 ANTENNAGATEAREA is not calculated correctly
2249842 View Probe Tcl file opens a blank window if file path contains an environment variable
2249171 Virtuoso Power Manager not extracting antenna diode attribute from Liberty file
2248954 Noise circle equation for a single corner cannot be plotted in ADE Assembler
2248381 The assign statement in a SystemVerilog netlist must consider the direction property of the patch
2247702 Voltus-Fi incorrectly identifies multi-landed vias
2246150 Row width misalignment issue is observed in the Results tab of ADE Assembler after freezing columns and applying filters
2246057 Expression filtering issue in the Check/Asserts results view
2244962 Config sweep variables do not work when the variables, ignoreDesignChangesDuringRun and singleNetlistForAllPoints are set to t
2244587 Usability enhancements in Sensitivity Analysis form
2243389 SRR: PSF XL dataset cannot be marched when simulation time is negative
2241085 Unable to sweep a schematic Pcell parameter passed with pPar as an instance in the Pcell hierarchy
2239593 Sensitivity shows 98% total, possibly because it rounds off to the closest integral value
2238567 Provide an option to keep or remove the partially routed results.
2237097 Virtuoso SystemVerilog Netlister generates a netlist that concatenates wreal ports in module declaration and displays elaboration errors
2236277 RMB on Value column in ADE Explorer is blocked when using the 'adexl.results defaultResultsViewForSweepsCorners' variable
2235980 Voltus-Fi displays incorrect IR plots
2234029 The Make Cell command slows down when there are high number of cells in a library
2232604 DRD Notify does not check derived layers
2232385 VRF Provide command to convert dynamic shapes into static shapes, as in SiP
2231115 Mesh routing with shield spacing caused extension issue in ICADVM18.1 ISR9
2230879 Unnecessary figGroups are being generated by the Load Physical Hierarchy command
2230329 VLS True Color Selection setting with Scope all cannot be ignored on setting dimming to off
2228284 The Direct Plot main form does not plot an AMS signal that is below the top-level hierarchy
2226596 MaxWidth rule in the PDK should be considered while creating a Via stack
2226553 Virtuoso Visualization and Analysis XL: Cannot zoom in Y-axis after a certain limit
2226086 vsource pwl stimuli added using ADE L graphical stimuli from the GUI is not netlisted correctly with AMS simulator
2224287 The Flatten command does not work when there is a specific structure in IC6.1.7 or later releases
2223458 hspiceD based netlisting for multiple nport instances results in duplicated model definition 'MDN'
2221762 Backslashes are missed while importing outputs from a CSV file
2221070 Freeze Columns misaligns rows in the Results table
2219854 SRR: SST2: X-scale units are lost when signals are saved using multiple databases
2219831 DRD notify does not pick spacing constraints when a single net is used in a netClass
2219670 Plotting of output expressions with EvalType 'sweeps' is plotting all the corners together in every corner column
2216466 Point marker shows wrong value for impedance when the Normalized Smith Value option is not selected
2215248 The Create Pin command creates weakly-connected pins even when Connectivity is set to Strong
2212194 Error reported for wspCheckActive in SKILL Lint reports
2211786 Voltus-Fi checks out extra licenses on the remote hosts during distributed simulation
2209826 Design Intent annotations are wrongly placed after a move operation
2204378 Plot command in the context-sensitive menu of the Results tab plots all corners
2201758 qpss analysis reports missing variables 'selectharmUI1' and 'selectharmU2'
2200412 In WSP Power Router form, when Create Stripes is OFF, Create pins on layers option is greyed out but the combo box is not void
2197822 Display issues observed when clicking an output name in a frozen Output Name column
2196863 Undo becomes unresponsive after the Make Cell command is run on a virtual hierarchy clone
2192384 Different waveforms for the same digital bus are shown in IC6.1.8 and IC6.1.7
2188610 Layout data is not refreshed when the Refresh command is used in Library Manager or CIW after copying a cell
2183421 The headers of the '*.max_avg.report' and '*.avg.report' files display an incorrect violation threshold value
2181291 Cannot toggle the visibility of traces after opening the Legend Filter form
2180368 ADE Assembler plotting options not in sync with Results view plotting settings
2180163 dbWriteSkill generates empty procedure which causes an error
2178781 Direct plot does not work as expected with two-tone sweep HB analysis, works fine with one-tone sweep HB analysis
2176673 Enable the View Results command when multiple history items are selected
2173678 hiReportSelectItems is called when a window is closed
2172299 CSV export or import in ADE Assembler does not work properly when cells contain commas
2147522 False errors reported in SKILL lint reports
2136681 Virtuoso exits unexpectedly on including a read-only reference library in the AMS Include File field
2103197 Unable to stretch pins when Alignment constraints are present
2029328 Provide SKILL API to register discrete or primitive FET device as a head or foot switch
2023878 Support viewing of results from multiple history items
1919236 The maxWidth rule in the technology file causes part of via stack array to be reduced
1863165 Unable to find library in the fastTree command
1857533 Incorrect size of one of the vias due to Create Via Stack Generation
1780928 Virtuoso exits when selecting objects or instances in Navigator to add outputs in ADE Explorer
1776913 Provide a way to view results from multiple history items in ADE XL
1669512 Incorrect vias created if a manual stack with more than 60 rows is added
1243340 Provide a way to view results from multiple history items in ADE XL
1196854 PSS and HB analysis form unable to find tones when frequency values are derived from design variables

The Cadence Virtuoso System Design Platform links two world-class Cadence technologies—custom IC design and package/PCB design/analysis—creating a holistic methodology that automates and streamlines the design and verification flow for multi-die heterogeneous systems.

Leveraging the Virtuoso Schematic Editor and the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment, it provides a single platform for IC-and package/system-level design capture, analysis, and verification. In addition, the Virtuoso System Design Platform provides an automated bidirectional interface with the Cadence SiP-level implementation environment and Clarity 3d Solver.

The Virtuoso System Design Platform allows IC designers to easily include system-level layout parasitics in the IC verification flow, enabling time savings by combining package/board layout connectivity data with the IC layout parasitic electrical model. The automatically generated “system-aware” schematic that results can then be easily used to create a testbench for final circuit-level simulation. The Virtuoso System Design Platform automates this entire flow, eliminating the highly manual and error-prone process of integrating system-level layout parasitic models back into the IC designer’s flow.

Cadence Virtuoso: Introduction

This video shows the basic introduction to one of the most used IC design tools in the industry and academia - Cadence virtuoso. It also shows how to edit schematic design in cadence virtuoso.
Cadence is a pivotal leader in electronic design and computational expertise, using its Intelligent System Design strategy to turn design concepts into reality. Cadence customers are the world’s most creative and innovative companies, delivering extraordinary electronic products from chips to boards to systems for the most dynamic market applications.

Product: Cadence Virtuoso
Version: IC6.1.8 ISR13 *
Supported Architectures: x86_64
Website Home Page : www.cadence.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Linux **
Size: 9.6 Gb

Standalone Software Shipped with IC6.1.8

Virtuoso Power System L……………………………(IC6.1.8)
Voltus-Fi Custom Power Integrity Solution XL…………(IC6.1.8)

Cadence Product Releases Validated with IC6.1.8 ISR13

Spectre Circuit Simulators…………………………(SPECTRE 19.10.396)
Pegasus/Physical Verification System………………..(PEGASUS 20.11.000)
Physical Verification System……………………….(PVS 19.13.000)
Assura Physical Verification……………………….(ASSURA 04.16.107)
XCELIUM………………………………………….(XCELIUMMAIN 20.03.007)
Conformal………………………………………..(CONFRML 20.10.100)
Innovus………………………………………….(INNOVUS 20.10.000)
Extraction Tools (QRC/Quantus QRC)………………….(EXT 19.13.000)
Allegro Sigrity…………………………………..(SIG 19.00.001)
Silicon-Package-Board Co-Design…………………….(SPB 17.20.068)

Supported Platforms and Operating Systems
Bitness of Operating System: x64
Architecture: x86_64
Supported OS: RHEL 6.5, RHEL 7, SLES 11, SLES 12

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Cadence Virtuoso, Release Version IC6.1.8 ISR13