CullturedCode Things v1.1.3Mac App | 14mb | Rs,Hf
Task management has never been this easy. Simplicity, however, is not achieved at the expense of powerful features. Download your free trial today and start getting more things done with less effort.
Features:The big picture. A Leopard-style source list lets you easily focus without ever switching view modes or wrapping your head around filter criteria.
A magical tag bar automatically appears when needed and adapts to the currently displayed list. It lets you drill down through even the longest list of to-dos. Hierarchical tags? We've got you covered!
Everything in its place. Organize your to-dos with Projects and Areas of Responsibility.
Look Ma, no columns! Whether it's multiple tags, dates, or notes, to-do items display their information on an as needed basis. No more space wasted by empty or irrelevant column cells!