RevisionFX RE:Flex 5.2.8 for After Effects | 34 Mb
RevisionFX REFlex brings intuitive morphing and warping to After Effects. Superior results are achieved using RE:Vision Effects' proprietary and sophisticated technology. RE:Flex is especially easy to learn because it uses the host program's own drawing and masking tools (when available) to direct the warping and morphing; as such, there is no need to learn a whole new user interface. Using our proprietary tracking software, RE:Flex is the first morphing program to combine hand feature-matching with automatic image registration.
With RE:Flex warps are made easy. Just specify "from" geometry (in red) and "to" geometry (in yellow). No meshes. No new user interface to learn. Masks can be open or closed and need not be connected in any particular way. Picture courtesy of Videometry.
RE:Flex's automatic alignment feature works in conjunction with hand-specified correspondences. After first aligning hand-matched correspondences, RE:Flex then uses the tracking found in RE:Vision's acclaimed Twixtor product to automatically align the non-handmatched parts of the image. The automatic alignment feature can greatly improve morphs without having to specify all features by hand!
Requirements: Win64, After Effects CS5 and up
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