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Siemens NX 2007 Build 1700 (NX 2007 Series) with Documentation

Posted By: scutter
Siemens NX 2007 Build 1700 (NX 2007 Series) with Documentation

Siemens NX 2007 Build 1700 (NX 2007 Series) with Documentation | 16.9 Gb
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The Siemens Digital Industries Software development team is pleased to announce the availability of NX 2007 Build 1700 (NX 2007 Series). Last update, builds upon the continuous release process, introduces significant new and enhanced functionality in all areas of the product, as well as several new design tools, to help you work more productively and efficiently to build your 3D digital twin.

To help you leverage the latest design techniques and optimize your product designs, we have invested in all aspects of modeling, including core functionality in Modeling and Drafting, such as selection, feature modeling, synchronous technology, and assembly modeling.
This release brings some exciting new tools, including NX Topology Optimizer, which brings the simulation and design worlds closer together, allowing you to develop optimized designs based on key criteria. In addition, the new Design Space Explorer brings powerful multitarget parameter optimization by leveraging our Simcenter HEEDS solutions.
Finally, we have extended our capabilities in the area of Sheet Metal design and manufacture with a new NX 2D nesting solution
The latest part manufacturing capabilities in NX, including CNC programming and additive manufacturing, enable new levels of production efficiency, both during planning and on the shop floor.
Through AI-powered NC programming capability, NX CAM can now predict and suggest the next programming step based on the current machining application and user’s workflow patterns, helping you accelerate and standardize the programming process.
New and enhanced machining methods deliver unique advantages. A new Z-level Undercut operation requires minimum input to program hard-to-reach, undercut part regions, achieving programming five times faster by eliminating manual input. In just a few clicks, you can now create high-quality, collision-free toolpaths using T-cutter, spherical, or barrel tools. A new Flow Milling operation replaces the Flow Cut operation for rest machining, enabling precise toolpaths to remove the uncut material. The legacy Flow Cut operations can be automatically migrated to the new Flow Milling operations, enabling you to immediately leverage the benefits of this new advanced operation. The Guiding Curves finishing operation now supports bull nose tools, which are ideal for finishing steep areas, resulting in better surface finish. The enhanced Operation Navigator provides more flexibility and ease of use. You can now configure the operation navigator for multichannel machining. For each channel, you can filter the view individually, making the programming of multifunction machines much more intuitive. Smart Machine Kit Solution (SMKS) is a modern approach for NX CAM users to accurately validate and generate production-ready NC programs. SMKSs, also known as the digital twins of CNC machine tools, are available on Post Hub. Each SMKS includes the accurate model of the machine with kinematics, the postprocessor, and G-code-driven simulation. You can now purchase an SMKS license for different types of machining operations, such as 2-axis Turning and 3-axis Milling, enabling you to install the available kits from Post Hub. As an additional benefit, you can also try any SMKS on a single operation without a license. With the new SMKS approach, NX CAM users gain additional flexibility to easily program a wide range of CNC machine tools.
Additive Manufacturing
This release of NX continues the trend of applying automation to additive manufacturing. New capabilities for automating the population of the build tray equate to gains in efficiency when printing parts at industrial scales. Being able to copy parts and the associated supports within the build tray, and the ability to nest parts across multiple build trays, both streamline the build setup process. Furthermore, integrated orientation optimization runs dozens of simulations simultaneously in the cloud to find the optimal build orientation for reducing distortion, and this release includes the ability to offload print jobs to the new AM Print Server. Each of these capabilities increases the efficiency of your additive manufacturing operation and, together, they represent a consistent evolution towards a more streamlined end-to-end additive manufacturing process.

We are confident that the new capabilities in this release will allow you to work more productively than ever before, and to achieve your product requirements while staying at the forefront of industry trends

Release,PR#,Application,Function,Subfunction,Short Description
P1926,8448422,CAM,ROTARY_MILLING,ROTARY_ROUGH,CAM NX1926EVP38 Rotary Roughing Mirror vs Cut Direction
P1926,8448425,CAM,ROTARY_MILLING,ROTARY_ROUGH,CAM NX1926EVP38 Rotary Roughing vs Mirror Cut Direction
P1926,8449061,CAM,SWARFING,ALL,CAM NX1926EVP38 Wall Swarf - Error In External Library
V1980,8477395,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,NXN_ADV_ACO,MATV calculation time difference for same model
V1973,8481344,NXMANAGER,FILE_SAVE_AS,NEW_ITEM,"We get the information ""Failed to find dataset"" "
V2206.7000,8481552,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,VL2NX_ACOUSTIC,Ray contribution with Velocity BC not available
V1980,8481648,SYSTEM,WNT_INSTALL,ALL,Problem with Readme_OSS.htm symbolic link after NX install folder rename or copy
V1992,8483536,KDA,MOLDWIZARD,STANDARD_PARTS,MW MEUSBURGER_2018 E1362 Locating Ring creates wrong CATALOG attribute for screw
V1980,8483849,DRAFTING,DOCUMENTATION,ALL,There is an incorrect description in the Tables and Parts Lists documentation.
V1980,8484829,VSA,OTHER,ALL,Japanese translation is strange
P1980,8572876,CAM,MULTIAXIS_DEBUR,ALL,Multi Axis DeBurr Uses Rapid Moves Instead of StepOver Moves
P1980,8572942,CAM,3DROUGHING,ALL,New Planar Roughing Does not Use Interior and Exterior Cut Patterns
P2007,8573041,CAM,ADAPTIVE_MILL,ALL,3D Adaptive Roughing Out Of the Box Automatic Settings Do Not Produce a Toolpath
P2007,8573042,CAM,ADAPTIVE_MILL,ALL,"3D Adaptive Rough: Auto Depth Creates Toolpath with Incorrect ""Floor"" Allowance"
V11.0.2,9164743,CAM,VERIFY,3D_DYNAMIC,Collision checking in Tool Path Visualisation find collisions which does not exi
V12.0.2,9304883,PRINTED_CIRCUIT,PCB_EXCHANGE,ALL,NXMGR: Does MFK work with PCB Exchange
V1899,9657032,CAM,DOCUMENTATION,ALL,"""Multiple Passes"" option not always active in the Contour Area operation"
V1911,9730141,CAM,POSTCONFIG,ALL,"post processing ""MOM_ask_group_info"""
V1911,9760656,CAM,DOCUMENTATION,ALL,Description of MOM_expand_on is incorrect
V1926,9842897,CAM,TC_MFG,OTHER,IPW Source is not following Teamcenter revision rules
V1930,9878879,PRINTED_CIRCUIT,PCB_EXCHANGE,ALL,PCB Exchange performance problem with import
V1942,9916338,PRINTED_CIRCUIT,PCB_EXCHANGE,ALL,Exception encountered update undo happened
P2007,9960140,ADD_FIXED_PLANE,GENERAL,ALL,Print Mark does not Synchronize or Generate in Additive Manufacturing
V1953,9987065,PRINTED_CIRCUIT,PCB_EXCHANGE,ALL,Switching Application to PCBExchange takes a quite long time
V1953,9987432,TC_FEATURES,RESOURCE_MGR,AUTO_ASSEMBLY,"Using ""Auto Assembly"" multiple Time for adjustable Tools gives different Result"
V1953,9993215,SYSENG,DISPLAY,EDIT_OBJS_DISPY,Edit Object Display docs needs to explain 'Apply Changes to Owning Part' setting
V1942,9995631,CAM,DOCUMENTATION,ALL,WEDM does not support 3D Dynamic tool path verification
V1953,10025710,ADD_FIXED_PLANE,NESTING,OTHER,BUG: NX AM Volume of part doesn't get updated after a design change.
V1965,10035830,CAM,SURFACE_CONTOUR,DRIVE_GEOMETRY,Boundary Drive Method is Missing
V1953,10044243,PCB_EXCHANGE,IDX_IMPORT,ALL,Components are missing when we import an IDX
V1953,10048224,TRANSLATOR,STEP_AP242,STEP_TO_UG,Unable to open Step File but ok to import step242
V1965,10068536,SYSTEM,WNT_INSTALL,ALL,Start new NX1965 fails with 'System can not initialize callback interface'
V1965,10070672,CAM,HOLE_BOSS_MILL,GEOMETRY,Open NX12 CAM Setup in NX1969 remains unloaded (Error Code 820022)
V1969,10075749,CAM,TC_MFG,OTHER,"Saving a CAM-Assembly with ""Parametric"" TOOL returns ""General Fault Exception"""
V1946,10077921,SYSENG,UI_CONSTRUCTORS,POINT,Point offset along curve gives unexpected result
V1953,10083935,PRINTED_CIRCUIT,PCB_EXCHANGE,ALL,Board and component attributes defined for Work Part are not added to solid attr
V1965,10086043,DESIGN,ARCHITECTURE,MAKE_CURRENT,Make Current Feature on Error=ON causes loss of performance
V1953,10087813,ASSEMBLIES,DOCUMENTATION,ALL,Component pattern can't be placed in the correct position.
V1953,10096704,CAE,MOTION,SOLVER_LMS_SDK,MRR nodal disp curve
V1953,10102208,CAM,AREA_MILL,ZIG_CUT,Stepover distance changes unevenly
V1946,10103638,AUTOMATN_DESIGN,PLATFORM,ALL,Collaboration Navigator: Part properties not availabel
V1980,10108908,CAM,MULTIAXIS_DEBUR,ALL,MultiAxis Deburring Gouge the Part Geometry
V1961,10109498,KDA,DIAGRM_FRAMEWRK,REF_GEOM,The anchor of symbol will become two squares when we create the symbol in NX Chi
V1965,10111635,PRINTED_CIRCUIT,PCB_EXCHANGE,ALL,PCB Item Template dialog in PCB Exchange is confusing.
V1934,10115003,FLEXIBLE_PIPE,GENERAL,ALL,CAESimcenter –- (TEAPipe)
V1980,10116345,DESIGN,DOCUMENTATION,ALL,Measure Bodies Command are not correct within documentation.
V1957,10119711,DESIGN,WAVE,LINKED_BODIES,The color of the linked body is not updated in the target body
V12.0.1,10123853,CMM,IDEAS,ALL,CMM conversion does not finish
V2206.7000,10124225,FLEXIBLE_PIPE,GENERAL,ALL,Flexible Pipe Conact between cables with reinforcement not considered
V1980,10124925,CAM,DOCUMENTATION,ALL,Post Configurator encryption documentation confusing
V1953,10127101,CMM,PROENGINEER,ALL,Performance issue while migrating part with instances using CMM tool
V1953,10132398,AUTOMATN_DESIGN,AUTOMATION,ALL,Cant reorder the pages when printing it
V1973,10133850,FLEXIBLE_PIPE,GENERAL,ALL,Flexible Pipe cannot set collision of multiple pipes on the same face.
V1953,10134834,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,RESPONSE_SIM,"Function tools didn't convert ""time to FFT"" for general function type"
V1980,10135175,TRANSLATOR,DXF_DWG,IMPORT_GEOMETRY,DXF/DWG translator Simplify option does not cover SIMPLIFY_BCURVES
V1980,10137930,KDA,VALIDATION,ADDITIVE_CHECKS,Overhang angle is not working as expected
V1980,10139169,DRAFTING,DRAWING/VIEW,VW_BOUNDARY,Checkmate: Check View within Sheet
V1973,10139247,GATEWAY,CUSTOMER_DEFS,ALL,Customer Defaults - Edit Controls too narrow to read contents without scrolling
V1980,10141018,CAM,VERIFY,ANALYSIS,Wrong Analyzes IPW when Arc Engage is used
V1980,10141858,PRINTED_CIRCUIT,PCB_EXCHANGE,ALL,"If Constraint Type is set to ""Orthogonal"" in Design Rule, it produces wrong resu"
V1980,10141911,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,NVA_RAY_ACO,Ray acoustics
V1980,10143486,SYSENG,INSTALL_ISSUES,INSTALLER,Problems with NXCREO shortcut to NXPROE if NX installation dir is renamed/copied
V1980,10152332,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,SAMCEF_EXPORT,Error during samcef bank export in SC2021.1.
V1953,10152590,CAM,TEMPLATES,DEFAULTS,TEMPLATE PARTS - Object can be used is a template - Unchecked
V1980,10154995,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,SAMCEF_IMPORT,Problem with Pressure load import in Simcenter Samcef 2021.2.
V1953,10161047,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,SC03_LANG,support center error
V1980,10163296,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,MATERIALS,Managing Materials in German native language shows some problems
V1980,10165937,AUTOMATN_DESIGN,AUTOMATION,ALL,Naming of networks (generated in Automation Designer) are not shown in generated
V1946.3700,10167709,SYSTEM,WNT_INSTALL,ALL,"Silent installation will overwrite ""ugii_env.dat""."
V1980,10173302,DESIGN,CURVE,WRAP/UNWRAP_UI,Edit->Facet Body->Fill Hole should take same license interactive & for NXOpen
V1980,10174121,SHIP_DESIGN,DRAFTING,EXPANSION_DRWG,Shell Expansion Drawing: Attributes from stiffener curves disappearing after upd
V1988,10175007,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,FE_ASSY_VRTICAL,GSO: not activate excel reporting menu
V1980,10179374,KDA,MOLDWIZARD,STANDARD_PARTS,SHCS Manual screw from DME library does not have the correct origin
V1992,10179911,KDA,MOLDWIZARD,STANDARD_PARTS,Mold Wizard Meusburger 2018 E1402 creates screw with fixed 3mm diameter always
V1973,10180634,FLEXIBLE_PIPE,GENERAL,ALL,Flexible Pipe - Mounting shape not working when changing material
V1980,10183819,DRAFTING,ANNOTATION,TEXT_EDITOR,Zoom out factor is not enough in the new note editor
P2007,10184492,BETA_EAP,HELPDOCS,ALL,Wrong Environment Variable in Help for Overriding user preferences
P2007,10184700,2D_NESTING,PROCESSING,ALL,"Nesting error alert ""Nesting must have at least one stock_one part as input"""
V2007,10184890,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,SELECTION_RECIP,Performance SR - Adding multiple attributes to same objects in I-prt takes ever
V1988,10185173,P&ID_DESIGNER,LIBRARY,SYMBOL_AUTH,Error when modify a P&ID symbol: Invalid Input (error 1820030)
V2007,10185179,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,FE_ASSY_VRTICAL,GSO: not activate 'Use Max Length' option
V2007,10185218,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,FE_ASSY_VRTICAL,GSO Creation: not activate 'Use Max Length' option
V1988,10185760,SHIP_DESIGN,BASIC_DESIGN,TRANSITION,NX crash when do basic design transition
V2007,10185960,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,FE_ASSY_VRTICAL,GSO: can't get the expected result with the sync command
V1973.4300,10188247,DESIGN,INFO_ANALYSIS,MEASURE,An afterimage remains in the measurement result.
V1973.4300,10189546,DESIGN,SKETCHER,CONSTRAINTS,The value of the expression is not reflected.
V1992,10189727,ASSEMBLIES,WEIGHT_MANAGE,ALL,Non-Geometric parts still count towards assembly mass calculation
V1973,10189736,ASSEMBLIES,WEIGHT_MANAGE,ALL,By Mass Properties is the mass information from design wrong
V1973,10190997,KDA,MOLDWIZARD,ALL,Moldwizard Spreadsheet options need to be documented
V1888,10191316,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,ELEM_OPERATIONS,Associative Reflect of pyramid elements cause overlapping nodes.
V1988,10192113,SHIP_DESIGN,BASIC_DESIGN,WEIGHT&CG,Material estimation is slow
V1988,10192115,SHIP_DESIGN,BASIC_DESIGN,WEIGHT&CG,Weight and Center of Gravity is slow
V2007,10193106,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,FE_ASSY_VRTICAL,not recognize Force data on Load Recipe
V1988,10193256,AUTOMATN_DESIGN,AUTOMATION,ALL,NX Automation Designer Programm Crash On Generating TIA-Portal Hardware -Config
V1996,10194717,ARCHITECTURE,UPDATE,ALL,Memory Access Violation when Copying Custom Symbol with Ctrl+T
P2007,10196781,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,MATERIALS,material is opened with wrong environment view
P2007,10199977,CAM,USER_INTERFACE,OTHER,Requested Library cannot be loaded error when attempting to open nx part
V1953,10202280,SYSENG,UI_TOOLS,MDP,NXOpen.PartCollection.NewDisplay adds previous part to Window list again
V1996,10203434,CAM,OPERATION,PARALLEL_GEN,The cam_test_new template should not be visible
V1996,10205064,DESIGN,SKETCHER,OFFSET_CURVE,Internal Error updating sketch after change of Blend from Circular to Conic

NX 2007 - December 2021 Release

Siemens NX 2007 Build 1700 (NX 2007 Series) with Documentation

Siemens NX Continuous Release

Siemens is the first CAD/CAM/CAE software company to offer a continuous release model. With NX Continuous Release, upgrading is fast, automated, and seamless. Upgrades with NX Continuous Release is independent of your current version while preserving your existing data – even data back from 1984. Siemens PLM customers in the Continuous Release main channel will see functional improvements every six months with monthly updates. The software updates themselves are smaller, so you no longer need to make large jumps between significant releases.

Experience NX Continuous Release

Siemens Digital Industries Software is a leading global provider of product life cycle management (PLM) software and services with 7 million licensed seats and 71,000 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens Digital Industries Software works collaboratively with companies to deliver open solutions that help them turn more ideas into successful products.

Product: Siemens NX Continuous Release
Version: 2007 Build 1700 (NX 2007 Series) with Documentation *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC **
Size: 16.9 Gb


New Product Modules for this release

NX30707 – NX Topology Optimizer
- Prerequisite: NX Mach bundle or equivalent
- Available in value-based licensing

NX30706 – NX Design Space Explorer
- Prerequisite: NX Mach bundle or equivalent
- Available in value-based licensing

NX30164 – NX Nesting
- Prerequisite: NX Mach bundle or equivalent

NX30209 – NX Vehicle Design and Validation
- Prerequisite: NX General Packaging (NX VDA)
- NX30109 plus NX Mach bundle or equivalent

NX 30309 – NX Vehicle Design Advanced Validation
- Combination of NX VDA and NX VDV
- Pre-requisite: NX modelling bundle

NX version designation table after NX-12
NX-1847 Series: 1847-1851-1855-1859-1863-1867.xxxx
NX-1872 Series: 1872-1876-1880-1884-1888-1893.xxxx
NX-1899 Series: 1899-1903-1907-1911-1915-1919.xxxx
NX-1926 Series: 1926-1930-1934-1938-1942-1946.xxxx
NX-1953 Series: 1953-1957-1961-1965-1969-1973.xxxx
NX-1980 Series: 1980-1984-1988-1992-1996-2000.xxxx
NX-2007 Series: 2007-2011-2015-2019-2023-2027.xxxx

Siemens NX 2007 Build 1700 (NX 2007 Series) with Documentation

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Siemens NX 2007 Build 1700 (NX 2007 Series) with Documentation