CARROT Weather 4.15.16 | macOS | 30 mb CARROT Weather is an eerily accurate weather app that delivers hilariously twisted forecasts. There are secret locations to unlock. A time machine. And also evil penguins. From spooky fog to torrential downpours, CARROT’s dialogue, characters, and scenery change in… "unexpected" ways. You’ll actually be looking forward to a blizzard just to see what CARROT has in store for you!
Features:• Beautifully minimalist weather app
• Dark Sky’s super accurate weather data
• AccuWeather,, Foreca, MeteoGroup, Aeris Weather, Environment Canada, and WillyWeather data sources available as an upgrade
• Precipitation, weather alert, lightning strike, storm cell, daily summary, and astronomy notifications (where available)
• Radar and satellite maps
• 6,500+ lines of hilarious spoken dialogue
• 62 secret locations
• 36 achievements
• Will never sell your location data to third parties
Top In-App Purchases: Premium NOT included
Compatibility: macOS 10.15 or later
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