Liquid | Author 1.5.2 | macOS | 11 mb The Author word processor provides a minimalist visual environment with powerful controls:
• Automatic Outline. Pinch to collapse the text using your trackpad to see just the Headings and then click in the left hand margin to re-arrange the Headings.
• Quick Citation Creation. Select text and cmd-T to add ciTations for academic papers, books, web and even live video.
• Quick Citation Check. Click to see the source, including having video citations play inside Author, from the moment cited.
• Export As Academic Document to Plain Text, RTF & Word with automatic appending of citations in a References section at the end of the document. (In-App-Included)
• ‘About This Document’ is on the flip side which you can get to by doing two finger swipe horizontally. This view is what documents which cite this document will use.
• Advanced Interactions: ESC to go into and out of full screen, which seems like a detail but is very helpful when going between focused writing and interacting with many documents. All commands have easy to remember keyboard shortcuts and you can ctrl-click on text to check what options are available, such as cmd-1,2,3,4,5 to make turn the text into headings. Instant Find with cmd-F on selected text changes the document to only show sentences with the selected for text. Fast & useful.
• Read/Edit Modes for specific interactions to make both modes more powerful and pleasant, such as spacebar to move down a screen in Read mode or select text and spacebar to have the text spoken.
• Only The Controls You Need, No Distractions. cmd- / cmd+ to scale all the text, you cannot change the size, colour or font of specific text in Author, only make it bold and italic, since Author is a writing application, not a layout application so therefore gives you less things to unproductively fiddle with.
• Modern Architecture including auto saving and everything else you would expect from a modern, native macOS application including iCloud Drive (sync with Author iOS in the future).
• Warm background to reduce eye strain. Note that in full screen mode your eyes will quite quickly adjust to the cast so you will enjoy the benefit without really noticing anything different.
• Inte Liquid for advanced text interaction in Author and in all your Mac applications. Includes Search, References, Conversions, Translations and Share to WordPress and Medium.
In-App Purchases: Unlock Export - Unlocked.Compatibility: macOS 10.12.2 or later 64-bit
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