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July 15 version Unnattended AIO

Posted By: edvardo
July 15 version Unnattended AIO

July 15 version Unnattended AIO
520 MB

General Information
Type……………..: Application
Platform………….: Windows 9x/ME/2000/xp/2003/2003R2

Post Information
Posted by…………: Gamerman
Posted on…………: 7/15/2006

Release Notes
nLite Features

- Service Pack Integration
- Component Removal
- Unattended Setup
- Driver Integration *
- Hotfixes Integration **
- Tweaks
- Patches ***
- Bootable ISO creation

* - Textmode (CD Boot) and normal PnP
** - hotfixes with white icons, *KB*.exe, including update packs and Internet
Explorer 7
***- supports generic SFC, Uxtheme, TcpIp and Usb Polling patching.

So far it supports Windows 2000, XP x86/x64 and 2003 x86/x64 all languages.

It needs .NET Framework 2.0 in order to run it… On AIO

Here I would like to present "Windows Unattended CD Creator".
Creation of a bootable ISO image
Integration of service packs
Creation of user accounts
Integration of:

The program was tested meanwhile with german Windows 2000/2003/XP Home/Pro and
english Windows XP pro x64 edition.
Installed .Net Framework (v. 1.1 with sp1 and security patch or v. 2.0)
Windows 2000/XP/XP 64/2003 CD (as source)
A Program, which is able to burn a iso image on CD/DVD
CD and/or DVD burner

PowerPacker will help a user create a Multiboot Windows XP disk with or without
DriverPacks. It will do almost everything for you, even hex edit the files
needed to be hexed, create the boot directory, boot menu, etc. It makes creating
multiboot XP disks a breeze.

This program was made with the BTS DriverPacks in mind. Basically it does just
about everything you need to do to add a windows XP load to your MultiBoot Disk.

It will gather the needed files from your source XP CD and put them into a
directory you specify. It will grab the DriverPack Files and install them. It
will create a boot directory for your load and even hex edit the files that need
to be HEXED to allow you to boot to it. It will put the needed info into the
boot list so you can select your XP load. It makes testing the DriverPacks very

I also included Resource Tuner to edit DLLS.

Windows Post Install Wizard is included and is the runonce menu of choice for WinBorg, Retestrak, and nemesis
Sample included:
July 15 version Unnattended AIO

What is this 'DriverPacks BASE'? Do I really need it?'.

It's an easy to use GUI to slipstream the DriverPacks into a Windows 2000, XP or Server 2003 source.
How do I update the DriverPacks BASE?

There's a built-in UpdateChecker for all DriverPacks since DriverPacks BASE 6.05. Since that same version there's also an auto-update function for the DriverPacks BASE!

Install Notes
Use the Manual included and begin to learn these wonderfull programs

I also included several addons that integrate, such as winrara, vmware, openoffice 2.02, daemontools, imageburn, Klite, sygate, ultraiso, etc….

Download: 520 MB

Password: gamerman