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Altair Compose 2023.0

Posted By: scutter
Altair Compose 2023.0

Altair Compose 2023.0 | 1.8 Gb

Altair, a global leader in computational science and artificial intelligence (AI), announced the release of Compose 2023.0. Analyzing data, developing algorithms, or creating models - Compose is designed to bring your ideas forward.

New Features and Enhancements 2023.0

Library Creator
The Library Creator is a GUI utility tool that helps to create, modify, and encrypt extensions. From the File Utilities ribbon, select Library Creator.

Altair Compose 2023.0

Library Creator has tabs for entering Basic Info and Optional Files for creating a Plugin.xml, loader.oml, unload.oml, and organized folders that are used as an extension.
Functions include:
- Create an extension from scratch by selecting Basic info and/or Optional.
- Create an extension from scratch by selecting Basic info and/or Optional and encrypt it.
- Load an existing extension, modify, and encrypt it.
- Load an existing extension and encrypt it.
- Encryption of python files is currently not supported.

Altair Compose 2023.0

Altair Compose 2023.0

Invoke mode
Console Invoke mode now supports Plotting and Visualization with ‘-withgui’ argument.
compose_console.bat -withgui -continue -f BodeNyquistPlot.oml
Batch mode now supports creating and saving of plots with ‘-withgui’ argument. This requires a graphics card.
Compose_Batch.bat -withgui -f BodeNyquistPlot.oml

Redesign and enhancements of romAI Director *

New UI
A new workflow improves ease of use.

Altair Compose 2023.0

The GUI has the following sections:

1. File Menu: Contains generic actions
2. Top ribbon: Buttons based on the uipushtool feature
3. Tabs: Provide the switching feature
4. Left table: Choose signals and models
5. Canvas: Shows plots
6. Left panels: Show dataset and model information
7. Right panels: Input parameters
8. File information text boxes

The Pre-Processor lets you plot, filter signals, and save data.

Altair Compose 2023.0

The Builder has the following functions:
- Arrange the parameters in tabs
- Add a table for all features that go in training
- Physical Constraints can be selected using a drop-down menu instead of writing

Altair Compose 2023.0

The Post-Processor has the following features:
- Visualize all results (Loss metrics, Accuracy Check, Hyper Planes, and Time Simulation) on a single page and with fewer clicks
- Process more than one model without loading models repeatedly

Altair Compose 2023.0

Heat Map
A Heat Map has been added to show the correlation among features. This helps you select features based on correlation coefficient. The Correlation Coefficient slider helps to get most correlated features.

Altair Compose 2023.0

Auto Exploration
Auto Exploration lets you train multiple models with different hidden layers, activation functions, and neurons.

Altair Compose 2023.0

Stop Training
To stop model training, click the Stop button.

Altair Compose 2023.0


New OML Commands

CAE Readers 3D *
caereader3d now supports extraction of composite layers.
- getlayername3d, getlayerindex3d, getlayerslist3d commands extract composite layer information from CAE result file with model information.
- 'layer' argument in readcae3d can take layer information from the above commands and extract results from the composite layer.
- New caereaderoptions command is supported to set reader properties
. Supported property: ‘validatetime’
.. If set to ‘true’ it will validate that time channel values are not same. This is the default behavior.
.. If set to ‘false’ it will not validate the time channel information and extract the result with NaN when there is no result.

Communicate *
The Communicate library provides commands to support various communication protocols. MQTT Communicate Protocol is supported in Compose. The library contains the following commands:
- mqttclient: Connect to MQTT broke
- mqttpublish: Publish a topic message to the MQTT broker
- mqttsubscribe: Subscribe to a topic and receive message from MQTT broker
- mqttunsubscribe: Unsubscribe from a topic that is already subscribed from MQTT broker
- Utility functions: mqttclientinfo, mqttdestroy, mqttreconnect, mqttdisconnect

Altair Compose 2023.0

New Callback functions are supported for graphic objects.
For Figure:
- Windowbuttondownfcn: Function triggered when there is a mouse button press event on the figure object.
- Windowbuttonmotionfcn: Function triggered when the mouse is moving inside the figure area.
- Windowbuttonupfcn: Function triggered when there is a mouse button release event on the figure object.
- Windowkeypressfcn: Function triggered when there is a key press event on the figure object. The function is triggered if the figure or its children have focus.
- Windowkeyreleasefcn: Function triggered when there is a key release event on the figure object. The function is triggered if the figure or its children have focus.
- Windowscrollwheelfcn: Function triggered when there is a mouse wheel event on the figure object.
- Keyreleasefcn: Function triggered when there is a key release event on the figure object. The function is triggered only if the figure has focus
- Currentpoint: The position of the mouse in pixels
For axes and uicontrol:
- buttondownfcn
- selectionchangedfcn: Function triggered when tab is changed.

- Statistics functions now can ignore NaN values while evaluating:
. nanmean, nanmedian, nanstd, nansum, nanvar
. min and max functions now can ignore NaN values while evaluating.
- Kronprod:
. Certain operations on a Kronecker product can be applied to A and B without computing the actual product, kron(A,B).
. The kronprod object allows this shortcut to be performed when possible.
. Provides efficiency and ease of computation power while dealing with large matrices.
- gradient function is now supported to compute gradient of a function or sampled data.
- histc computes histogram counts.

- boxplot: Creates a box plot. Returns the statistics of the input data and the handles of the graphics object.

Altair Compose 2023.0

- bubblechart: Creates a bubble chart for data points.

Altair Compose 2023.0

- trimesh: Creates a 3D triangular mesh with triangle indices of x,y,z matrices.

Altair Compose 2023.0

- trisurf: Creates a 3D triangular surface with triangle indices of x,y,z matrices.

Altair Compose 2023.0

Python OML bridge
- table class now can be mapped to pandas DataFrame.
- Python Object Class mapping to OML object class

Signal Processing
- filter2: Performs 2D FIR filtering.
- findpeaks: Now accepts sampling frequency and time as input arguments to locate the peaks.
- pwelch: Now supports ‘spectrum type’ as an argument to calculate Powe spectral density.
. Valid options are ‘PSD’ or ‘power.’

New table functions are now supported:
- table2array: Converts non-numeric data table to array.
- table2cell, table2struct, struct2table, cell2table
- ‘variablenames’ property is now supported.

Additional Changes and Enhancements for OML Commands

The table function now sets "ColX" as the default variable name if the 'variablenames' property is not set.


Enhancements for MAT Explorer

MAT Explorer icon has been updated.

Enhancements for Plot Assistant
- Collapsible categories of 2D and 3D plots have been added.
- New plot types bubblechart, box plot, triplot, and pareto have been added in 2D plots.
- Trimesh and trisurf have been added in 3D plots.

Enhancements for Plotting
Added an option to disable the line in microdialog of Plotting.

Altair Compose 2023.0

Enhancements for UI Designer
New properties have been added to the following widgets:
- Slider: tracking, tickinterval, tickmarks

Altair Compose 2023.0

- Uitab: visible, selectionchangedfcn,
- Uipanel: enable property

Enhancements for User Interface
- Spilt view improvements have been made.
- Dark theme color scheme has been added.

Resolved Issues

Control System
- margin function error: index must be positive
- transfer function terms based on tf('s') not echoed to command window if the value is too small
- bode generates an error when system matrix is singular
GUI/UI Designer
- [Regress] UiPanel border property 'etchedin' shows different result
- [Regression] Running the attached test shows a warning twice
- Popupmenu does not show dropdown item when more than 1 matching items are found using regex
- String gets truncated in slide button
- Autocomplete prints a first letter of command on pressing enter
- Horizontal alignment property not saved for textbox from uiDesigner
- ode45 gives error as "user function failed"
- * ode45 does not recognize single output form sol=ode45(…) which has the structure with sol.x and sol.y set
- de2bi(8,'s') should raise an error
- issymmetric(NaN) and ishermitian(NaN) return to different result
- PsimWriteGraphFile does not output anything
- ismember cannot handle empty matrices
- writetable gives wrong result in the xlsx file
- checkbox not working in UI control
- Compose scripts using global variables behave differently before and after encryption
- OML Function parsing: incorrect function is parsed and executed with no error
- textread regression to read ascii files
- imread / imwrite defined in two source locations
- varargin and varargout issues
- inputname function does not update correctly inside an OML class
- unix() behaves different for win and linux
- OML Command window: Table value printed partially
- textread parses on blank spaces when the delimiter is given
- hide table class methods from variable browser
- compose crashes when using hdf5 readers in parfor
- parfor for assigning nd matrix
- addpath should reorder the path and put the path at top (or end) even if the path exists
- function lookup should look for different extensions in each path before moving to the next path
- License Expiration Message is incorrect and fixed.
- Wrong type of label for a figure with "mesh" and "plot3" commands
- The Figure sequence reverses when plots are done hide all and then show all
Other Libraries
- Python: default a variable with name "n" is created and visible in Python Variable Browser

* Applies to Standard Edition only as a paid extension

Altair Compose 2023.0

Altair Simulation -driven design changed product development forever, enabling engineers to reduce design iterations and prototype testing. Increasing scientific computing power expanded the opportunity to apply analysis, making large design studies possible within the timing constraints of a program. Now engineering adoption of AI is transforming product development again. The combination of physics-based simulation-driven design with machine learning, leveraging the latest in high-performance computing, enables teams to explore more and identify high-potential designs – while rejecting low-potential concepts – even earlier in development cycles.
Compose is an environment for doing math calculations, manipulating, and visualizing data, programming, and debugging scripts useful for repeated computations and process automation. Compose allows users to perform a wide variety of math operations including linear algebra and matrix manipulations, statistics, differential equations, signal processing, control systems, polynomial fitting, and optimization. The broad set of native CAE and test result readers accelerates system understanding and works with Altair Activate to support model-based development, for multi-domain and system of systems simulations. Altair Embed completes the model-based design portfolio with automated code generation, allowing for the testing and verification of embedded systems.

Altair Compose: Introduction to Signal Processing

Using Compose for Signal Processing allows useful information to be extracted from sensors that cannot be measured, can improve transmission, storage efficiency, and quality of signal. It will help you have a more clear understanding of phenomena in many applications. The "Signal Processing" playlist has been organized in 13 modules covering amongst others fundamentals, file i/o, frequency domain as well as time domain analysis.
Altair is a global technology company that provides software and cloud solutions in the areas of product development, high performance computing (HPC) and data analytics. Altair enables organizations across broad industry segments to compete more effectively in a connected world while creating a more sustainable future.

Owner: Altair
Product Name: Compose
Version: 2023.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.altair.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 1.8 Gb

Altair Compose 2023.0

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Altair Compose 2023.0