Altair Inspire Studio / Render 2021.1.0 Build 12621 | 7.0 Gb
Altair a global technology company providing solutions in product development, high-performance computing and data analytics, is pleased to announce the availability of 3D design and rendering solution Inspire Studio / Render 2021.1.0.
Altair Inspire Studio 2021.1.0 release notes
New Features and Enhancements
Altair Inspire Studio 2021.1 includes the following new features and enhancements.
Apply labels to faces using the Tags command. Tags are commonly used to label faces when sending geometry to simulation tools.
Sketch Profiles
Profiles are shaded when editing a sketch, indicating that the profile is closed.
Sketch Geometry Colors
The colors of sketch geometry are updated to align with other Altair products.
Virtual Wind Tunnel (VWT) Support
- Stream Lines
- Animated Mesh
- Motion Loop: Support for objects with embedded motion (coming from simulation results).
Drawing Views
When selecting the objects to include in the base drawing view, there is an option to set a custom view direction.
The Select to Border option was added to the right-click menu when editing PolyNURBS in face mode. Select to Border extends the
selection to the border faces.
Updated NURBS to Poly tool.
Variable Manager
Geometry based variables can be defined and referenced through the application providing unique flexibility to configure and explore design variations.
Use the Variable Manager to create new variables, edit variables, and import or export variables to a .csv file. You can then add and
define variables for use with the sketching and geometry tools. You can also specify dependencies between the variables, which
will cascade changes and update the model accordingly.
Once defined, you can then apply variables when using the sketching and geometry tools from the tool microdialogs. You can
select any available variable previously defined in the Variable Manager whose type matches the selected field. Click the f(x) button to
choose from the available variables.
The UI when editing NURBS curves is simplified. Now, the points used to add CV points are only shown when you hold down the Alt
Animation Updates
- The Animation Mode can now be accessed at any time from the Home tools. You do not need to switch to the Animation tab to begin creating an animation.
- Keyframe and track enhancements
- Rotation Around Axis tool
- New animation panel with possibility to edit curves for velocity control
- Parameters in Design Table can now be animated
Python Installation Directory
The location of the Python installation is moved up one level in the Altair installation folder. This was done so that Python is only installed once when multiple Altair products are installed.
Enhanced Help
See the end of this document for more information about the following enhancements.
- Workflow help
- Context-sensitive help
- Offline help
File Loading
More improvements in file loading and tessellation speed.
- Loading of a Parasolid file is now 7x times faster (3m:40s to 30s)
- Multi-threaded tessellation
- Async loading of VB/IB to GPU memory
- Some other general optimization in loading and drawing
Vulkan API
We have switched to the Vulkan API. Please make sure you have the latest graphics driver.
3DConnexion Support
We now support 3DConnexion devices.
Die Design
New Enhancements
- Bridge addendum now supports single ribs and addendum start lines
- Bridge addendum now supports adjacent bridge addendum edges as the addendum start line
- You can now create a die with only a part and a binder, without any addendum
- New offset options were added for quick creation of a matching die
- You can now define the symmetry plane direction using 3 points
- Quick orientation of the rib plane using a reference curve for straight line ribs
Resolved Issues
- Reputative selection of addendum start line eliminated
- Multiple ribs created at a location for open addendum start line
Altair Inspire Render 2021.1.0 release notes
New Features and Enhancements
Altair Inspire Render 2021.1 includes the following new features and enhancements.
Animation Updates
- The Animation Mode can now be accessed at any time from the Home tools. You do not need to switch to the Animation tab to begin creating an animation.
- Keyframe and track enhancements
- Rotation Around Axis tool
- New animation panel with possibility to edit curves for velocity control
- Parameters in Design Table can now be animated
Python Installation Directory
The location of the Python installation is moved up one level in the Altair installation folder. This was done so that Python is only
installed once when multiple Altair products are installed.
Enhanced Help
See the end of this document for more information about the following enhancements.
- Workflow help
- Context-sensitive help
- Offline help
File Loading
More improvements in file loading and tessellation speed.
- Loading of a Parasolid file is now 7x times faster (3m:40s to 30s)
- Multi-threaded tessellation
- Async loading of VB/IB to GPU memory
- Some other general optimization in loading and drawing
Vulkan API
We have switched to the Vulkan API. Please make sure you have the latest graphics driver.
3DConnexion Support
We now support 3DConnexion devices.
New Features and Enhancements
Altair Inspire Studio 2021.1 includes the following new features and enhancements.
Apply labels to faces using the Tags command. Tags are commonly used to label faces when sending geometry to simulation tools.
Sketch Profiles
Profiles are shaded when editing a sketch, indicating that the profile is closed.
Sketch Geometry Colors
The colors of sketch geometry are updated to align with other Altair products.
Virtual Wind Tunnel (VWT) Support
- Stream Lines
- Animated Mesh
- Motion Loop: Support for objects with embedded motion (coming from simulation results).
Drawing Views
When selecting the objects to include in the base drawing view, there is an option to set a custom view direction.
The Select to Border option was added to the right-click menu when editing PolyNURBS in face mode. Select to Border extends the
selection to the border faces.
Updated NURBS to Poly tool.
Variable Manager
Geometry based variables can be defined and referenced through the application providing unique flexibility to configure and explore design variations.
Use the Variable Manager to create new variables, edit variables, and import or export variables to a .csv file. You can then add and
define variables for use with the sketching and geometry tools. You can also specify dependencies between the variables, which
will cascade changes and update the model accordingly.
Once defined, you can then apply variables when using the sketching and geometry tools from the tool microdialogs. You can
select any available variable previously defined in the Variable Manager whose type matches the selected field. Click the f(x) button to
choose from the available variables.
The UI when editing NURBS curves is simplified. Now, the points used to add CV points are only shown when you hold down the Alt
Animation Updates
- The Animation Mode can now be accessed at any time from the Home tools. You do not need to switch to the Animation tab to begin creating an animation.
- Keyframe and track enhancements
- Rotation Around Axis tool
- New animation panel with possibility to edit curves for velocity control
- Parameters in Design Table can now be animated
Python Installation Directory
The location of the Python installation is moved up one level in the Altair installation folder. This was done so that Python is only installed once when multiple Altair products are installed.
Enhanced Help
See the end of this document for more information about the following enhancements.
- Workflow help
- Context-sensitive help
- Offline help
File Loading
More improvements in file loading and tessellation speed.
- Loading of a Parasolid file is now 7x times faster (3m:40s to 30s)
- Multi-threaded tessellation
- Async loading of VB/IB to GPU memory
- Some other general optimization in loading and drawing
Vulkan API
We have switched to the Vulkan API. Please make sure you have the latest graphics driver.
3DConnexion Support
We now support 3DConnexion devices.
Die Design
New Enhancements
- Bridge addendum now supports single ribs and addendum start lines
- Bridge addendum now supports adjacent bridge addendum edges as the addendum start line
- You can now create a die with only a part and a binder, without any addendum
- New offset options were added for quick creation of a matching die
- You can now define the symmetry plane direction using 3 points
- Quick orientation of the rib plane using a reference curve for straight line ribs
Resolved Issues
- Reputative selection of addendum start line eliminated
- Multiple ribs created at a location for open addendum start line
Altair Inspire Render 2021.1.0 release notes
New Features and Enhancements
Altair Inspire Render 2021.1 includes the following new features and enhancements.
Animation Updates
- The Animation Mode can now be accessed at any time from the Home tools. You do not need to switch to the Animation tab to begin creating an animation.
- Keyframe and track enhancements
- Rotation Around Axis tool
- New animation panel with possibility to edit curves for velocity control
- Parameters in Design Table can now be animated
Python Installation Directory
The location of the Python installation is moved up one level in the Altair installation folder. This was done so that Python is only
installed once when multiple Altair products are installed.
Enhanced Help
See the end of this document for more information about the following enhancements.
- Workflow help
- Context-sensitive help
- Offline help
File Loading
More improvements in file loading and tessellation speed.
- Loading of a Parasolid file is now 7x times faster (3m:40s to 30s)
- Multi-threaded tessellation
- Async loading of VB/IB to GPU memory
- Some other general optimization in loading and drawing
Vulkan API
We have switched to the Vulkan API. Please make sure you have the latest graphics driver.
3DConnexion Support
We now support 3DConnexion devices.
HyperWorks 2021 suite contains independent product packages Independent product packages give you the flexibility to install desired packages as needed. Any HyperWorks 2021 standalone SA update package can be installed either on top of an existing 2021 installation, or can be installed independently without the prerequisite of a 2021 base.
Important Note: You can no longer install a different version of an already installed product to the same location (for example, HW Desktop 2021.1 on top of HW Desktop 2021). Installer capabilities and features
Altair Inspire Studio is the new solution for innovative designers, architects, and digital artists to create, evaluate and visualize designs faster than ever before. With unrivaled flexibility and precision, its unique construction history feature along with multiple modeling techniques empowers users throughout the creative process.
By building on the functions of Altair Evolve, Inspire Studio introduces a sleek, efficient user experience. Each tool and workflow are now optimized for an efficient design experience from initial sketches to exploring styling with polygonal, freeform, and PolyNURBS parametric modeling.
Produce stunning product presentations in real-time with the in-built high-quality, physically-based global illumination renderer using biased photorealistic, unbiased and GPU modes.
Altair Inspire Studio Overview - Design Faster than Ever Before
Altair Inspire Render is the new 3D rendering and animation powerhouse for innovative designers, architects, and digital artists to produce stunning product presentations faster than ever before.
Quickly create, modify, drag-n-drop a variety of materials, add lighting environments to generate images and animations in real-time with the built-in high-quality, physically-based global illumination rendering engine. All in a slick and efficient user experience that fulfills the needs of novice and expert users alike.
Supporting CUDA and OpenCL, Inspire Render leverages the latest high-end graphic processor technology. No dedicated GPU card? No problem, fast production rendering by the software’s interactive Presto/IR engine enables immediate feedback on production quality, while being versatile, quick, and fun to use.
Running as a standalone product or under Altair’s flexible token-based licensing model, Inspire Render frees designers’ creativity from the constraints of traditional tools, while assuring export of robust digital models for product development.
Altair Inspire Studio | Moka - Rendering
Altair is a global technology company that provides software and cloud solutions in the areas of product development, high performance computing (HPC) and data analytics. Altair enables organizations across broad industry segments to compete more effectively in a connected world while creating a more sustainable future.
Product: Altair Inspire Studio / Render
Version: 2021.1.0 Build 12621
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 7.0 Gb
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