Altium Designer 23.0.1 Build 38 | 3.2 Gb
The software developer Altium is pleased to announce the availability of Altium Designer 23.0.1 Build 38, the PCB industry's leading design tool, allows engineers to focus more on designing and worry less about supply chain shortages.
51354 In some cases, the "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" would be encountered.
51839 Brought back the autosizing feature for ports, enabled by default for a fresh installation (with no imported preferences) and only for newly-placed port objects. (BC:17706)
52294 In some cases, the EOleException "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" would be encountered.
52782 The error 'A given document's ID is invalid' was encountered when trying to add more than three Draftsman documents to a design project. (BC:19523)
52942 In some cases, the error "EOleException: The specified argument is outside the range of valid values" would be encountered.
47341 The Dimmed Objects slider bar (View Options tab of View Configuration panel) was returning to the default position after closing and opening Altium Designer. (BC:10232)
50376 When generating ODB++ data, the pin data in the components file was incorrectly including the designator of the component, instead of just the pin number.
51851 When using the new Variant Manager, there were some cases where the error "Dispatcher processing has been suspended" would be encountered after clicking on the value for the Description parameter.
52052 Added a Silkscreen Preparation tool to the PCB/PCBLib editors providing silkscreen clipping, automated movement of silkscreen text and automated clipping or movement of fills/regions.
52336 Improved interactive routing performance in the presence of complex layer stack regions.
52425 When exporting to AutoCAD, internal system layer names were being used and not the layer names defined through the Layer Stack Manager. (BC:18335)
52426 Clearances between polygon and track primitives were correct on the PCB, but incorrect in the generated Gerbers.
52490 In some cases, the error "E3DError: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED" would be encountered. (BC:19905)
52499 An exception would occur when placing full stack vias in a PCB library, then switching to the Layer Stack Manager.
52503 In arc modes, the Interactive Differential Pair router would create unevenly spaced differential pairs if, in the rules, clearance > diff pair gap. (BC:19180)
52507 With the Component re-route option enabled, moving a component with attached primitives on the multi-layer would result in an Access Violation.
52561 For a specific design, removing unused pad/via templates from the Local Pad & Via Library would lead to a catastrophic failure.
52581 Component links were being broken at design import after having previously added a new variant or changed alternate part parameters using the new Variant Manager.
52646 A PCB panel document involving a high number of boards was taking around 15 minutes to open, compared to 30-40s in older versions of the software.
52672 ODB++ output for a panelized board was generating a separate folder for each stepped PCB instead of a single folder for all stepped PCBs.
52725 For specific designs, closing an open PCB document when the new Variant Manager was also open would result in an exception being encountered.
52727 The Collaborate, Compare and Merge panel has been removed from Public use. For the time being it is only available to Beta users as part of the set of Closed Beta features.
52802 The Net Information region of the Properties panel now has expandable sections to show all relevant class information. (BC:19422)
52850 For a specific design, moving a union of components and then attempting to Undo the action would result in Altium Designer closing unexpectedly. (BC:19714)
52944 When using the .VersionControl_RevNumber special string, the suffix "[no modification]" was being added for non-modified files. (BC:19797)
53065 For specific components, no Parasolid parts (*.x_t) were being created (from STEP models in the PCB design) when transferring the design from ECAD to MCAD.
53130 Generating ODB++ output from an embedded board array would result in wrongly named and missing layers. (BC:19887)
52438 For a Module Entry using a Workspace Library component, the Properties panel now reflects the lifecycle and revision state, with the ability to quickly update to the latest revision.
52439 Single pin nets wired to a connector with a defined Net Label (in the child PCB project) would be named 'No Net' in the multi-board Schematic.
Harness Design
53252 Added support for Harness Design through the creation of a Harness Project (*.PrjHar), which can be standalone or part of a multi-board project.
50633 Support added for enhanced handling of projects with missing documents instead of automatic removal and flagging the project as 'modified' when opened. (BC:1243)
50964 In some cases, the error "EInvalidAccessToObject: Object accessed after being destroyed" would be encountered.
52125 Project is no longer modified if the stored printer for it is not available on a PC. Instead, that PC's default printer will be used, but can be explicitly changed thereafter.
52374 In some cases, the error "System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized)" would be encountered.
52694 In some cases an EAccessViolation (at address 000000016EC7C132 in module "ADVPCB.DLL") would be encountered.
Data Management
47275 The control to open the Manufacturer Part Search panel from the Replace <Component> dialog (when choosing an alternate part for a variant) has been removed. (BC:17266)
47488 When acquiring a component from the Manufacturer Part Search panel into the Workspace, all datasheets were being added instead of just those selected in the Use Component Data dialog.
51416 With a Workspace project opened in two instances of Altium Designer, one instance (if closed and then opened) would need a manual refresh to see any changes made/saved in the other instance.
51560 Enhanced detection and resolution of duplicate project files, without the need to use an external VCS tool.
51638 Added the ability to export the project history into a PDF through an Output Job.
51837 Enhanced support added for admins to remove design repositories from Workspace (with validation). Also added auto-removal of repository after successful migration of external VCS project.
52297 It was not possible to add a Manufacturer Link to the ActiveBOM when the manual solution was from a custom part provider (synced to the Workspace using PrtSync).
52339 Added a warning dialog when attempting to rename the project file (or a source document) and that file is in the 'Out of date' or 'Conflict' state.
52349 Support added for layer-specific comments on the PCB (in 2D). Focusing a comment will auto-switch to the same view the reviewer had (visible layers, active layer, top/bottom view).
52351 A System.FormatException error would occur if attempting to set a non-numeric value for the Quantity field in a custom row of an ActiveBOM.
52366 The Project Releaser Item Naming Template settings are now stored in the project file, instead of the local Windows registry.
52451 The mention feature with comments does not pop a suggestion list when using the @ symbol and the local language keyboard is used (not EN).
52474 There were problems encountered with automatic task assignment when using the commenting feature.
52555 In some cases when working with comments, the error "System.InvalidCastException" would be encountered.
52587 In some cases, an EAccessViolation in module "EDMSInterface.dll" would be encountered.
52615 When adding an alternative item to the BOM, the Add Alternative Item dialog now remembers your used filters and values, just as the Components panel does.
52616 When removing an alternative group a confirmation dialog will now appear, alerting you that doing so will remove any alternate components assigned to that group from the BOM also.
52656 The active VCS status pop-up window was not displayed correctly if the Projects panel was docked in a position other than on the left. (BC:19688)
52676 For a specific project in an external SVN repository, the Open/Compare right-click commands in the Storage Manager panel would not function correctly. (BC:17509)
52984 In some cases, switching between Pro and Standard Workspaces would result in the Pro Workspace losing features/functionality.
52986 In some cases, it was not possible to add new components or edit existing components in a Workspace Library. (BC:19813)
49342 When importing a specific Mentor Expedition® design, holes/cutouts in copper were not being converted correctly.
51388 In some cases, the EStringListError "String list does not allow duplicates" would be encountered when importing a PADS design using the Import Wizard.
51790 In some cases, an Access Violation in module "LoadPADS.IWZ" would be encountered when importing a PADS design using the Import Wizard.
51212 The text "Output Expression" had a typo in the DC Sweep and Transient areas of the Simulation Dashboard.
52279 Running an AC Sweep Analysis with an Output Expression of MAG(v(resistance))) would result in an incorrect value for the AC Voltage.
52310 In some cases, the EOleException "Index was outside the bounds of the array" would be encountered when performing the verification stage.
52371 The model description for the following components was incorrect - CCSW_Hysteresis, CCSW_Smooth_Trans, Switching Capacitor, Photodiode.
52378 Added support for additional PSpice digital model primitives including flip-flops, latches, Pullup, Pulldown, Delay Line and behavioral primitive LOGICEXP.
52379 The performance of the SimData editor has been enhanced with various optimizations, memory buffering and removal of redundant calls.
52398 Added PSpice standard gate components (AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, NXOR, BUF and INV) to the Simulation Generic Components library.
52399 Added PSpice tristate gate components (AND3, OR3, XOR3, NAND3, NOR3, NXOR3, BUF3 and INV3) to the Simulation Generic Components library.
52400 Added the PSpice Digital Generator component to the Simulation Generic Components library.
52403 Ability to view the high-impedance state for digital waveforms in the SimData editor.
52477 There was a typo in the simulation error message "Operating Point Analysis: Failed to Calulate the Operating Point".
52724 For the STIM component, the incorrect starting value was being used for d(pre) in a transient analysis ('0' instead of '1').
52754 When running the verification stage, an error with model syntax was not presented in the Sim Model dialog, while an empty error message was presented in the Messages panel.
52828 The .IC and .NS components from the Simulation Generic Components library were not being added to the generated netlist.
51354 In some cases, the "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" would be encountered.
51839 Brought back the autosizing feature for ports, enabled by default for a fresh installation (with no imported preferences) and only for newly-placed port objects. (BC:17706)
52294 In some cases, the EOleException "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" would be encountered.
52782 The error 'A given document's ID is invalid' was encountered when trying to add more than three Draftsman documents to a design project. (BC:19523)
52942 In some cases, the error "EOleException: The specified argument is outside the range of valid values" would be encountered.
47341 The Dimmed Objects slider bar (View Options tab of View Configuration panel) was returning to the default position after closing and opening Altium Designer. (BC:10232)
50376 When generating ODB++ data, the pin data in the components file was incorrectly including the designator of the component, instead of just the pin number.
51851 When using the new Variant Manager, there were some cases where the error "Dispatcher processing has been suspended" would be encountered after clicking on the value for the Description parameter.
52052 Added a Silkscreen Preparation tool to the PCB/PCBLib editors providing silkscreen clipping, automated movement of silkscreen text and automated clipping or movement of fills/regions.
52336 Improved interactive routing performance in the presence of complex layer stack regions.
52425 When exporting to AutoCAD, internal system layer names were being used and not the layer names defined through the Layer Stack Manager. (BC:18335)
52426 Clearances between polygon and track primitives were correct on the PCB, but incorrect in the generated Gerbers.
52490 In some cases, the error "E3DError: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED" would be encountered. (BC:19905)
52499 An exception would occur when placing full stack vias in a PCB library, then switching to the Layer Stack Manager.
52503 In arc modes, the Interactive Differential Pair router would create unevenly spaced differential pairs if, in the rules, clearance > diff pair gap. (BC:19180)
52507 With the Component re-route option enabled, moving a component with attached primitives on the multi-layer would result in an Access Violation.
52561 For a specific design, removing unused pad/via templates from the Local Pad & Via Library would lead to a catastrophic failure.
52581 Component links were being broken at design import after having previously added a new variant or changed alternate part parameters using the new Variant Manager.
52646 A PCB panel document involving a high number of boards was taking around 15 minutes to open, compared to 30-40s in older versions of the software.
52672 ODB++ output for a panelized board was generating a separate folder for each stepped PCB instead of a single folder for all stepped PCBs.
52725 For specific designs, closing an open PCB document when the new Variant Manager was also open would result in an exception being encountered.
52727 The Collaborate, Compare and Merge panel has been removed from Public use. For the time being it is only available to Beta users as part of the set of Closed Beta features.
52802 The Net Information region of the Properties panel now has expandable sections to show all relevant class information. (BC:19422)
52850 For a specific design, moving a union of components and then attempting to Undo the action would result in Altium Designer closing unexpectedly. (BC:19714)
52944 When using the .VersionControl_RevNumber special string, the suffix "[no modification]" was being added for non-modified files. (BC:19797)
53065 For specific components, no Parasolid parts (*.x_t) were being created (from STEP models in the PCB design) when transferring the design from ECAD to MCAD.
53130 Generating ODB++ output from an embedded board array would result in wrongly named and missing layers. (BC:19887)
52438 For a Module Entry using a Workspace Library component, the Properties panel now reflects the lifecycle and revision state, with the ability to quickly update to the latest revision.
52439 Single pin nets wired to a connector with a defined Net Label (in the child PCB project) would be named 'No Net' in the multi-board Schematic.
Harness Design
53252 Added support for Harness Design through the creation of a Harness Project (*.PrjHar), which can be standalone or part of a multi-board project.
50633 Support added for enhanced handling of projects with missing documents instead of automatic removal and flagging the project as 'modified' when opened. (BC:1243)
50964 In some cases, the error "EInvalidAccessToObject: Object accessed after being destroyed" would be encountered.
52125 Project is no longer modified if the stored printer for it is not available on a PC. Instead, that PC's default printer will be used, but can be explicitly changed thereafter.
52374 In some cases, the error "System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized)" would be encountered.
52694 In some cases an EAccessViolation (at address 000000016EC7C132 in module "ADVPCB.DLL") would be encountered.
Data Management
47275 The control to open the Manufacturer Part Search panel from the Replace <Component> dialog (when choosing an alternate part for a variant) has been removed. (BC:17266)
47488 When acquiring a component from the Manufacturer Part Search panel into the Workspace, all datasheets were being added instead of just those selected in the Use Component Data dialog.
51416 With a Workspace project opened in two instances of Altium Designer, one instance (if closed and then opened) would need a manual refresh to see any changes made/saved in the other instance.
51560 Enhanced detection and resolution of duplicate project files, without the need to use an external VCS tool.
51638 Added the ability to export the project history into a PDF through an Output Job.
51837 Enhanced support added for admins to remove design repositories from Workspace (with validation). Also added auto-removal of repository after successful migration of external VCS project.
52297 It was not possible to add a Manufacturer Link to the ActiveBOM when the manual solution was from a custom part provider (synced to the Workspace using PrtSync).
52339 Added a warning dialog when attempting to rename the project file (or a source document) and that file is in the 'Out of date' or 'Conflict' state.
52349 Support added for layer-specific comments on the PCB (in 2D). Focusing a comment will auto-switch to the same view the reviewer had (visible layers, active layer, top/bottom view).
52351 A System.FormatException error would occur if attempting to set a non-numeric value for the Quantity field in a custom row of an ActiveBOM.
52366 The Project Releaser Item Naming Template settings are now stored in the project file, instead of the local Windows registry.
52451 The mention feature with comments does not pop a suggestion list when using the @ symbol and the local language keyboard is used (not EN).
52474 There were problems encountered with automatic task assignment when using the commenting feature.
52555 In some cases when working with comments, the error "System.InvalidCastException" would be encountered.
52587 In some cases, an EAccessViolation in module "EDMSInterface.dll" would be encountered.
52615 When adding an alternative item to the BOM, the Add Alternative Item dialog now remembers your used filters and values, just as the Components panel does.
52616 When removing an alternative group a confirmation dialog will now appear, alerting you that doing so will remove any alternate components assigned to that group from the BOM also.
52656 The active VCS status pop-up window was not displayed correctly if the Projects panel was docked in a position other than on the left. (BC:19688)
52676 For a specific project in an external SVN repository, the Open/Compare right-click commands in the Storage Manager panel would not function correctly. (BC:17509)
52984 In some cases, switching between Pro and Standard Workspaces would result in the Pro Workspace losing features/functionality.
52986 In some cases, it was not possible to add new components or edit existing components in a Workspace Library. (BC:19813)
49342 When importing a specific Mentor Expedition® design, holes/cutouts in copper were not being converted correctly.
51388 In some cases, the EStringListError "String list does not allow duplicates" would be encountered when importing a PADS design using the Import Wizard.
51790 In some cases, an Access Violation in module "LoadPADS.IWZ" would be encountered when importing a PADS design using the Import Wizard.
51212 The text "Output Expression" had a typo in the DC Sweep and Transient areas of the Simulation Dashboard.
52279 Running an AC Sweep Analysis with an Output Expression of MAG(v(resistance))) would result in an incorrect value for the AC Voltage.
52310 In some cases, the EOleException "Index was outside the bounds of the array" would be encountered when performing the verification stage.
52371 The model description for the following components was incorrect - CCSW_Hysteresis, CCSW_Smooth_Trans, Switching Capacitor, Photodiode.
52378 Added support for additional PSpice digital model primitives including flip-flops, latches, Pullup, Pulldown, Delay Line and behavioral primitive LOGICEXP.
52379 The performance of the SimData editor has been enhanced with various optimizations, memory buffering and removal of redundant calls.
52398 Added PSpice standard gate components (AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, NXOR, BUF and INV) to the Simulation Generic Components library.
52399 Added PSpice tristate gate components (AND3, OR3, XOR3, NAND3, NOR3, NXOR3, BUF3 and INV3) to the Simulation Generic Components library.
52400 Added the PSpice Digital Generator component to the Simulation Generic Components library.
52403 Ability to view the high-impedance state for digital waveforms in the SimData editor.
52477 There was a typo in the simulation error message "Operating Point Analysis: Failed to Calulate the Operating Point".
52724 For the STIM component, the incorrect starting value was being used for d(pre) in a transient analysis ('0' instead of '1').
52754 When running the verification stage, an error with model syntax was not presented in the Sim Model dialog, while an empty error message was presented in the Messages panel.
52828 The .IC and .NS components from the Simulation Generic Components library were not being added to the generated netlist.
Altium Designer represents decades of innovation and development focused on creating a truly unified design environment — One that enables users to effortlessly connect with every facet of the PCB design process. With features that have pioneered change and an ever-growing community of users, advocates, educators, and experts, Altium Designer is truly transforming the industry and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Experience the world's finest PCB design product for yourself and see why more Engineers and Designers choose Altium than any other product available.
Altium Tutorial for Beginners - Starting with Altium Designer
Altium Ltd. is a multinational software corporation headquartered in San Diego, California, that focuses on electronics design systems for 3D PCB design and embedded system development. Altium products are found everywhere from world leading electronic design teams to the grassroots electronic design community. Founded in 1985, Altium has offices worldwide, with US locations in San Diego, Boston and New York City, European locations in Karlsruhe, Amersfoort, Kiev, Munich, Markelo and Zug, and Asia Pacific locations in Shanghai, Tokyo and Sydney.
Product: Altium Designer
Version: 23.0.1 Build 38
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 3.2 Gb
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