Antares AVOX v4.2.0 WiN | 19 Mb
The AVOX 4 Antares Vocal Toolkit combines 11 of our state-of-the-art vocal processing plug-ins to give you the power you need to create stunning vocal tracks in any musical style, as well as design unique vocal effects for audio post-production applications.
AVOX ARTICULATOR - Digital Talkbox
AVOX ASPIRE - Aspiration Noise Processor
AVOX CHOIR - Vocal Multiplier
AVOX DUO - Vocal Modeling Auto-Doubler
AVOX MUTATOR - Extreme Voice Designer
AVOX PUNCH - Vocal Impact Enhancer
AVOX SYBIL - Variable Frequency De-Esser
AVOX THROAT - Physical Modeling Vocal Designer
AVOX WARM - Tube Saturation Generator
Harmony Engine - Vocal Modeling Harmony Generator
Mic Mod - Classic Microphone Modeler