CSI ETABS version 20.3.0 | 760.8 mb
Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI), is pleased to announce the availability of ETABS 20.3.0. This update includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.
20.3.0 Release Notes - Released 25-Jul-2022
Bug Fixes
Issues reported by users have been corrected.
This document lists changes made to ETABS since v20.2.0, released 01-July-2022. Items marked with an
asterisk (*) in the first column are more significant.
8756 The Chinese frame-section database has been updated where section properties for some of the frame sections have been corrected and several new frame sections have been added for I/Wide Flange, Tee, Angle, and Pipe shapes.
8765 An enhancement was made for Eurocode 2-2004 shear wall design where the enforcement of stricter limits on the axial load in ductile walls, as implemented under Ticket 8632 in ETABS v20.2.0, is now limited to only those design load combinations involving seismic load. The affected limits imposed under Ticket 8632 were: The axial load cannot exceed 0.4*fcd*Ag for DCM walls (EC8 section and cannot exceed 0.35*fcd*Ag for DCH walls (EC8 section
8701 The version number has been changed to 20.3.0 for a new intermediate release.
8711 An incident was resolved where the presence of a concrete-type parametric PMM hinge assigned to a frame object may cause the model to be unable to run analyses. This issue only affected ETABS v20.1.0 and v20.2.0.
8726 An incident was resolved where under certain conditions general pier section definitions would not import into section designer sections through the database. The problem occurred when there were a greater number of general pier sections defined than frame section properties.
4076 An incident has been resolved in steel frame design codes Eurocode 3-2005, Italian NTC 2008, and Italian NTC 2018 in which the program now calculates the design end shear for connections in dissipative zones in DCH and DCM moment-resisting frames based on Rd ≥ 1,1*γov*Rfy where Rd is the resistance of the connection and Rfy is the plastic resistance of the connected dissipative member based on the design yield stress (Fyd = Fyk/γM0)) of the material as defined in EN 1993 (EC8 6.5.5(3), Eq 6.1, EC3 6.2.5(2), EC3 6.1.(1), NTC Previously, Rfy was based on Fyk instead of Fyk/γM0 and was conservative.
8708 An incident was resolved for IS 800:2007 steel frame design code where the K factor was not set to one when 'Consider P-Delta Done' was set to 'Yes' in the steel frame design preferences.
8723 An incident was resolved for the AISC 360-16 steel frame design manual where the section compactness in Table 4-1 was referring to code clauses for AISC 360-10 instead of 360-16. This was a documentation error only and design was not affected
8747 An incident has been resolved in which drawing new frame elements resulted in termination of the program when model consist section designer section(s) and no concrete frame design was performed
8748 An incident was resolved where the type and thickness of slab properties were not getting exported to the E2K/$ET text file if the slab type was Mat or Footing. Consequently, the type and thickness for affected slab properties were set to default values when the model data was imported from E2K/$ET text file. Also, importing ribbed- or waffle-slab properties from E2K/$ET files was setting the overall depth incorrectly to slab thickness.
8721 An incident was resolved for ACI 318-19 concrete frame design code where requesting the design report for the last station of a column was causing an abnormal termination for models with seismic design. This was a reporting issue only and did not affect design results
asterisk (*) in the first column are more significant.
8756 The Chinese frame-section database has been updated where section properties for some of the frame sections have been corrected and several new frame sections have been added for I/Wide Flange, Tee, Angle, and Pipe shapes.
8765 An enhancement was made for Eurocode 2-2004 shear wall design where the enforcement of stricter limits on the axial load in ductile walls, as implemented under Ticket 8632 in ETABS v20.2.0, is now limited to only those design load combinations involving seismic load. The affected limits imposed under Ticket 8632 were: The axial load cannot exceed 0.4*fcd*Ag for DCM walls (EC8 section and cannot exceed 0.35*fcd*Ag for DCH walls (EC8 section
8701 The version number has been changed to 20.3.0 for a new intermediate release.
8711 An incident was resolved where the presence of a concrete-type parametric PMM hinge assigned to a frame object may cause the model to be unable to run analyses. This issue only affected ETABS v20.1.0 and v20.2.0.
8726 An incident was resolved where under certain conditions general pier section definitions would not import into section designer sections through the database. The problem occurred when there were a greater number of general pier sections defined than frame section properties.
4076 An incident has been resolved in steel frame design codes Eurocode 3-2005, Italian NTC 2008, and Italian NTC 2018 in which the program now calculates the design end shear for connections in dissipative zones in DCH and DCM moment-resisting frames based on Rd ≥ 1,1*γov*Rfy where Rd is the resistance of the connection and Rfy is the plastic resistance of the connected dissipative member based on the design yield stress (Fyd = Fyk/γM0)) of the material as defined in EN 1993 (EC8 6.5.5(3), Eq 6.1, EC3 6.2.5(2), EC3 6.1.(1), NTC Previously, Rfy was based on Fyk instead of Fyk/γM0 and was conservative.
8708 An incident was resolved for IS 800:2007 steel frame design code where the K factor was not set to one when 'Consider P-Delta Done' was set to 'Yes' in the steel frame design preferences.
8723 An incident was resolved for the AISC 360-16 steel frame design manual where the section compactness in Table 4-1 was referring to code clauses for AISC 360-10 instead of 360-16. This was a documentation error only and design was not affected
8747 An incident has been resolved in which drawing new frame elements resulted in termination of the program when model consist section designer section(s) and no concrete frame design was performed
8748 An incident was resolved where the type and thickness of slab properties were not getting exported to the E2K/$ET text file if the slab type was Mat or Footing. Consequently, the type and thickness for affected slab properties were set to default values when the model data was imported from E2K/$ET text file. Also, importing ribbed- or waffle-slab properties from E2K/$ET files was setting the overall depth incorrectly to slab thickness.
8721 An incident was resolved for ACI 318-19 concrete frame design code where requesting the design report for the last station of a column was causing an abnormal termination for models with seismic design. This was a reporting issue only and did not affect design results
ETABS is an engineering software product that caters to multi-story building analysis and design. Modeling tools and templates, code-based load prescriptions, analysis methods and solution techniques, all coordinate with the grid-like geometry unique to this class of structure. Basic or advanced systems under static or dynamic conditions may be evaluated using ETABS. For a sophisticated assessment of seismic performance, modal and direct-integration time-history analyses may couple with P-Delta and Large Displacement effects. Nonlinear links and concentrated PMM or fiber hinges may capture material nonlinearity under monotonic or hysteretic behavior. Intuitive and integrated features make applications of any complexity practical to implement. Interoperability with a series of design and documentation platforms makes ETABS a coordinated and productive tool for designs which range from simple 2D frames to elaborate modern high-rises.
CSI ETABS Tutorials
Founded in 1975, Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI) is recognized globally as the pioneering leader in software tools for structural and earthquake engineering. Software from CSI is used by thousands of engineering firms in over 160 countries for the design of major projects, including the Taipei 101 Tower in Taiwan, One World Trade Center in New York, the 2008 Olympics Birds Nest Stadium in Beijing and the cable-stayed Centenario Bridge over the Panama Canal. CSI's software is backed by more than three decades of research and development, making it the trusted choice of sophisticated design professionals everywhere!
Product: CSI ETABS
Version: 20.3.0 (2929)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.csiamerica.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 760.8 mb
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