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OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition 2021 R1 (

Posted By: scutter
OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition 2021 R1 (

OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition 2021 R1 ( | 8.5 Gb

The OpenBuildings development team is pleased to announce the availability of OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition 2021 Release 1 (build is a CONNECT implementation of rail design product line that consolidates Bentley Rail Track, Bentley Rail Track Suite, PowerRail Track into OpenRail Designer.

The following summarizes the new features and fixes in 2021 Release 1

General Enhancements
- Update of Power Platform toEdition (V10.16.00.80).
- Subscription EntitlementService (formerly CONNECT Licensing) is utilized. For more information: Subscription Entitlement Service.
- This version uses OpenFlowsSewerGEMS version More information here: What's New in SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, StormCAD, SewerCAD, andSewerOPS CONNECT Edition Update 3 (version - OpenFlows |Hydraulics and Hydrology Wiki - OpenFlows | Hydraulics and Hydrology - BentleyCommunities.
- Includes Bentley LumenRTDesigner CONNECT Edition Update 14.
- Includes Bentley DescartesCONNECT Edition (V10.16.00.80).
- Update of gINT Civil ToolsCONNECT Edition (V10.07.01.83).
- Support for followingProjectWise Connect Edition (V10.00.03.434).
- Includes BentleyGenerativeComponents CONNECT Edition (V10.16.00.80).
- Added support forside-by-side installations. Side-by-side installations of 2021 Release 1 andany previous version is supported.
- Changed product branding toreflect release name (Example, 2021 Release 1).
- Optimized printing/plottingto increase performance by 5x.
- Improved Export to DWG toeliminate data loss.
- Removed Connect Advisorfrom the Help menu. Connect Advisor is now part of the Connection Client.
- Renamed the "iTwin" tab to"Collaborate".
- Updated right-click optionsin Sheet Index and Project Explorer to include all available options.
- Removed the Downgrade CivilModel tool from Technical Preview.
- Integrated the DowngradeCivil Model tool with ProjectWise.
- For workspace changesplease see \Configuration\Organization-Civil\Workspace Updates - 2021 Release1.pdf included with the delivered workspace.

Survey Enhancements
- N/A

Geometry Enhancements
- Enhanced the GeometryBuilder, Table Editor and Geometry Connector to honor the A TransitionParameter.
- Geometry Connector nowsupports editing only part of an alignment.
- Enhanced start stations andequations to hold their physical XY position when the beginning of a geometrychanges.
- Added the configurationvariable CIVIL_GEOMETRY_IMPORT_FD_TABLE that defines the default mapping filefor import geometry.
- Added Equivalent Radius(100 * K value) as a vertical curve parameter option.
- Added a new "Refresh 3Dwith Levels" option to the Profile 3d Slice tool that allows the profile sliceto account for level modifications in the 3d model.
- Added option to displayhorizontal geometry information in the profile view.
- Added the ability todisplay vertical geometry annotation in the profile view.
- Improved severalcalculations in the Italian Check Rules.
- Geometry Connectorimprovements; Multi Element Regression support.
- Geometry Connectorimprovements; edit part of complex geometry.
- Vertical Design; Horizontalgeometry information in profile view.
- Vertical Design; Verticalelement annotation in profile view.
- Vertical Design; Displayturnouts on profile view.
- Analyse Point to includeactive Cant, Speed and Radius.
- Updated geometry transitiondefinitions; Czech and Half Cosine (Japanese).
- Crossover tool is removed,geometry connector provides improved functionality.

Terrain Enhancements
- Updated the icon layout onthe Terrain tab to improve usability.
- Addressed an issue withterrain imported from ESRI being at an incorrect elevation.

Modeling Enhancements
- Enhanced Quantity Reportsby Named Boundary to support non-Civil named boundaries.
- Added mirror/reflectionbuttons to the Template Editor.

Drawing Production and Annotation Enhancements
- Enhanced the Text FavoriteManager to be the single source for the creating, editing and managing textfavorites, including Survey, Drainage & Utilities.
- Enhanced Text FavoriteManager with a "Select Element" tool to make it easy to define text fields.
- Improved the performance ofSide Slope Annotation and the functionality to work on linear templates andclipped corridors.
- Improved annotationperformance by stopping annotation from updating when the underlying geometryhad not changed.
- Enabled the annotation ofSurvey crossing features in cross sections.
- Enabled the annotation ofD&U crossing features in cross sections.
- Enhanced the ElementAnnotation tool with option to annotate "All Elements in Model" or only theselected elements.
- Enhanced both the ElementAnnotation and Drawing Model Annotation tools with an option to use "OverrideAnnotation Group" which allows a different Annotation Group to be used than theone associated with the Feature Definition. The Override Annotation Groupoption is also used to annotate a single geometry feature with multipleannotations.
- Added a new Civil Labelertool that supports complex labels computed from one or multiple targets. Forexample, crossing alignments or elevation/offset along plan element withstationing relative to the centerline. Labels include many types of leaders andframes around the text. (Tech Preview).
- Added the ability to uselevel overrides for cross section drawing models.
- Added the ability to createcross section sheets from existing cross section drawing models. This allowsnew cross sections to be added to a set and new sheets generated without havingto re-create the existing cross section drawings.
- Added a new Cross SectionNavigator tool to allow easier navigation of the cross section drawing modelsin the active file.
- Enhanced drawing productionoptions to allow for the separate naming of Views, Drawing Models and SheetModels. This supports many workflows including sequential sheet numbering.
- Setting the variable_USTN_MERGE_INTERNALREFERENCES_SAVEASV8 = 1 in conjunction with "Export to V8DGN" will now flatten files (merge references) for drawing production.
- Added a new referenceoption (Synchronize View > Settings from Design Model) allowing the levelsand view options displayed in sheet models to be controlled from a containerfile.
- Updated Arema TurnoutDefinitions (v2018) .
- Display curvature symbolson plan view .

Drainage and Utilities Enhancements
- The Place Node command nowlets you select a baseline reference as part of the prompt sequence.
- Nodes now include relevantproperties for connected conduits, such as their shape, size, invert elevation,and material.
- Profile runs can now showthe conduits that connect to a node, that are not part of the profile run.
- Annotation of multipleconduits in cross section drawings can be automated using an Annotation Filter,which now lets you select conduit feature definitions.
- The MicroStation 2D ElementID has been added as a Utility property, which means that it can be included inFlexTables, and exported to external formats such as Shapefiles.
- A Slope (Construction)property has been added, for annotation and reporting.
- The Extract Utilities fromGraphics command now lets you select a feature definition for nodes, as well asconduits.
- The Extract Utilities fromGraphics command now lets you specify a search radius for nodes, to account forthe situation where the ends of the graphics for the conduits are close, butnot coincident.
- You can now import andexport a Utilities submodel, as well as a Drainage submodel using a .sqlitefile.
- Importing InRoads Storm andSanitary, LandXML, and MicroDrainage data can now be done in an empty designfile, as opposed to a new design file.
- You can now remove theelevation and baseline references if those references are no longer available.
- A new configuration variable(CIVIL_SUBSURFACE_LOAD_REFERENCES) has been added to prevent the extraction ofDrainage and Utilities databases from a referenced design file.

Item Types Enhancements
- Added the ability to definepick lists in an excel file.
- Add search capability toItem Types pick list in the Properties dialog.
- Added the ability to definemultiple Item Types per Feature Definition.
- Added the ability to definedefault values for each Item Type property per Feature Definition.
- Added synchronization ofItem Types between 2D, 3D, and profile models. The synchronized Item Type canbe viewed and modified from any of the three views/models.
- Removed Asset Manager iconfrom the Home tab. The Asset Manager icon can be found on the Utilities tab.
- Added a new "Update Sta/OffValues" mode to Asset Manager to calculate Station and Offset values and updateexisting Item Type definitions.
- Improved Asset Managersability to use Linear References in 3d models.
- Enhanced Reports to Groupand Aggregate data.
- Enhanced Reports to includeSummary rows.
- Added new configurationMS_DGNLIBLIST_ITEMTYPES variable to define Item Types dgn library files.
- Renamed PICKLIST_EXCELPATHconfiguration variable to ITEMTYPE_PICKLIST_EXCELPATH. The old configurationvariable remains active at this time but will be retired in the future.
- Added the key-in "PICKLISTSUPDATEEXCELSETTINGS <filename>" which can be used to bulk update existingPick List definitions on existing Item Types. This can be useful if the fileExcel name or tab/sheet name changes.

OpenRail Designer 2021 Release 1 Schematic View

OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition 2021 R1 (

OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition 2021 R1 (

OpenRail Designer is an all-in-one application that handles a wide variety of complex tasks such as yard/station design, tunnels, corridor modeling, turnout and switch placement, overhead line electrification, site development, sanitary and stormwater network design, subsurface utilities, and production of construction staking reports. You can configure the application to support a wide range of international standards providing you the flexibility and control necessary to deal with real-life design scenarios on global rail infrastructure projects. The application adapts to virtually any rail design and maintenance workflow and is suitable for light rail, metros (transit) heavy rail, high-speed rail, and MAG_LEV projects.

OpenRail Designer

Bentley Systems is a software development company that supports the professional needs of those responsible for creating and managing the world’s infrastructure.

Product: OpenRail Designer
Version: CONNECT Edition 2021 R1 (Build
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.bentley.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 8.5 Gb

OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition 2021 R1 (

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OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition 2021 R1 (