OpenSite Designer CONNECT Edition 2020 Release 3 Update 9 | 12.7 Gb
The Bentley Systems team is pleased to announce the availability of OpenSite Designer Connect Edition 2020 Release 3 Update 9 (version , its integrated application for civil site and land development workflows across conceptual, preliminary, and detailed design phases.
What's New?
This section provides a list of new features in Bentley OpenSite, OpenRoads, and OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition products, also referred to as OpenX Designer products. Features that are only available in specific products are appropriately noted as such.
- Update of Power Platform to Edition (V10.14.04.04), Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition (V10.14.04.04) and Bentley GenerativeComponents CONNECT Edition (V10.14.04.04).
- Includes OpenFlows SewerGEMS version For additional information refer to: OpenFlows: What's New.
- Includes Bentley LumenRT Designer CONNECT Edition Update 14.
- Update of gINT Civil Tools CONNECT Edition (V10.07.01.03).
- Support for following ProjectWise Connect Edition (V10.00.03.334) and (V10.00.03.4xx).
- MicroStation task navigation interface capability has been added to UI allowing to switch from Ribbon to task-based navigations. Task navigation is for legacy support of MicroStation tools and does not include support for OpenX Connect Edition tools.
- iTwin Synchronizer & iTwin Design Review has been added.
- Visualization Content is included as optional feature in the installer.
- MicroStation based clash detection tool is included under Drawing>Analyze, note this is only available when in a 3D model.
- Downgrade Civil Model tool on the backstage allows the ability downgrade OpenX DGN files to a previous version or as a plain MicroStation DGN. (OpenX-Technology Preview)
- Civil File Manager has replaced Version Checker. Civil File Manager allows for variety of file management of OpenX Designer DGN files. This application is located at: C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenX Designer CONNECT Edition\OpenRoadsDesigner\CivilFileManager.exe.
- Added the ability to report station and offset of Item Types on 3D elements such as meshes.
- Update standards tool supports updates from the item type library.
- Dynamic Plan view allows to navigate along an alignment and automatically rotate view normal to current station and exaggerate in X and Y axis.
- Icons have been updated for the Activate and Deactivate rules.
- All rail spiral types are supported when exporting to DWG format.
- A configuration variable has been added that defines the path where images files are located for survey data processing, CIVIL_SURVEY_PHOTOS_FOLDER.
- Added the capability to define feature definition(s) to geometry during import.
- Reporting for tangent direction now indicates if it is the Forward (Ahead) or Backwards (Back) tangent.
- Rail Parameters have been added to Design File Settings.
- Regression line is now also used as slew line, reducing the clutter in the plan view.
- Fixed and information regression point types are added.
- Import Topo tool allows the creation of terrain model from ESRI, USGS, and SRTM. Importing from ESRI service requires an ESRI account. (OpenX-Technology Preview)
- Copy Template tool has been enhanced to allow copying Corridor templates from one corridor to another.
- Added ability to calculate multiple substratum layers with earthwork quantification with the Create Cut Fill Tool.
- Template Library file (*.itl) now prompts user for checkout from ProjectWise if available. If the file is already checked out, one can enter the template library and perform a Save As.
- Properties and quick properties display the Volume Option of a mesh for quick identification.
- Corridor Modeling tools that require a corridor to be selected now allows the picking of the corridor in the 3D model by selecting a corridors mesh or 3d linear geometry.
- The corridor Clipping Reference object now identifies if the clip is 2D or 3D clip.
- Create Closed Mesh tool allows the creation of a mesh from corridors, linear templates, terrain models, and meshes.
- Feature Definitions with a Custom Volume option can specify if Fill is or is not included in the Mass Ordinate.
- Corridors processed in 2020 Release 3 include metadata on mesh and 3D linear graphics. This metadata is used for increase performance for a variety of tools including the Cross Section Grade Report and Cross Section annotations.
- A key-in for Process All has been added, GEOMETRY PROCESSALLOBJECTS.
Drawing Production and Annotation
- Named boundary and sheet creation tools support selection sets for bulk creation of plans, profiles and cross sections on multiple geometries.
- Ability to name Saved Views, Named Boundaries, and Sheet Models has been added.
- Vertical change in Plan annotations are now supported.
- Cross Section Grade Report has enhanced filtering abilities and optimized performance.
- Ability to automatically trim profile vertical grid lines by the existing ground line has been added.
- Survey chains can be annotated on cross section sheets.
- Ability to label elevation along a plan view element with a profile at an even interval.
- Cross Section sheets can be cut looking down station, "backwards facing".
- The key-in PLACELABEL TOOL OPEN has been added for Place Label tool.
- New vertical change in plan annotation definitions are added.
- New cab definitions are added to 3D Drive Through tool
Drainage and Utilities
- A new Critical Storm Analysis Wizard gives the ability to easily run a number of storm events on a system, and identifies the worst-case storm for every conduit or node - without having to create the scenarios first. This makes it much easier to test a system that has been designed using the Rational method.
- A series of nodes can now be placed at an interval along a linear element.
- Place Node now lets you state that the elevation reference is for the node invert, instead of the cover or ground. This is useful when placing endwalls in a ditch.
- Place Node now lets you extract an irregular cross section from the elevation reference.
- Place Node now lets you place a tap node in a conduit.
- Added the OpenFlows batch pipe split functionality, that automatically inserts nodes in conduits if they are within an offset tolerance.
- An option has been added to list all conduits that are missing a start or stop node.
- Properties that have civil rules are now displayed in Utility Properties as read only.
- Properties for the largest and smallest conduits connected to a drainage node have been added.
- The ability to only draw "whole" conduits on profile sheet has been added. This will force the subsequent conduit to be placed on the next profile sheet.
- The profile manipulator for conduit slope can now display the OpenFlows value, if this is selected in Design File Settings.
- The road cross slope for a catch basin can now be read from a terrain model.
- Added support for UK Flood Estimation Handbook 2013 Rainfall Data.
- Loading of reference files containing drainage and utilities database occurs automatically when the active file also contains a database. This will allow the exposure of reference drainage and utilities properties and the ability to annotate them across reference files.
- ModelBuilder now supports the Node Rotation property when importing and exporting data. This has caused a change to the way that the Node Rotation value is set. If you have existing design files containing nodes that use a relative rotation, the value needs to be reset before you compute the hydraulics and hydrology. To do this, select each node, and use its manipulator to change the value - either very slightly, or change it, then change it back.
- Update of Power Platform to Edition (V10.14.04.04), Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition (V10.14.04.04) and Bentley GenerativeComponents CONNECT Edition (V10.14.04.04).
- Includes OpenFlows SewerGEMS version For additional information refer to: OpenFlows: What's New.
- Includes Bentley LumenRT Designer CONNECT Edition Update 14.
- Update of gINT Civil Tools CONNECT Edition (V10.07.01.03).
- Support for following ProjectWise Connect Edition (V10.00.03.334) and (V10.00.03.4xx).
- MicroStation task navigation interface capability has been added to UI allowing to switch from Ribbon to task-based navigations. Task navigation is for legacy support of MicroStation tools and does not include support for OpenX Connect Edition tools.
- iTwin Synchronizer & iTwin Design Review has been added.
- Visualization Content is included as optional feature in the installer.
- MicroStation based clash detection tool is included under Drawing>Analyze, note this is only available when in a 3D model.
- Downgrade Civil Model tool on the backstage allows the ability downgrade OpenX DGN files to a previous version or as a plain MicroStation DGN. (OpenX-Technology Preview)
- Civil File Manager has replaced Version Checker. Civil File Manager allows for variety of file management of OpenX Designer DGN files. This application is located at: C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenX Designer CONNECT Edition\OpenRoadsDesigner\CivilFileManager.exe.
- Added the ability to report station and offset of Item Types on 3D elements such as meshes.
- Update standards tool supports updates from the item type library.
- Dynamic Plan view allows to navigate along an alignment and automatically rotate view normal to current station and exaggerate in X and Y axis.
- Icons have been updated for the Activate and Deactivate rules.
- All rail spiral types are supported when exporting to DWG format.
- A configuration variable has been added that defines the path where images files are located for survey data processing, CIVIL_SURVEY_PHOTOS_FOLDER.
- Added the capability to define feature definition(s) to geometry during import.
- Reporting for tangent direction now indicates if it is the Forward (Ahead) or Backwards (Back) tangent.
- Rail Parameters have been added to Design File Settings.
- Regression line is now also used as slew line, reducing the clutter in the plan view.
- Fixed and information regression point types are added.
- Import Topo tool allows the creation of terrain model from ESRI, USGS, and SRTM. Importing from ESRI service requires an ESRI account. (OpenX-Technology Preview)
- Copy Template tool has been enhanced to allow copying Corridor templates from one corridor to another.
- Added ability to calculate multiple substratum layers with earthwork quantification with the Create Cut Fill Tool.
- Template Library file (*.itl) now prompts user for checkout from ProjectWise if available. If the file is already checked out, one can enter the template library and perform a Save As.
- Properties and quick properties display the Volume Option of a mesh for quick identification.
- Corridor Modeling tools that require a corridor to be selected now allows the picking of the corridor in the 3D model by selecting a corridors mesh or 3d linear geometry.
- The corridor Clipping Reference object now identifies if the clip is 2D or 3D clip.
- Create Closed Mesh tool allows the creation of a mesh from corridors, linear templates, terrain models, and meshes.
- Feature Definitions with a Custom Volume option can specify if Fill is or is not included in the Mass Ordinate.
- Corridors processed in 2020 Release 3 include metadata on mesh and 3D linear graphics. This metadata is used for increase performance for a variety of tools including the Cross Section Grade Report and Cross Section annotations.
- A key-in for Process All has been added, GEOMETRY PROCESSALLOBJECTS.
Drawing Production and Annotation
- Named boundary and sheet creation tools support selection sets for bulk creation of plans, profiles and cross sections on multiple geometries.
- Ability to name Saved Views, Named Boundaries, and Sheet Models has been added.
- Vertical change in Plan annotations are now supported.
- Cross Section Grade Report has enhanced filtering abilities and optimized performance.
- Ability to automatically trim profile vertical grid lines by the existing ground line has been added.
- Survey chains can be annotated on cross section sheets.
- Ability to label elevation along a plan view element with a profile at an even interval.
- Cross Section sheets can be cut looking down station, "backwards facing".
- The key-in PLACELABEL TOOL OPEN has been added for Place Label tool.
- New vertical change in plan annotation definitions are added.
- New cab definitions are added to 3D Drive Through tool
Drainage and Utilities
- A new Critical Storm Analysis Wizard gives the ability to easily run a number of storm events on a system, and identifies the worst-case storm for every conduit or node - without having to create the scenarios first. This makes it much easier to test a system that has been designed using the Rational method.
- A series of nodes can now be placed at an interval along a linear element.
- Place Node now lets you state that the elevation reference is for the node invert, instead of the cover or ground. This is useful when placing endwalls in a ditch.
- Place Node now lets you extract an irregular cross section from the elevation reference.
- Place Node now lets you place a tap node in a conduit.
- Added the OpenFlows batch pipe split functionality, that automatically inserts nodes in conduits if they are within an offset tolerance.
- An option has been added to list all conduits that are missing a start or stop node.
- Properties that have civil rules are now displayed in Utility Properties as read only.
- Properties for the largest and smallest conduits connected to a drainage node have been added.
- The ability to only draw "whole" conduits on profile sheet has been added. This will force the subsequent conduit to be placed on the next profile sheet.
- The profile manipulator for conduit slope can now display the OpenFlows value, if this is selected in Design File Settings.
- The road cross slope for a catch basin can now be read from a terrain model.
- Added support for UK Flood Estimation Handbook 2013 Rainfall Data.
- Loading of reference files containing drainage and utilities database occurs automatically when the active file also contains a database. This will allow the exposure of reference drainage and utilities properties and the ability to annotate them across reference files.
- ModelBuilder now supports the Node Rotation property when importing and exporting data. This has caused a change to the way that the Node Rotation value is set. If you have existing design files containing nodes that use a relative rotation, the value needs to be reset before you compute the hydraulics and hydrology. To do this, select each node, and use its manipulator to change the value - either very slightly, or change it, then change it back.
OpenSite Designer CONNECT Edition is the successor to Bentley’s design brands GEOPAK Site, GEOPAK Survey, InRoads Site, InRoads Site Suite, InRoads Storm and Sanitary, InRoads Survey, PowerSurvey, MXGRONDWERK, MXGRONDWERK Addin, MXSITE, MXSUBDIV, Bentley topoGRAPH, Bentley topoGRAPH Projects, Bentley Subsurface Utility Engineering. It is a comprehensive, multi-discipline 3D modeling application that advances the delivery of civil site projects from planning through performance.
OpenSite Designer blends traditional engineering workflows for plan, profile, and earthworks with 3D parametric modeling and earthwork optimization to enable the model-centric creation of all design deliverables.
OpenSite Designer handles a wide variety of complex tasks such as parking configurations, analysis earthwork financial risk, residential layout, handicap parking and accessibility, site development, sanitary and stormwater network design, and producing construction staking reports.
OpenSite Designer enables users to create intelligent geometrics and 3D models containing site information, terrain data, parking lots, building pads, driveways, sidewalk, parcel layout and related site features. OpenSite Designer provides a comprehensive modeling environment and addresses all phases of project delivery. It provides a breadth of applications to meet the demands of each phase of the project lifecycle, including:
- Contextual Design. All detailed design in OpenSite Designer is driven by functional components, which inherently respond contextually to express appropriate design, annotation, and plan set display behaviors. Design models are expressed in multiple live views including plan, profile, and 3D. Changes in one view are live and dynamically update all views
- Multi-discipline Support. OpenSite Designer integrates support for each discipline with specific user profiles dedicated to each discipline. Users can switch discipline perspectives, for instance from grading design to subsurface utility design.
- Reality Modeling Tools. OpenSite Designer includes a fully functional toolset to incorporate and edit reality modeling data types, including the capability to extract ground-level features from reality meshes and LiDAR, as well as to reference point clouds and imagery.
- Geotechnical Tools. Users can connect directly to gINT geotechnical databases to incorporate subsurface terrain details into
- their models for improving grading and piling. Subsurface terrains can be generated or modeled based on the bore hole materials and projected in road and drainage profiles, sections, and plans.
- Subsurface Utilities. Users can select from a large catalog of functional components for utility and drainage to model underground drainage and utility networks. Drainage models can be optimized for water flow using integrated water analysis capabilities, with results available in data tables or visually in a profile view.
- Rich Deliverables. An expanded set of deliverables range from traditional plan sets and animations to digital construction models—for automated machine control and field positioning systems for excavation, grading, and piling.
- Live Plan Generation. Plan generation no longer needs to be a separate process limited to a point in time, as settings and annotations are dynamically updated and live in the model. Views are saved with specific display rules and sheet index embedded, making it easy to navigate between the model and drawings. Up-to-date drawings can be generated automatically at any time, creating a natural and fluid design environment for both modeling and detailing.
- Enlivened Visualization. OpenSite Designer provides direct integration to LumenRT to produce cinematic visualization, adding vegetation, reflecting nature, and climate.
Designs created in OpenSite Designer benefit from BIM Review through Navigator, in the office, field, and at the site. Navigator enables not only visualization and review of 3D designs, but also status visibility—allowing dispersed teams to progress approvals and the resolution of issues
This video demonstrates where the predefined design parameters and layout properties are configured inside of OpenSite Designer.
Bentley Systems is a software development company that supports the professional needs of those responsible for creating and managing the world’s infrastructure.
Product: OpenSite Designer
Version: Connect Edition 2020 Release 3 Update 9 (version *
Supported Architectures: x64
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Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 12.7 Gb
OpenSite Designer Connect Edition 2020 Release 3 Update 9 (version
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