The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud Vol. I (1886-1899), Pre-psycho-analytic publications and unpublished drafts / ed. assistant Angela Richards. By Sigmund Schlomo Freud; James Strachey (editor); Alan Tyson; Angela M. O. Richards; Alix Strachey; Anna Freud
2001 | 430 Pages | ISBN: 0099426528 | PDF | 12 MB
2001 | 430 Pages | ISBN: 0099426528 | PDF | 12 MB
PRE-PSYCHO-ANALYTIC PUBLICATIONSandUNPUBLISHED DRAFTSTranslated from the German under the General Editorship of JAMES STRACHEYIn collaboration withANNA FREUD Assisted byALIX STRACHEY and ALAN TYSONEditorial Assistant- Angela RichardsVintage and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis