Cfa Level 1 Exam Prep Masterclass Plus 162Pg Cfa Smart Tips
Last updated 1/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English (US) | Size: 7.45 GB | Duration: 24h 10m
Last updated 1/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English (US) | Size: 7.45 GB | Duration: 24h 10m
Ethics, Quants, Economics. Corporate Issuers, Equity, Fixed Income, Derivatives, Financial Statements & Portfolio Mgt.
What you'll learn
Strategies and Tips to Smash Ethics and Score 14% out of total 15%
Learn how Important it is to take Score good in Ethics for the CFA Level 1 Exam
Know that out of the 3 sections of Ethics, which one is the most Important
Get an understanding of the 7 Standards of Professional Conduct
The most important topic of CFA Level 1 Exam: Hypothesis Testing and all the small concepts needed to deeply understand hypothesis testing topic
The Crown Jewel topics of CFA Level 1 Quantitative Methods include: Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation, Correlation, Normal Distribution, T-Distribution
Chi Square Distribution, F-Distribution, P-Values, Confidence Intervals, Level of Signifinace,
A Smart Chart to identify the type of test applicable for a given Hypothesis Problem
Some very Usefel Exam Tips and Techniques to Tackle a Difficult Topic Area of CFA Level 1 Exam i.e. Quantitative Methods
A Solid and Efficient plan from Jhan Burger to crack down CFA Level 1 Economics Section
Macro Economics: The Big 5: GDP, Un-Employment, Inflation, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy
International Economics: Currencies, Direct Quote, InDirect Quote, CIRP, Arbitrage, Forward Currency Rate
Micro Economics: Supply and Demand Curves, 4 structures of an Industry: Monopoly , Monopolistic, Oligopoly, Pure Competition
You will get introduced to another topic area of CFA Level 1 Exam: Corporate Issuers
Strategy for tackling and passing Corporate Issuers
Understand Corporate Issuers importance for the CFA Level 1 Exam
Understand the most important concept of Corporate Issuers: Weighted Average Cost of Captial (WACC)
Learn how to calculate the Cost of Common Equity using three different methods
Learn how to calculate the cost of preferred equity and the cost of debt
Learn Smart Tips for the Equity Investments Topic Area of CFA Level 1 Exam
Learn Preferred Stock Valuation Formula
Learn Justified Price to Earnings Formula
Learn Gordon Growth Model to Value Common Equity
Three and Five Factor Du-Pont Analysis
Formula for Beta in two forms: Covariance and Correlation
You will get introduced to the Fixed Income Section of the CFA Level 1 Exam
You will learn about the basics of a fixed income security i.e., Defining Elements which will include Bond Maturity, Coupon Rate, Yield to Maturity, Par Value
You will learn about the relationship between YTM and Coupon Rate. Which will give you an insight to discount and premium bonds
Valuation of a Fixed Income Security (Plain Vanilla)
Detailed Understanding of the Price to Yield Curve
Yield Curve aka Term Structure of the Interest Rates
Interest Rate Rrisk - Duration - Three Measures of Duration - Macualey Duration - Modified Durationn - Effective Duration
The concept of Duration Gap and its impact on Interest Rate Risk - Price Risk vs Reinvestment Risk
The Relationship between YTM, Spot Rates, and Forward Rates
Lego Block Method to determine a forward rate given spot rates
Embedded Options in a Bond: Call, Put, Covertible, Contingent Covertible, Floor, Put
The concept of the Z-Spread and the Option-Adjusted Spread
Interest Rate Risk relation with Maturity, Coupon Rate, and the Yield Level
Understand the Basics of Derivative Contracts
Pricing a Derivative Contract
Valuing a Derivative Contract
Difference Between Pricing and Valuing a Derivative Contract
Basics Forward Contracts
Basics of Future Contracts
Basics of Swap Contracts
Basics of Option Contracts
Option Greeks
Put-Call Parity
Important Smart CFA Level 1 Exam Tips for Portfolio Management
Mean Variance Analysis, Minimum Variance Frontier
Modern Portfolio Theory, Markowitz Efficient Frontier, Utility Curves
Capital Market Theory, Capital Allocation Line, Capital Market Line, Security Market Line, Capital Asset Pricing Model
Beta, Sharpe Ratio, Roy's Safety First Ratio, Treynor Ratio
The Balance Sheet Framework: The Accounting Equation (A - L = E), Current Assets, Goodwill, Property Plant & Equipment, Current Liabilities, Current Ratio
Introduction to the Cash Flow Statement: Cash Flow from Operations, Cash Flow from Investments, Cash Flow from Financing, Direct & Indirect method of CFO
The Income Statement: Revenue and Expense Recognition Principles, The Accrual Basis of accounting, The Matching Principle, Gross Profit, SG&A, EBIT, Net Income
Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)
Classification of Marketable Securities as Available for Sale, Held for Trading, Held to Maturity
Inventories: The Cost Flow Methods- LIFO & FIFO - Periodic & Perpetual Inventory System
Depreciation & Amoritisation Methods - Difference between Depreciation and Impairment of Assets
Basic & Diluted EPS Calculations
Bond Accounting: Effective Interest Rate Method - Discount Bonds - Par Bonds - Premium Bonds
Income Taxes: Deferred Tax Assets & Deferred Tax Liabilities - Permanant vs Temporary Tax Difference - Financial vs Tax Reporting
You will probably be studying for your CFA Exam and should already have some economics background from your prior studies.
Understand in a few hours concepts you've been struggling with for weeks if not monthsFocus your limited time on the areas that really matter, gain laser- focus and understand key concepts in less than 28 daysPLUS: Get instant access to a 162 Page CFA Level 1 tips and tricks workbook with key takeaways from Jhan's lessons; follow along, and keep them for reference to boost your existing institute materialPLUS: Extra course on How To Beat Procrastination and get your CFA studies on track by mastering your time and tasks with Kanban boards & burning your boats - set up your own Kanban board for your CFA study SUCCESSIntroduce yourself to our community of CFA students in this course and tell us your goals; you will need all the help you can get to pass this tough section of CFAEncouragement and celebration of your progress every step of the way: 25% > 50% > 75% & 100%Over 20 hours of Jhan's signature CFA training - humorous, lively and very visual step-by-step instructions, lessons, and engagementCFA Knowledge Checks to assess your knowledge and skillsThe CFA isn’t hardIt's HOW you prepare for it that makes it hard.Most prep material providers use a linear teaching system… You have to read through pages, drowning in content and details, making it extremely difficult to remember what you are expected to on exam day.Understand in a few hours concepts you've been struggling with for weeks if not monthsWhat you will get is powerful videos giving you sharp, concise and straight to the point explanations that will help you make the most out of the material you have (whatever it is) and get laser-focused on what’s important on exam day.What you'll learnIntroduction to Ethics, It's Importance and the most critical section; Standards: Professionalism, Integrity of Markets, Duties to Clients & Employers; Standards: Recommendations, Conflicts of Interest, CFA Stuff; Intro to Quantitative Methods and The Key to Unlocking Hypothesis Testing; Variance and Standard Deviation Explained; What are Confidence Intervals?; Learn Z-Score and Normal Distribution; Difference between Chebyshev’s Inequality and Normal Distribution; Given a Normal Distribution and Std Dev, how to build a Confidence Interval?; Another thing you need to know about Normal Distribution and Standard Deviation; Student's T – distribution and its differences from Normal Distribution; Log Normal Distribution and its differences from Normal and T - Distribution; Learn about Central Limit Theorem and Sampling Means Distribution; The Concept of Standard Error: When to use it instead of Standard Deviation; The Population Parameters and the Sample Statistics; Introduction to Hypothesis Testing: Stating Null vs Alternate Hypothesis; Type 1 vs Type 2 Errors; A Time Saving Chart to Identify Type of Test for a given Hypothesis Problem - 1; A Time Saving Chart to Identify Type of Test for a given Hypothesis Problem - 2; Hypothesis Testing Comprehensive Example - Part 1; Hypothesis Testing Comprehensive Example - Part 2; Hypothesis Testing Comprehensive Example - Part 3; Shortcut to Hypothesis Test: P-Value and a Final Word on Hypothesis Testing;Introduction to Economics: A Plan to Deal with the Incredible Amount of Volume; Aggregate Supply and Demand Curves, GDP, Income & Expenditure Approach Part - 1; Aggregate Supply and Demand Curves, GDP, Income & Expenditure Approach Part - 2; Understanding Short and Long Run Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand Curves; Factors that can Shift Long Run Aggregate Supply (LRAS) - Full Employment GDP; Unemployment: Seasonal, Structural, Frictional, Cyclical - Learn the Difference; Theories of Business Cycle: Neoclassical, Keynesian, Monetarist, Austrian; Output Gap: Inflationary vs Recessionary - How to reduce or eliminate it?; Shifting the Aggregate Demand Curve to Eliminate the Output Gap; Learn What is Monetary Policy and the three different tools to implement it; How does the Expansionary Monetary Policy increase Aggregate Demand and GDP?; Learn What is Fiscal Policy and How does it impact the GDP?; Continuation: Connecting Fiscal and Monetary Policy to GDP; Learning the Concept of Inflation and its two types: Demand-Pull & Cost-Push; Learn about Currencies: Price Currency (Quoted), Base Currency, Bid-Ask Spread; Learn how to calculate the appreciation & depreciation of a currency in % terms; Example: Currency Appreciation/Depreciation Calculation in % Terms; Learn how to Calculate Currency Cross Rate: X Rules; Pricing a Currency Forward Contract - Part 1; Pricing a Currency Forward Contract - Part 2; Pricing a Currency Forward Contract - Part 3; Market Structures: Monopoly-Oligopoly-Monopolistic-Pure Competition; Market Structures and the Demand Curves: Part 1; Market Structures and the Demand Curves: Part 2; Market Structures and the Economic Profit; Intro to Corporate Finance and its most important topic: WACC; Three different methods of calculating Cost of Common Equity to compute WACC; Cost of Preferred Equity and Cost of Debt: Learn how to calculate them; Introduction to Equity Investments; Deriving formula for Preferred Share (perpetuity) and Gordon Growth Model; Deriving formula for Justified/Fundamental Price to Earnings Ratio; Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula and Three-Factor Du-Pont Analysis; Easy and Simple Approach to Understand five-factor Du-Pont Analysis; Building up the Equity Formula and Connecting it to WACC; Cost of Common Equity Formulas and Connecting it to Portfolio Management Content; Beta Formula and Derivation; Introduction to Fixed Income Securities: The Toughest Nut to Crack; Fixed Income Securities: Defining Elements; Valuing a Fixed Income Security: Annual Coupon Paying Bond; Discount Bonds vs Premium Bonds - Coupon Rate vs Yield to Maturity (YTM); Mathematically Understanding the Inverse Price-Yield Relationship; Graphically Understanding the Inverse Price-Yield Relationship; Understanding the Yield Curve - Term Structure of Interest Rates; Interest Rate Risk also known as Duration & Its Three Different Measures; Macauley Duration: Explanation and Calculation; Duration Gap: Macauley Duration - Investment Horizon -Price vs Reinvestment Risk; Recap: Bond Valuation-Price to Yield Curve-Macauley Duration-Convexity; Recap: Duration Gap - Positive vs Negative - Price Risk vs Reinvestment Risk; Modified Duration: Learn the Concept & the First Method of Calculating it; Modified Duration: Learn the Second Method of Calculating it; Recap: Macaulay Duration and Modified Duration; Effective Duration: How it is different than from duration measures?; Valuing a Bond using Spot Rates; Difference Between Spot Rates and YTM; Problem with Modified Duration: Ignores Convexity of the Price to Yield Curve; The Relationship Between Short-Term Forward Rates and Spot Rates; Lego Block Method to Calculate a Forward Rate using Spot Rates - Example # 1; Lego Block Method to Calculate a Forward Rate using Spot Rates - Example # 2; Contingency Provisions-Embedded Options: Convertible, Callable, & Putable Bonds; Interest Rate Floor and Cap - Understanding the concept of Z-Spreads; Understanding Option-Adjusted Spread (OAS) & Callable Bond's Negative Convexity; Understand Why a Putable Bond has a greater Positive Convexity; How a Bond’s Maturity, Coupon, and Yield Level affect its Duration; Introduction to Derivatives; Basics of Pricing a Derivatives Contract; Basics of Valuing a Derivatives Contract; Forward Contracts: Understanding the Basic Concepts; Swap Contracts: Understanding the Basic Concepts; Future Contracts: Understanding the Basic Concepts; Option Contracts: Understanding the Basic Concepts; Call and Put Options: Strike Rate, Exercise Price, Spot Rate, Premium; Call Option: Profit, Loss, and Breakeven with Diagram; Profit and Loss Diagram for Long Call, Short Call, Long Put, and Short Put; Giving preview on last lesson and discussing what impacts option on pricing; Greeks: Factors that Determine the Value of an Option; What is Put-Call Parity ? Understand the Basic Concept; Understanding Protective Put, Fiduciary Call, and Synthetic Options; Introduction to Portfolio Management and Mean-Variance Analysis; Minimum Variance Frontier, Global Minimum Variance Portfolio & Utility Curves; Deriving Markowitz Efficient Frontier from Minimum Variance Frontier; Capital Allocation Line, Capital Market Line, Sharpe, Roy, Treynor Ratios; Total risk: Diversifiable risk and Undiversifiable risk - Discussion; Security Market Line, Beta, Capital Asset Pricing Model; Important for CFA Level 1 Exam: CAPM Calculations and Jensen's Alpha;Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis: Preparation Strategy & Exam Tips; The Accounting Equation (A - L = E) - The Balance Sheet Framework Part 1; Current Assets & Goodwill Calculation - The Balance Sheet Framework Part 2; Property Plant & Equip-Current Liabilities -The Balance Sheet Framework Part 3; Current Ratio, Leverage Ratio, LTD, Equity - The Balance Sheet Framework Part 4; The Transition from Beginning to Ending Balance Sheet - B/S Framework Part 5; Introduction to the Cash Flow Statement - Comparison with the Balance Sheet; Learn about the three classifications of the Cash Flow Statement: CFO, CFI, CFF; Connecting the Cash Flow Statement & the Balance Sheet; World's Most Simple Income Statement: Revenue - Expenses = Profit; Revenue Recognition Principles and the Accrual Basis of Accounting; Expense Recognition Rules - The Matching Principle; COGS - Gross Profit - Selling General & Administrative Expenses (SG&A); Earning Before Interest Tax Depreciation Amortisation (EBITDA); Depreciation and Amortisation Example - Non Cash Charges (NCC); Operating Profit (EBIT) - Interest Expense - EBT - Tax - Net Income -Ratios -ROE; Connecting the Income Statement to the Balance Sheet; The Great Foreshadowing as to what's coming!; Learn about the three types of Marketable Securities; Impact of Marketable Securities on the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement; Lo-Lo LIFO: Last In First Out - Inventory Cost Flow Assumption (Formula); Hi-Hi FIFO: First In First Out - Inventory Cost Flow Assumption (Formula); LIFO vs FIFO Cost Flow Assumption ? Periodic vs Perpetual Inventory System; Depreciation: Straight Line Method - Explanation and An Example; Depreciation: DDB (Double, Decline, Balance) Method - Explanation with Example; Learn the Morse Code Method & the Use of BA II Plus to Calculate Depreciation; Expected Exam Questions from Depreciation - Learn the Concept of Amortisation; Why Goodwill not Amortised and rather tested for Impairment- What is Impairment?; What is Basic EPS & Learn how to Calculate Weighted Average # of Common Shares; The difference between Simple Capital Structure & Complex Capital Structure; What is Diluted EPS? Convertible Preferred Stock Dilutive or Antidilutive?; Convertible Bond & Options Dilutive or Antidilutive? Learn Treasury Stock Method; Introduction to Bond Accounting - Huge Overlap with Fixed Income Section; Calculating PV of a Discount Bond using Essential Calculator Skills for the Exam; Connecting Bond Accounting with the Cash Flow Statement (Operating & Financing); Connecting Bond Accounting with the Balance Sheet; Connecting Bond Accounting with the Income Statement - The Interest Expense!; Coupon + Amortization of Discount = Coupon - Amortization of Premium = Interest; Learn Essential Calculator Skills for Amortization of Bonds - Important!!!; Solving for CFO with the "Direct Method"; Solving for CFO with the "Indirect Method"; Continuation of solving for CFO with the "Indirect Method"; Solving for Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF) & Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE); Financial versus Tax Reporting results in Permanent & Temporary Tax Differences; Three Golden Rules: Talk like the Tax Man-Walk like the Tax Man-Wear Binoculars; Comprehensive Example Part 1: Company uses SL Dep - Tax Man uses DDB; Comprehensive Example Part 2: Company uses Accrual Acct. -Tax Man uses Cash Acct; Comprehensive Example Part 3: Comparing Tax Expense with Tax Payable => DTA/DTL; Comprehensive Example Part 4: Temporary Tax Difference Results in Deferred Tax; Comprehensive Example Part 5: Calculating DTL/DTA - Learn two different methods; Comprehensive Example Part 6: Tax Expense = Tax Payable + ΔDTL - ΔDTA.We made difficult topics easy and easy topics easier.Tackling the CFA's vast curriculum can be an absolute mountain to climb, but we definitely made the material much more accessible and the whole preparation process much easier. This online revision course compresses difficult and complex subjects into memorable and easy-to-understand concepts. We managed to keep such a long and dense curriculum approachable and interesting. You will watch straight-to-the-point and enjoyable videos so you can learn key material while relaxing after (or before) a full day's work.100% focusing on the hardest areas you are struggling with right now.We break down complex study content into easy-to-understand concepts so you will be able to get to grips with content that had previously seemed impossible in self-study. By focusing on key areas and linking theoretical concepts to reality, your understanding of the different concepts will significantly increase. We give you strategies that will help you understand the most complex area of the program and transform the complex study into easy-to-understand stuff. We provide you with a unique and unparalleled ability to transpose complex and difficult topic areas into easy-to-understand building blocks.Focus your limited time on the areas that really matter, gain laser- focus and understand key concepts in less than 28 days.We can help you cover a lot of material in a relatively short amount of time without compromising on quality and understanding. We do more than just go through the materials and explain concepts… we provide you with studying techniques, revision strategies, and time-saving creative methodologies to help you maximize the time you have to spend mastering this curriculum. What you will get are powerful videos giving you sharp, concise, and straight-to-the-point explanations that will allow you to connect the right dots in no time and truly accelerate your understanding of the most tricky parts of the program so you get laser-focused on what’s important on exam day.A unique Teaching Style you can recall even years after your exam.The Visual Method we're going to introduce you is much easier to understand compared to the text books. By combining mnemonic devices, clever Tips & Tricks, analogies, storytelling, colorful schemes, acronyms, and mnemonics (all with good humor), you will learn and retain the syllabus easily, in a fun, informative, and engaging way. This will help you sit for the exam with confidence, knowing that you can visually recall everything…
Who this course is for:
Anyone interested in Mastering and Understanding the Concepts of Economics for the CFA Level 1 Exam