Complete Python Bootcamp For Everyone From Zero To Hero 2023
Last updated 11/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 32.08 GB | Duration: 81h 0m
Last updated 11/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 32.08 GB | Duration: 81h 0m
Master Python Programming by building 100+ REAL PROJECTS . Learn OOP, Automation,GUI,REST and more to create your APPs.
What you'll learn
You will master the Python programming language by building 100+ projects.
Be able to use Python programming for data scraping and automation
Build GUIs and Desktop applications with Python programming
Create a portfolio of real Python projects to apply for developer jobs
You will learn Selenium, Beautiful Soup, Request, Flask, Pandas SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Seabon, and Matplotlib.
No programming experience needed - you will learn everything you need to know.
Access to a computer with an internet connection.
Welcome to Complete Python Bootcamp for Everyone, the best and the most comprehensive Python course on the internet. At 79+ hours, this Python course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and detailed Python course available anywhere online. If you are someone who has zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to professional.Learning Python is one of the fastest ways to improve your career prospects as it is one of the most in demand tech skills! This course will help you in better understanding every detail of Python programming and how these concepts are implemented in high level programming language.We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to succeed as a professional programmer.The course has been updated to be 2022 ready and you'll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and more.This course explains everything in details with beautiful animated explanation videos and tens of real life projects which you will get to build. e.g. Ping Pong Game, Snake game, Blackjack , Form Filler and more.The curriculum was developed based on my 10+ years programming experience over a period of 2 years.We've taught over 100,000 students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becoming professional developers at top tech companies or starting their own tech startup.You do not need to waste your money on expensive bootcamps out there, the course teaches the same curriculum with lifetime access.The course is constantly updated with new content, with new projects and modules determined by students - it is a lifetime course.We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Python developer.The course includes over 79+ hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge while making real-world Python projects.The course will guide you master Python Programming language from beginner to advancedThroughout this comprehensive course, we cover a massive amount of tools and technologies, including:Section 1 - Why We Program?Getting Started with PythonWhy Should You Learn to Write Programs?Computer Hardware ArchitectureInstalling Python on MacInstalling Python on WindowsLearning a New LanguageThe First Conversation with PythonWhat is a Bug? What are the Types of Bug?What is Debugging?Interpreter and CompilerBug, Debugging and Error TypesCode Editors and IDEsGetting Started with Code EditorsIntroduction QuizPrint StatementSolution to Print Statement Coding ExerciseSection 2 - Variables, Expressions and StatementsValues and TypesVariablesValues and Types QuizVariables QuizCoding Exercise Switch ValuesSwitch ValuesOperations and ExpressionsInput Function - Asking the User for InputCoding Exercise Input FunctionType Errors and Type ConversionComments in PythonVariable NamingVariable Naming QuizCoding Exercise - Data Types - Weeks in Yearsf Strings and Rounding NumbersMathematical Operations QuizSection 3 - Real Python Projects ( Variable, Expressions and Statements)Project 1 GreetingProject 2 Band Name GeneratorProject 3 Gross PayProject 4 Celsius to FahrenheitProject 5 Trip Cost CalculatorSection 4 - Conditional ExecutionBoolean ExpressionsConditional Execution (IF)Coding Exercise - Even or OddNested ConditionalsChained Conditionals (IF/ELIF/ELSE)Body Mass Index (BMI) CalculatorMultiple IF StatementsCoding Exercise - Burger OrderLogical OperatorsTry and ExceptConditional ExecutionSection 5 - Real Python Projects ( Conditional Execution)Project 6 - Gross Pay with OvertimeProject 7 - Leap YearProject 8 - Love CalculatorProject 9 - Gross Program using Try and ExceptProject 10 - Score CheckerSection 6 - Python FunctionsFunction Calls and Built in Functions - Type and Math FunctionsBuilt in FunctionsWhat is a Module? - Python Math ModuleModule QuizCoding Exercise - Area of CircleCoding Exercise - FactorialRandomisation in PythonCoding Exercise -Random - Coin TossCreating New Functions - User Defined FunctionsIndentation in PythonIndentation QuizFunctions in PracticeFunction with Inputs - Parameters and ArgumentsCoding Exercise - Area of SquareCoding Exercise - Volume ConverterPositional and Keyword ArgumentsCoding Exercise - Painting the WallFunctions with OutputsCoding Exercise - ConcatenateMultiple ReturnsPassword ControllerSolution to Password ControllerDocstringsPrint or Return?Why Functions?Section 7 - Real Python Projects (Python Functions)Project 11 - Leap Year with FunctionProject 12 - Gross Pay with FunctionsProject 13 - Cold, Warm and HotProject 14 - Maximum of Three NumbersSection 8 - Iteration (Lists)Understanding the ListsFor LoopUpdating VariablesCoding Exercise - Highest ScoreCoding Exercise - Find Integer NumbersCoding Exercise - Sum of Above Average ScoresLoop Over Custom FunctionUsing range() Function with For LoopCoding Exercise - Adding Odd NumbersCoding Exercise - Adding Even Numbers in ANY RangeFor Loop in PracticeWhile LoopWhile Loop in Practice - Hurdle 2Finishing iterations with CONTINUE and BREAKFactorial using LoopMaximum and Minimum of Input NumbersSection 9 - Real Python Projects (Iteration)Project 15 - Dice Rolling SimulatorProject 16 - Fizz Buzz GameProject 17 - Guessing the NumberProject 18 - Password GeneratorProject 19 - Rock, Paper and ScissorsSection 10 - Introduction to Data StructuresWhat is a Data Structure?What is an Algorithm?Why are Data Structures and Algorithms important?Types of Data StructuresSection 11 - StringsWhat is a String?Coding Exercise - Sum of Digits of 2 Digit NumberString TraversalCoding Exercise - Backward TraversalCoding Exercise - Sum of DigitsCoding Exercise - Count Characters in a StringString OperationsCoding Exercise - First and Last 2 CharactersString MethodsCoding Exercise - Replace Character in a StringString Methods QuizParsing StringsEscape SequenceString FormattingCoding Exercise - Format a StringCoding Exercise - Print PatternProject 20 - String FormattingSection 12 - More on Python ListsMore on ListsCoding Exercise - Square Of ItemsIndex Out Of RangeList OperationsIndex QuizCoding Exercise - Reverse a List using Slice OperatorList Methods PracticeCoding Exercise - Update the First OccurrenceCoding Exercise -First and Last CharactersList and FunctionsCoding Exercise - Create a List from Two ListsCoding Exercise - Remove and AddCoding Exercise - Three Equal ChunksStrings and ListsCoding Exercise - Format ListNested ListCoding Exercise - Add Item in Nested ListCoding Exercise - Extend Nested ListObjects and ValuesCoding Exercise - List Addition with FunctionCoding Exercise - Concatenate Two Lists in One List Item WiseSection 13 - Real Python Projects (List)Project 21 - Bill RouletteProject 22 - Find the GoldProject 23 - Escaping the Maze (From Previous Section)Project 24 - Cryptography with Python Caesar CipherHow to Encrypt Data?Debugging Encrypt FunctionHow to Decrypt Data?Debugging Decrypt FunctionPutting Encrypt and Decrypt TogetherCode OptimizationProject 25 - Practice What We LearnedDividing the Program into StepsProject 26 - Putting Everything Together (Hangman)Section 14 - DictionariesWhat is a Dictionary?Creating Dictionary and Accessing Dictionary ElementsInsert/Update an Element in DictionaryCoding Exercise - Generate DictionaryTraverse / Search for Element in DictionaryCoding Exercise - Multiply Dictionary ItemsCoding Exercise - Student GradesRemove Elements from DictionaryCoding Exercise - Rename KeyIN / NOT IN Operators with DictionaryCoding Exercise - Count Characters in a WordNested DictionariesHandling Missing Keys in Dictionary - get() and setdefault() methodsKeys in Dictionary - fromkeys() and keys() methodsCoding Exercise - Group Value TypesDictionary items() MethodCoding Exercise - Length of Dictionary ValuesDictionary update() MethodCoding Exercise - Concatenate Three DictionariesDictionary values() MethodCoding Exercise - Remove Empty ItemsReference to Dictionary - copy() MethodCoding Exercise - Merge Two DictionaryDeep CopyCoding Exercise - Custom Deep Copy for List ValuesDictionary Operations and built in Python FunctionsDictionary vs ListDictionary QuizSection 15 - Real Projects (Dictionary)Project 27 - Calculate Total PriceProject 28 - Blind Auction ProgramProject 29 - Quiz APPSection 16 - TuplesWhat is a Tuple?Why Tuples?Unpacking TuplesCoding Exercise Sum Tuple Elements using UnpackTraverse Tuple - Enumerate()Coding Exercise Even Index with EnumerateSearching in TupleTuple Operations / FunctionsCoding Exercise Find Most Frequent ItemNested TuplesNested Tuple IndexingTuple vs ListCoding Exercise Convert Tuple to DictionaryTuple QuizProject 30 - English to Pig LatinProject 31 - Music APPSection 17 - SetsWhat is Set? Set TerminologySets in PythonSet MembershipAdding Members to SetCoding Exercise Adding Members from ListCoding Exercise Remove DuplicatesDeleting Items from SetDelete Restricted Items Using Remove MethodUnion SetCoding Exercise Combine SetsCoding Exercise Union List of SetsSet IntersectionSet SubtractionSet Symmetric DifferenceModifying SetsSubsets and SupersetsSection 18 - Real Projects (Sets)Project 32 - Powerball LotterySection 19 - Data Structures and Algorithms in PythonPython Programming Data StructuresPython Programming AlgorithmsSection 20 - RecursionWhat is Recursion?Why do we need Recursion?The Logic Behind RecursionRecursive vs Iterative SolutionHow to write a recursive solution in steps?Fibonacci Numbers using RecursionCoding Exercise 'a' to the power 'b' - using RecursionSection 21 - Project 33 - Flooder Gamebext Module in PythonSection 22 - Scope in PythonGlobal vs Local ScopeBlock Scope in PythonModify Global VariablePython Constants and Global ScopeScope QuizProject 34 - BlackJack - Practice What we have learntSection 23 - Debugging - Find and Fix Programming ErrorsIdentify the Problem (Error)Reproduce the BugAnalyse Each LineFix Errors - IDE MessagesUsing print() in DebuggingDebugger ToolsError Types - Syntax ErrorsRuntime ErrorsLogical ErrorsHandling the ErrorsRaise Your Own ExceptionsHandling ExceptionsSection 24 - Regular expressionsWhat is Regular Expression?MetacharactersGroups and AlterationRepetition in Regular Expression Patterns ( ?, *,)Greedy and Non Greedy MatchesCharacter ClassesCustom Character ClassesCaret, Dollar and Dot / Dot-StarAnchorsGrouping ConstructsRegex Matching with Flagsre Searching Functionsre Substitution Functionsre Utility FunctionsProject 35 - Phone and Email ScraperSection 25 - Local Development Environment - Installing PyCharmSteps for setting up Local Development EnvironmentDownload PyCharm (Windows/Mac)Install PyCharm on MacInstall PyCharm on WindowsCommon Features of PyCharmProject 36 - Strong Password Detection using Local Development EnvironmentSection 26 - Files and DirectoriesFile SystemsTerminal on Mac and Command Prompt WindowsRelative and Absolute File PathsQuiz PathsNavigate the File System with OS ModuleGet File Details with OS ModuleList All Files in Directory RecursivelyFilename Matching with glob ModulePython's New Pathlib ModuleOperating System DifferencesFind Last Modified File using PathlibFile System Modules (os, glob, pathlib)Project 36 - Display a Directory TreeProject 37 - Rename all Files in a Directory TODOOpen and Read Files Text FilesFile Cursor, Read Line and Read LinesSearching Through a FileReading File Challenge / ExerciseParsing Text FileFile ModesWriting to FilesPrinting a Text to FilesTime Table Exercise - (File Writing)What is a Binary File?Writing and Reading to Binary FileShelve ModuleData Manipulation with ShelveMoving and Copying FilesDeleting FilesProject 38 - Quiz using FilesSection 27 - Object Oriented Programming - OOPWhat is OOP? Why we need it?Object Oriented ThinkingOOP Concepts Classes, Objects, Attributes and MehtodsConstructing Objects - Accessing Attributes and MethodsBlackJack OOPClasses - Create Your Own ClassClass AttributesClass MethodsChecking Instance TypesEncapsulationGetters and SettersInheritanceInheritance with ParametersInheritance ChallengeOverriding MethodsProject 39 - Bike Rental System using OOPdatetime Module in PythonSection 28 - Excel Automation - Openpyxl LibraryIntroduction - Advantages and Use Cases of OpenpyxlReading Excel SpreadsheetsIterating Through ExcelColumns, Rows and CellsManipulate Excel DataProject 40 - Automate Daily Routine Excel TaskCreate Spreadsheet, Sheets and Update CellsManage Rows and ColumnsGenerate Random Excel Data - ChallengeExcel FormulasCell StylesConditional FormattingChartsLine Charts - Coding ChallengeProject 41 - Transpose Excel File from Rows to ColumnsSection 29 - PDF AutomationExtract PDF Metadata and TextCreate, Merge and Copy PDFsSplit, Rotate and OverlayDecrypt and EncryptProject 42 - Combine Specific Pages (add cover page) to PDFSection 30 - Web Scraping with Beautiful SoupWhat is Web Scraping?Basic HTML SkillsParsing HTML with Beautiful SoupFind and Select Specific ElementsSteps for Web Scraping a Real WebsiteDo All Websites Allow Web Scraping?Project 43 - Beautiful Soap - Airpods rating on AmazonSection 31 - Selenium Library - Python BOTsWhy Selenium?Setup SeleniumHow Select Elements in WebsiteScrap Data using SeleniumHow to Clicking Buttons and Filling Text FieldsSending Special Keys and Browser ButtonsProject 44 - Selenium - Follow on InstagramSection 32 - GUI AutomationWhat is GUI Automation? Installing PYAUTOGUI ModuleMouse MovementMouse InteractionMouse Drag - ChallengeScreenshot and Image RecognitionControlling the Keyboard and Show MessagesProject 45 - GUI Automation - Looking BusyProject 46 - Form FillerSection 33 - Working with CSV Data - The PandasReading CSVData Types and Basic StatisticsPandas Data Structures - SeriesAccessing Series ElementsPandas Data Structures - DataFrameAccessing DataFrameQuery DatasetGroup and Aggregate the DataWrite to CSVSection 34 - Turtle ModuleIntroduction to Turtle GraphicsMove TurtleDraw Shape - ChallengeDrawing and Filling Present ShapesDrawing PolygonsDraw Dashed ShapesRGB Color - Generate Random ColorScreen and Turtle PropertiesMove Random Directions - ChallengeHow to Create Games with TurtleWrite Method - Default Values for Function ArgumentsProject 47 - Draw PandaProject 48 - Draw National Flag of IndiaProject 49 - Draw National Flag of Your COUNTRYProject 50 - Schengen CountriesProject 51 - Turtle RaceProject 53 - Snake Game using OOPSection 35 - Tkinter ModuleIntroduction to TkinterCreating and Configuring WidgetsUnlimited Positional and Keyword Arguments (*args and **kwargs)Widget Placement - Geometry ManagersHandling EventsLabel WidgetButton WidgetCheck and Radio ButtonsEntry WidgetCombobox and SpinboxProgress Bar and ScaleOrganize Widgets with FrameFrame WidgetTop Level Window WidgetPaned Window WidgetNotebook Widget - TabsProject 54 - Feedback FormProject 55 - Pomodoro AppProject 56 - Text EditorSection 37 - Using SQLite in PythonWhat is SQLite?Project 55 - SQLite AppProject 56 - BookstoreSection 38 - Using MySQL in PythonWhat is MySQL?Project 57 - MySQL AppSection 39 Using PostgreSQL in PythonWhat is PostgreSQL?Project 58 - PostgreSQLSection 40 - Web Services - RESTful APIs with FlaskCreate API using FlaskProject 59 - APIsSection 41 - Advanced PythonLambdaList ComprehensionGeneratorsDecoratorsMultithreading in PythonData and Meta ClassesSection 42 - Data Analyses and VisualizationMatplotlibSeabornSection 43 - Real ProjectsProject 60 - 100Sign up today, and look forward to:Video LecturesLecture SlidesCode Challenges and ExercisesReal Life ProjectsQuizzesProgramming Resources and NotesDownloadsDon not just take my word for it, check out what existing students have to say about my courses:"Great explaining and has a ton of exercises, and he is updating it till this day. He codes a lot in the course, and he is fast at it, so for people looking for a fast paced course, this is a great option!." - Hyper O."The teacher is great! he explains everything in full details especially with real life examples. he uses the right algorithm in making his teaching methods effective so students don't get bored and sleepy." - Precious Ogbonna Nwakama"Nicely explained with graphics for non non programmers. Thank you. Amazingly simple to understand. Best wishes to the instructor." - Shahnawaz Ayon"- Amazing Explanation-The guy explains everything.-He explains with diagrams. Then with algorithm. Then with code.-This three times explanation makes the topics very retentive for a learner.." - Abinash Dash"Thats how a course should be! Excellent explanation and lot of coding excercises to practice.I read some comments on the accent of the trainer being not so good and all, but its very clear in fact!Am excited for the next sections…." - Siddhesh Sule"Excellent course for those looking to understand data structures and algorithms from beginner to advanced level. The theoretical explanations are well done, along with concrete real life examples. All data structures and algorithms described and then implemented, which makes the concepts easier to understand and gives you a chance to apply them in a real practice. The top tech's interview questions and answers sections are excellent bonus which allow for preparing real interviews."- Johanna DavidSo what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world's best and most comprehensive development course.
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: –––––––PART 1 - Getting Started with Python–––––––
Lecture 2 Getting Started with Python Programming
Section 3: Why We Program?
Lecture 3 Why should You Learn to Write Programs?
Lecture 4 Computer Hardware Architecture
Lecture 5 Installing Python on Mac
Lecture 6 Installing Python on Windows
Lecture 7 Learning a New Language
Lecture 8 The First Conversation with Python
Lecture 9 What is a Bug? What are the Types of Bug?
Lecture 10 What is Debugging?
Lecture 11 Interpreter and Compiler
Lecture 12 Code Editors and IDEs
Lecture 13 Getting Started with Code Editors
Lecture 14 Solution to Print Statement Coding Exercise
Lecture 15 Congratulations!!!
Section 4: Variables, Expressions and Statements
Lecture 16 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 17 Values and Types
Lecture 18 Variables
Lecture 19 Solution to Switch Values
Lecture 20 Operations and Expressions
Lecture 21 Input Function - Asking the User for Input
Lecture 22 Solution to Input Function
Lecture 23 Type Errors and Type Conversion
Lecture 24 Comments in Python
Lecture 25 Variable Naming
Lecture 26 Solution to Data Types
Lecture 27 f Strings and Rounding Numbers
Lecture 28 Well Done!
Section 5: Real Python Projects ( Variable, Expressions and Statements)
Lecture 29 Project 1: Greeting
Lecture 30 Project 2: Band Name Generator
Lecture 31 Project 3: Gross Pay
Lecture 32 Project 4: Celsius to Fahrenheit
Lecture 33 Project 5: Trip Cost Calculator
Section 6: Conditional Execution
Lecture 34 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 35 Boolean Expressions
Lecture 36 Conditional Execution (IF)
Lecture 37 Solution to Even or Odd
Lecture 38 Nested Conditionals
Lecture 39 Chained Conditionals (IF/ELIF/ELSE)
Lecture 40 Solution to BMI Calculator
Lecture 41 Multiple IF Statements
Lecture 42 Solution to Burger Order
Lecture 43 Logical Operators
Lecture 44 Try and Except
Section 7: Real Python Projects ( Conditional Execution)
Lecture 45 Project 6 - Gross Pay with Overtime
Lecture 46 Project 7 - Leap Year
Lecture 47 Project 8 - Love Calculator
Lecture 48 Project 9 - Gross Program using Try and Except
Lecture 49 Project 10 - Score Checker
Section 8: Python Functions
Lecture 50 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 51 Function Calls and Built in Functions - Type and Math Functions
Lecture 52 What is a Module? - Python Math Module
Lecture 53 Solution to Area of Circle
Lecture 54 Solution to Factorial Exercise
Lecture 55 Randomisation in Python
Lecture 56 Solution to Coin Toss
Lecture 57 Creating New Functions - User Defined Functions
Lecture 58 Indentation in Python
Lecture 59 Functions in Practice
Lecture 60 Function with Inputs - Parameters and Arguments
Lecture 61 Solution to Area of Square
Lecture 62 Solution to Volume Converter
Lecture 63 Positional and Keyword Arguments
Lecture 64 Solution to Painting the Wall
Lecture 65 Functions with Outputs
Lecture 66 Solution to Concatenate
Lecture 67 Multiple Returns
Lecture 68 Solution to Password Controller
Lecture 69 Docstrings
Lecture 70 Solution to Calculator
Lecture 71 Print or Return?
Lecture 72 Why Functions?
Section 9: Real Python Projects (Python Functions)
Lecture 73 Project 11 - Leap Year with Function
Lecture 74 Project 12 - Gross Pay with Functions
Lecture 75 Project 13 - Cold, Warm and Hot
Lecture 76 Project 14 - Maximum of Three Numbers
Section 10: Iteration (Lists)
Lecture 77 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 78 Understanding the Lists
Lecture 79 The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Lecture 80 For Loop
Lecture 81 Updating Variables
Lecture 82 Solution to Highest Score
Lecture 83 Solution to Find Integer Numbers
Lecture 84 Solution of Above Average Scores
Lecture 85 Loop Over Custom Function
Lecture 86 Using range() Function with For Loop
Lecture 87 Solution to Adding Odd Numbers
Lecture 88 Solution to Adding Even Numbers in ANY Range
Lecture 89 For Loop in Practice
Lecture 90 While Loop
Lecture 91 While Loop in Practice - Hurdle 2
Lecture 92 Solution to Check Username
Lecture 93 While Loop in Practice - Hurdle 3
Lecture 94 While Loop in Practice - Hurdle 4
Lecture 95 Finishing iterations with CONTINUE and BREAK
Lecture 96 Solution to Numbers Divisible by 5 Until 130
Lecture 97 Solution to Factorial
Lecture 98 Solution to Sum, Count and Average of Entered Numbers
Lecture 99 Solution to Maximum and Minimum of Input Numbers
Section 11: Real Python Projects (Iteration)
Lecture 100 Project 15 - Dice Rolling Simulator
Lecture 101 Project 16 - Fizz Buzz Game
Lecture 102 Project 17 - Guessing the Number
Lecture 103 Project 18 - Password Generator
Lecture 104 Project 19 - Rock, Paper and Scissors
Section 12: ––––––––PART 2 - Python Data Structures––––––––
Lecture 105 What you will learn in PART 2
Section 13: Introduction to Data Structures
Lecture 106 What is a Data Structure?
Lecture 107 What is an Algorithm?
Lecture 108 Why are Data Structures and Algorithms important?
Lecture 109 Types of Data Structures
Section 14: Strings
Lecture 110 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 111 What is a String?
Lecture 112 Solution to Sum of Digits of 2 Digits Number
Lecture 113 String Traversal
Lecture 114 Solution to Backward Traversal
Lecture 115 Solution to Sum of Digits
Lecture 116 Solution to Count Characters in a String
Lecture 117 String Operations
Lecture 118 Solution to First and Last 2 Characters
Lecture 119 String Methods
Lecture 120 Solution to Replace Character in a String
Lecture 121 Parsing Strings
Lecture 122 Escape Sequence
Lecture 123 String Formatting
Lecture 124 Solution to Format a String
Lecture 125 Solution to Print Pattern
Lecture 126 Project 20 - String Formatting
Section 15: More on Python Lists
Lecture 127 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 128 More on Lists
Lecture 129 Solution to Square of Items
Lecture 130 Index Out Of Range
Lecture 131 List Operations
Lecture 132 Solution to Reverse a List using Slice Operator
Lecture 133 List Methods Practice
Lecture 134 Solution to Update the First Occurrence
Lecture 135 Solution to First and Last Characters
Lecture 136 List and Functions
Lecture 137 Solution to Create a List from Two Lists
Lecture 138 Solution Remove and Add
Lecture 139 Solution to Three Equal Chunks
Lecture 140 Strings and Lists
Lecture 141 Solution to Format List
Lecture 142 Nested List
Lecture 143 Solution to Add Item in Nested List
Lecture 144 Solution to Extend Nested List
Lecture 145 Objects and Values
Lecture 146 Solution to List Addition with Function
Lecture 147 Solution to Concatenate Two Lists Index-wise
Section 16: Real Python Projects (List)
Lecture 148 Project 21 - Bill Roulette
Lecture 149 Project 22 - Find the Gold
Lecture 150 Project 23 - Escaping the Maze (From Previous Section)
Section 17: Project 24 - Cryptography with Python : Caesar Cipher
Lecture 151 How to Encrypt Data?
Lecture 152 Debugging Encrypt Function
Lecture 153 How to Decrypt Data?
Lecture 154 Debugging Decrypt Function
Lecture 155 Putting Encrypt and Decrypt Together
Lecture 156 Code Optimization
Section 18: Project 25 - Practice What We Learned
Lecture 157 Dividing the Program into Steps
Lecture 158 Step 1 - Creating a Function
Lecture 159 Step 2 - Constructing the Loop
Lecture 160 Step 3 - Putting Everything Together
Section 19: Project 26 - Putting Everything Together (Hangman)
Lecture 161 Goals - How Complete Project Looks Like?
Lecture 162 Dividing the Complex Problem into a Flow Chart
Lecture 163 Step 1 - Picking a secret word and asking player input
Lecture 164 Step 2 - Check letter
Lecture 165 Step 3 - Guess Letter Again using While Loop
Lecture 166 Step 4 - Track Lives
Lecture 167 Step 5 - Adding ASCII Art
Lecture 168 Optimize the Program
Section 20: Dictionaries
Lecture 169 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 170 What is a Dictionary?
Lecture 171 Creating Dictionary and Accessing Dictionary Elements
Lecture 172 Insert/Update an Element in Dictionary
Lecture 173 Solution to Generate Dictionary
Lecture 174 Traverse / Search for Element in Dictionary
Lecture 175 Solution to Multiply Dictionary Items
Lecture 176 Solution to Student Grades
Lecture 177 Remove Elements from Dictionary
Lecture 178 Solution to Rename Key
Lecture 179 IN / NOT IN Operators with Dictionary
Lecture 180 Solution to Count Characters in a Word
Lecture 181 Nested Dictionaries
Lecture 182 Solution to Nesting Dictionary Exercise
Lecture 183 Handling Missing Keys in Dictionary - get() and setdefault() methods
Lecture 184 Keys in Dictionary - fromkeys() and keys() methods
Lecture 185 Solution to Group Value Type
Lecture 186 Dictionary items() Method
Lecture 187 Solution Length of Dictionary Values
Lecture 188 Dictionary update() Method
Lecture 189 Solution to Concatenate Three Dictionaries
Lecture 190 Dictionary values() Method
Lecture 191 Solution to Remove Empty Items
Lecture 192 Reference to Dictionary - copy() Method
Lecture 193 Solution to Merge Two Dictionary
Lecture 194 Deep Copy
Lecture 195 Solution to Custom Deep Copy for List Values
Lecture 196 Dictionary Operations and built in Python Functions
Lecture 197 Dictionary vs List
Section 21: Real Projects (Dictionary)
Lecture 198 Project 27 - Calculate Total Price
Section 22: Project 28 - Blind Auction Program
Lecture 199 Blind Auction Flowchart
Lecture 200 Blind Auction Implementation
Lecture 201 Blind Auction Find Highest Big
Lecture 202 Blind Auction Bug Fix
Section 23: Project 29 - Quiz APP
Lecture 203 How does it work? Flowchart
Lecture 204 Project Setup - Create Questions Dictionary
Lecture 205 Quiz APP Implementation
Lecture 206 Check Player's Answer
Lecture 207 Switch Players
Lecture 208 Find Winner
Lecture 209 Show Correct Answers
Lecture 210 Optimize the Program
Section 24: Tuples
Lecture 211 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 212 What is a Tuple?
Lecture 213 Why Tuples?
Lecture 214 Unpacking Tuples
Lecture 215 Solution to Sum Tuple Elements using UNPACK
Lecture 216 Traverse Tuple - Enumerate()
Lecture 217 Solution to Even Index with Enumerate()
Lecture 218 Searching in Tuple
Lecture 219 Tuple Operations / Functions
Lecture 220 Solution to Find Most Frequent Item
Lecture 221 Nested Tuples
Lecture 222 Nested Tuple Indexing
Lecture 223 Solution to Nesting Indexing
Lecture 224 Tuple vs List
Lecture 225 Convert Tuple to Dictionary Solution
Lecture 226 Solution to Comparing Tuples
Section 25: Project 30 - English to Pig Latin
Lecture 227 How does it work?
Lecture 228 The Flowchart
Lecture 229 Separate non Letters from beginning of the word
Lecture 230 Separate non letters from end of the word
Lecture 231 Translate to Pig Latin
Lecture 232 Complete Project
Lecture 233 Refactor the Code
Lecture 234 Fixing the Bugs
Section 26: Project 31 - Music APP
Lecture 235 Complete Project
Lecture 236 Flowchart
Lecture 237 Create Nested Tuple
Lecture 238 Print Logo and Playlist
Lecture 239 Choose a Song to Play
Lecture 240 Finalize the Project
Section 27: Sets
Lecture 241 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 242 What is Set? Set Terminology
Lecture 243 Sets in Python
Lecture 244 Set Membership
Lecture 245 Adding Members to Set
Lecture 246 Solution to Adding Members from List
Lecture 247 Solution to Remove Duplicates
Lecture 248 Deleting Items from Set
Lecture 249 Solution to Delete Restricted Items
Lecture 250 Delete Restricted Items Using Remove Method
Lecture 251 Union Set
Lecture 252 Solution to Combine Sets
Lecture 253 Solution to Union List of Sets
Lecture 254 Set Intersection
Lecture 255 Solution to Find Numbers Divisible by 3 and 4
Lecture 256 Solution to Find Preposition
Lecture 257 Set Subtraction
Lecture 258 Solution to Difference of More than two Sets
Lecture 259 Set Symmetric Difference
Lecture 260 Modifying Sets
Lecture 261 Subsets and Supersets
Section 28: Real Projects (Sets)
Lecture 262 Project 32 - Powerball Lottery
Lecture 263 Powerball Lottery - Step 1
Lecture 264 Powerball Lottery - Step 2
Lecture 265 Powerball Lottery - Step 3
Lecture 266 Powerball Lottery - Step 4
Lecture 267 Powerball Lottery Final
Lecture 268 Bug Fix
Section 29: Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Lecture 269 Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
Lecture 270 DSA in Python Curriculum
Lecture 271 The Complete Data Structures and Algorithm Course in Python
Section 30: ––-PART 3 - Recursion, Regular Expressions, Files and OOP––-
Lecture 272 What you will learn in PART 3
Section 31: Recursion
Lecture 273 Goals: what you will learn by the end of this section
Lecture 274 What is Recursion?
Lecture 275 Why do we need Recursion?
Lecture 276 The Logic Behind Recursion
Lecture 277 Recursive vs Iterative Solution
Lecture 278 How to write recursive solution in 3 steps?
Lecture 279 Fibonacci Numbers using Recursion
Lecture 280 Solution to Sum of List using Recursion
Lecture 281 Solution to 'a' to the power 'b' - using Recursion
Lecture 282 Solution to Sum of Positive Integers
Section 32: Project 33 - Flooder Game
Lecture 283 The Complete Project - How it looks like
Lecture 284 bext Module in Python
Lecture 285 Step 1 - Get New Board
Lecture 286 Step 2 - Display the Board
Lecture 287 Step 3 - Ask for Player Move
Lecture 288 Step 4 - Check for Win
Section 33: Scope in Python
Lecture 289 Goals: what you will learn by the end of this section
Lecture 290 Global vs Local Scope
Lecture 291 Block Scope in Python
Lecture 292 Modify Global Variable
Lecture 293 Python Constants and Global Scope
Section 34: Project 34 - BlackJack - Practice What we have learnt
Lecture 294 The Complete Project - How it looks like
Lecture 295 BlackJack Program Requirements
Lecture 296 Step 1 - Set the Constants
Lecture 297 Step 2 - Get Bet
Lecture 298 Step 3 - Get Deck
Lecture 299 Step 4 - Display Cards
Lecture 300 Step 5 - Get Hand Values
Lecture 301 Step 6 - Display Hands
Lecture 302 Step 7 - Get Move
Lecture 303 Final Step - Complete Project
Section 35: Debugging - Find and Fix Programming Errors
Lecture 304 Goals: what you will learn by the end of this section
Lecture 305 Identify the Problem (Error)
Lecture 306 Reproduce the Bug
Lecture 307 Analyse Each Line
Lecture 308 Fix Errors - IDE Messages
Lecture 309 Using print() in Debugging
Lecture 310 Debugger Tools
Lecture 311 Error Types - Syntax Errors
Lecture 312 Runtime Errors
Lecture 313 Logical Errors
Lecture 314 Debugging - Challenge 1
Lecture 315 Debugging - Challenge 2
Lecture 316 Debugging - Challenge 3
Lecture 317 Handling the Errors
Lecture 318 Handling Exceptions - Challenge 1
Lecture 319 Raise Your Own Exceptions
Lecture 320 Handling Exceptions - Challenge 2
Section 36: Regular expressions
Lecture 321 Goals: what you will learn by the end of this section
Lecture 322 What is Regular Expression?
Lecture 323 Solution - Find Three Consecutive Numbers
Lecture 324 Metacharacters
Lecture 325 Groups and Alteration
Lecture 326 Repetition in Regular Expression Patterns ( ?, *,)
Lecture 327 Solution to Repetition EX1
Lecture 328 Solution to Repetition EX2
Lecture 329 Solution to Repetition EX3
Lecture 330 Greedy and Non Greedy Matches
Lecture 331 Character Classes
Lecture 332 Solution to Character Class EX1
Lecture 333 Solution to Character Class EX2
Lecture 334 Custom Character Classes
Lecture 335 Solution to Character Class EX3
Lecture 336 Solution to Character Class EX4
Lecture 337 Solution to Character Class EX5
Lecture 338 Caret, Dollar and Dot / Dot-Star
Lecture 339 Solution to Regex Pattern EX6
Lecture 340 Solution to Regex Pattern EX7
Lecture 341 Solution to Regex Pattern EX8
Lecture 342 Anchors
Lecture 343 Solution to Anchors
Lecture 344 More on Regex Groups
Lecture 345 Solution to is Decimal
Lecture 346 Backreferences
Lecture 347 More on Grouping Constructs
Lecture 348 Regex Matching with Flags
Lecture 349 re Searching Functions
Lecture 350 re Substitution Functions
Lecture 351 Solution to Regex Substitution
Lecture 352 re Utility Functions
Section 37: Project 35 - Phone and Email Scraper
Lecture 353 What we will make?
Lecture 354 TODO 1 - Phone Regex Pattern
Lecture 355 TODO 2,3 and 4
Section 38: Local Development Environment - Installing PyCharm
Lecture 356 Goals: what you will learn by the end of this section
Lecture 357 Steps for setting up Local Development Environment
Lecture 358 Download PyCharm (Windows/Mac)
Lecture 359 Install PyCharm on Mac
Lecture 360 Install PyCharm on Windows
Lecture 361 Common Features of PyCharm
Section 39: Project 36 - Strong Password Detection using Local Development Environment
Lecture 362 What we will develop?
Lecture 363 Implementation using Regular Expressions
Section 40: Files and Directories
Lecture 364 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 365 File Systems
Lecture 366 Terminal on Mac and Command Prompt Windows
Lecture 367 Relative and Absolute File Paths
Lecture 368 Navigate the File System with OS Module
Lecture 369 Get File Details with OS Module
Lecture 370 More on OS Module
Lecture 371 Solution Number of Files in Current Directory
Lecture 372 List All Files in Directory Recursively
Lecture 373 Filename Matching with glob Module
Lecture 374 Python's New Pathlib Module
Lecture 375 Operating System Differences
Lecture 376 Find Last Modified File using Pathlib
Lecture 377 Project 38 - Display a Directory Tree
Lecture 378 Project 39 - Rename all Files in a Directory TODO 1
Lecture 379 Project 39 - Rename all Files in a Directory TODO 2
Lecture 380 Open and Read Files Text Files
Lecture 381 File Cursor, Read Line and Read Lines
Lecture 382 Searching Through a File
Lecture 383 Reading File Challenge / Exercise 1
Lecture 384 Parsing Text File
Lecture 385 Solution to Reading File Exercise 2
Lecture 386 Solution to Number of Characters
Lecture 387 File Modes
Lecture 388 Writing to Files
Lecture 389 Printing a Text to Files
Lecture 390 Time Table Exercise - (File Writing)
Lecture 391 What is a Binary File?
Lecture 392 Writing and Reading to Binary File
Lecture 393 Shelve Module
Lecture 394 Data Manipulation with Shelve
Lecture 395 More on Shelve Module
Lecture 396 Moving and Copying Files
Lecture 397 Deleting Files
Section 41: Project 40 - Quiz using Files
Lecture 398 Project Overview
Lecture 399 Step 1 and 2 - Parse Data
Lecture 400 Step 3 - Question Files
Lecture 401 Step 4 - Answer Files
Lecture 402 Step 5 - Write Content
Lecture 403 Step 6 - Delete Files
Section 42: Object Oriented Programming - OOP
Lecture 404 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 405 What is OOP? Why we need it?
Lecture 406 Object Oriented Thinking
Lecture 407 OOP Concepts: Classes, Objects, Attributes and Mehtods
Lecture 408 Constructing Objects - Accessing Attributes and Methods
Lecture 409 BlackJack OOP
Lecture 410 BlackJack OOP Solution Part 1
Lecture 411 BlackJack OOP Solution Part 2
Lecture 412 Classes - Create Your Own Class
Lecture 413 Class Attributes
Lecture 414 Class Methods
Lecture 415 OOP Challenge 1
Lecture 416 OOP Challenge 2
Lecture 417 OOP Challenge 3
Lecture 418 Checking Instance Types
Lecture 419 Encapsulation
Lecture 420 Getters and Setters
Lecture 421 Getters and Setters Challenge
Lecture 422 Inheritance
Lecture 423 Inheritance with Parameters
Lecture 424 Inheritance Challenge
Lecture 425 Overriding Methods
Lecture 426 Overriding Methods Challenge
Lecture 427 Abstraction
Section 43: Project 41 - Bike Rental System using OOP
Lecture 428 Project Overview
Lecture 429 datetime Module in Python
Lecture 430 TODO 1, 2 and 3
Lecture 431 TODO 4 and 5
Lecture 432 TODO 6
Lecture 433 TODO 7, 8 and 9
Lecture 434 TODO 10, 11 and 12
Lecture 435 Challenge Solution
Section 44: ––PART 4 - PYTHON AUTOMATION: Automate Daily Routine TASKS––
Lecture 436 What you will learn in PART 4
Section 45: Excel Automation - Openpyxl Library
Lecture 437 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 438 Introduction - Advantages and Use Cases of Openpyxl
Lecture 439 Reading Excel Spreadsheets
Lecture 440 Iterating Through Excel
Lecture 441 Columns, Rows and Cells
Lecture 442 Manipulate Excel Data
Section 46: Project 42 - Automate Daily Routine Excel Task
Lecture 443 Project Overview
Lecture 444 Step 1 - Reading Data from Excel
Lecture 445 Step 2 - Manipulate data using Data Structures
Lecture 446 Step 3 - Write Output to the File
Section 47: Excel Automation - Openpyxl Library continued
Lecture 447 Create Spreadsheet, Sheets and Update Cells
Lecture 448 Manage Rows and Columns
Lecture 449 Generate Random Excel Data - Challenge
Lecture 450 Excel Formulas
Lecture 451 Cell Styles
Lecture 452 Conditional Formatting
Lecture 453 Charts
Lecture 454 Line Charts - Coding Challenge
Section 48: Project 43 - Transpose Excel File from Rows to Columns
Lecture 455 Project Objective
Lecture 456 Steps For Completing the Project
Section 49: PDF Automation
Lecture 457 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 458 Introduction
Lecture 459 Extract PDF Metadata and Text
Lecture 460 Create, Merge and Copy PDFs
Lecture 461 Split, Rotate and Overlay
Lecture 462 Decrypt and Encrypt
Section 50: Project 44 - Combine Specific Pages (add cover page) to PDF
Lecture 463 Project Solution - Todo 1 , 2 and 3
Section 51: Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup
Lecture 464 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 465 What is Web Scraping?
Lecture 466 Basic HTML Skills
Lecture 467 Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup
Lecture 468 Find and Select Specific Elements
Lecture 469 Steps for Web Scraping a Real Website
Lecture 470 Do All Websites Allow Web Scraping?
Section 52: Project 45 - Beautiful Soap - Airpods rating on Amazon
Lecture 471 Project Objective
Lecture 472 Steps for Completing the Project
Section 53: Selenium Library - Python BOTs
Lecture 473 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 474 Why Selenium?
Lecture 475 Setup Selenium
Lecture 476 How Select Elements in Website
Lecture 477 Scrap Data using Selenium
Lecture 478 How to Clicking Buttons and Filling Text Fields
Lecture 479 Sending Special Keys and Browser Buttons
Section 54: Project 46 - Selenium - Follow on Instagram
Lecture 480 Project Objective
Lecture 481 Steps to Complete the Project
Section 55: GUI Automation
Lecture 482 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 483 What is GUI Automation? Installing PYAUTOGUI Module
Lecture 484 Mouse Movement
Lecture 485 Mouse Interaction
Lecture 486 Mouse Drag - Challenge
Lecture 487 Screenshot and Image Recognition
Lecture 488 Controlling the Keyboard and Show Messages
Section 56: Project 47 - GUI Automation - Looking Busy
Lecture 489 Project Objective
Lecture 490 Solution
Section 57: Project 48 - Form Filler
Lecture 491 Project Objective
Lecture 492 Steps To Complete the Project
Section 58: Working with CSV Data - The Pandas
Lecture 493 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 494 Reading CSV
Lecture 495 Data Types and Basic Statistics
Lecture 496 Pandas Data Structures - Series
Lecture 497 Accessing Series Elements
Lecture 498 Pandas Data Structures - DataFrame
Lecture 499 Accessing DataFrame
Lecture 500 Query Dataset
Lecture 501 Group and Aggregate the Data
Lecture 502 Write to CSV
Lecture 503 Pandas CSV Challenge
Section 59: –––––PART 5 - Graphical User Interface in Python–––––
Lecture 504 What you will learn in PART 5
Section 60: Turtle Module
Lecture 505 Goals: what you will make by the end of this section
Lecture 506 Introduction to Turtle Graphics
Lecture 507 Move Turtle
Lecture 508 Draw Shape - Challenge 1
Lecture 509 Drawing and Filling Present Shapes
Lecture 510 Drawing Polygons
Lecture 511 Draw Dashed Shapes
Lecture 512 RGB Color - Generate Random Color
Lecture 513 Screen and Turtle Properties
Lecture 514 Move Random Directions - Challenge 2
Lecture 515 How to Create Games with Turtle
Lecture 516 Write Method - Default Values for Function Arguments
Section 61: Project 49 - Draw Panda using Turtle Module
Lecture 517 Project Objective
Lecture 518 Steps to Complete the Project
Section 62: Project 50 - Draw National Flag of India
Lecture 519 Project Objective
Lecture 520 Steps to Complete the Project
Section 63: Project 51 - Draw National Flag of Your COUNTRY
Lecture 521 Project Objective
Section 64: Project 52 - Schengen Countries
Lecture 522 What you will make
Lecture 523 Solution
Section 65: Project 53 - Turtle Race
Lecture 524 Project Objective
Lecture 525 Step 1 - Setup Screen
Lecture 526 Step 2 - Setup Turtle
Lecture 527 Step 3 - Move Turtles Randomly
Lecture 528 Step 4 - Define the Winner and Show Message
Lecture 529 Solution
Section 66: Project 54 - Snake Game using OOP
Lecture 530 What you will make by the end of section
Lecture 531 Steps to Complete the Project
Lecture 532 Step 1 - Create Game Screen and a Snake
Lecture 533 Step 2 - Moving Snake on the Screen
Lecture 534 Step 3 - Change the Direction of the Snake
Lecture 535 Step 4 - Create Snake Class
Lecture 536 Step 5 - Control Snake with Keys
Lecture 537 Step 6 - Create and Detect Food
Lecture 538 Step 7 - Create a Scoreboard
Lecture 539 Step 8 - Detect Collision with Wall
Lecture 540 Step 9 - Detect collision with Tail
Section 67: Tkinter Module
Lecture 541 Introduction to Tkinter
Lecture 542 Creating and Configuring Widgets
Lecture 543 Unlimited Positional and Keyword Arguments (*args and **kwargs)
Lecture 544 Widget Placement - Geometry Managers
Lecture 545 Handling Events
Lecture 546 Label Widget
Lecture 547 Button Widget
Lecture 548 Check and Radio Buttons
Lecture 549 Entry Widget
Lecture 550 Combobox and Spinbox
Lecture 551 Progress Bar and Scale
Lecture 552 Organize Widgets with Frame
Lecture 553 Top Level Window Widget
Lecture 554 Paned Window Widget
Lecture 555 Notebook Widget - Tabs
Lecture 556 Advanced Widgets - Text Widget
Lecture 557 Advanced Widgets - Text Widget Tag/Marks/Images
Lecture 558 Advanced Widgets - Treeview
Lecture 559 Adding Columns to Treeview
Lecture 560 Building Menu - Sub Menu
Lecture 561 Draw Line on Canvas
Lecture 562 Draw Complex Shapes on Canvas
Lecture 563 Scrollbar Widget
Lecture 564 Widget Style
Lecture 565 Message Box
Lecture 566 Pack Geometry Manager
Lecture 567 Grid Geometry Manager
Lecture 568 Place Geometry Manager
Lecture 569 Command Callbacks
Lecture 570 Keyboard Events
Lecture 571 Mouse Events
Lecture 572 Virtual Events
Section 68: Defining Main() Function in Python
Lecture 573 __main__ and __name__: Special Attributes
Lecture 574 Execution Modes
Lecture 575 Best Practices for __main__ Function
Section 69: Project 55 - Feedback Form
Lecture 576 What you will make by the end of the section
Lecture 577 Step 1 - Planing the Design
Lecture 578 Step 2 - Creating the Widgets
Lecture 579 Step 3 - Placing Widgets on Screen
Lecture 580 Step 4 - Binding to Events
Lecture 581 Step 5 - GUI Style
Section 70: Project 56 - Length Converter
Lecture 582 What you will make by the end of the section
Lecture 583 Step 1 - Design the Length Converter and Create Widgets
Lecture 584 Step 2 - Place Widgets
Lecture 585 Step 3 - Create Method / Bind Events / Setup Layout
Section 71: Project 57 - Text Editor
Lecture 586 What you will make by the end of the section
Lecture 587 Step 1 - Design the Text Editor and Creating Widgets
Lecture 588 Step 2 - Place the Widgets
Lecture 589 Step 3 - Create Methods and Bind Events
Section 72: ––––PART 6 - Working with Databases and Webservices––––
Lecture 590 What you will learn in PART 6
Section 73: Introduction to Databases in Python
Lecture 591 What is a Database?
Lecture 592 Relational Databases
Lecture 593 Non Relational Databases
Lecture 594 Python Database API
Section 74: Using SQLite in Python
Lecture 595 What is SQL?
Lecture 596 What is SQLite?
Lecture 597 Connect SQLite with Python
Lecture 598 SQLite Browser
Lecture 599 Create Table in SQLite
Lecture 600 What is Cursor?
Lecture 601 INSERT INTO - Adding Data to a Table in SQLite
Lecture 602 Insert data from CSV to SQLite - Exercise
Lecture 603 SELECT - Retrieve Data from SQLite
Lecture 604 WHERE - Filter Data in SQLite
Lecture 605 UPDATE - Change Data
Lecture 606 DELETE / DROP - Remove Data
Lecture 607 JOINS - Access Tables Together
Section 75: Project 58 - Password Manager using SQLite
Lecture 608 What you will make by the end of the section
Lecture 609 Step 1 - Design Layout and Create Widgets
Lecture 610 Step 2 - Place Widgets on Screen
Lecture 611 Step 3 - Develop Backend
Lecture 612 Step 4 - Connecting Backend with Frontend
Section 76: SQLAlchemy Core
Lecture 613 What is SQLAlchemy?
Lecture 614 Connecting Database and Create Table using SQLAlchemy Core
Lecture 615 Insert Data to SQLite using SQLAlchemy Core
Lecture 616 Retrieve Data From SQLite using SQLAlchemy Core
Lecture 617 Update Data using SQLAlchemy Core
Lecture 618 Delete Data using SQLAlchemy Core
Lecture 619 Join Tables using SQLAlchemy Core
Section 77: Project 59 - Password Manager using SQLAlchemy Core
Lecture 620 What you will make by the end of the section
Lecture 621 Develop Backend Using SQLAlchemy Core
Section 78: SQLAlchemy ORM
Lecture 622 Connecting Database and Create Table using SQLAlchemy ORM
Lecture 623 Insert Data to Database using SQLAlchemy ORM
Lecture 624 Retrieve Data From Database using SQLAlchemy ORM
Lecture 625 Filter Operations SQLAlchemy ORM
Lecture 626 Update Data using SQLAlchemy ORM
Lecture 627 Delete Data From Database using SQLAlchemy ORM
Lecture 628 Building Relationship SQLAlchemy ORM
Lecture 629 Join Tables using SQLAlchemy ORM
Section 79: Project 60 - Bookstore
Lecture 630 Project Objective
Section 80: Using MySQL in Python
Lecture 631 What is MySQL?
Section 81: Project 61 - MySQL App
Lecture 632 Project Objective
Section 82: Using PostgreSQL in Python
Lecture 633 What is PostgreSQL?
Section 83: Project 62 - PostgreSQL
Lecture 634 Project Objective
Section 84: Web Services - RESTful APIs with Flask
Lecture 635 Important Message
Section 85: Project 63 - APIs
Lecture 636 Project Objective
Section 86: –––––––-PART 7 - Advanced Python–––––––-
Lecture 637 What you will learn in PART 7
Section 87: List Comprehension
Lecture 638 What is List Comprehension?
Lecture 639 Coding Exercise - List Comprehension - Squares
Lecture 640 Using Conditional Logic - List Comprehension
Lecture 641 Apply List Comprehension to Password Generator Method
Lecture 642 Dictionary Comprehension
Lecture 643 Coding Exercise - Dictionary Comprehension
Lecture 644 Walrus Operator
Section 88: Advanced Python - Lambda , Generators, Decorators
Lecture 645 Important Message
Section 89: Multithreading in Python
Lecture 646 Important Message
Section 90: Data and Meta Classes
Lecture 647 Important Message
Section 91: Project 64 - Advanced Python
Lecture 648 Project Objective
Section 92: ––––––PART 8 - Data Analyses and Visualization––––––
Lecture 649 What you will learn in this PART 8
Section 93: Matplotlib
Lecture 650 Important Message
Section 94: Seaborn
Lecture 651 Important Message
Section 95: Project 65 - Titanic Project
Lecture 652 Project Objective
Section 96: Project 66 - Stack Market Analyses
Lecture 653 Project Objective
Section 97: ––––––––PART 9 - Building Your Portfolio––––––––
Lecture 654 What you will learn in this PART 9
Section 98: Project 67 - Portfolio Project (Files and Directories)
Section 99: Project 68 - Portfolio Project (Files and Directories)
Section 100: Project 69 - Create Amazon Price Tracker (Beautiful Soup)
Lecture 655 Project Overview
Section 101: Project 70 - Website Blocker
Lecture 656 Project Overview
Section 102: Project 71 - Create Spotify Playlist (APIs)
Lecture 657 Project Overview
Section 103: Project 72 - 100
Lecture 658 Important Message
Lecture 659 Bonus Lecture
If you want to learn Python from scratch through building fun and useful projects, then take this course.,If you want to start your own startup by building your own apps.,If you are an experienced programmer wanting to switch to Python then this is the quickest way through real coding projects.,If you are an intermediate Python programmer this course will help you to level up.