«Gutta Percha Willie» by George MacDonald
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While still editing the magazine Good Words for the Young, MacDonald wrote this second «boy’s novel," unconnected with but written for a similar audience as Ranald Bannerman's story. Inventive young Willie Macmichael turns everything about him to creative uses, hungrily learning from the grown-ups around him, prompting MacDonald’s subtitle, “The Working Genius.” Though one of MacDonald’s lesser-known titles, editor Michael Phillips comments, «MacDonald’s strongest and most eternal contribution to the world lies in the realm of spiritual practicality. Willie epitomizes the practicality of growing into one’s place in God’s general business. This story therefore deserves to be considered one of MacDonald’s memorable portrayals of that eternal imperative. I love this book!” Gutta Percha Willie was MacDonald’s only book published in 1873, released while he was on a lecture tour in America.